27 research outputs found

    Revamping Local and Regional Development through local regional management practices

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    through local regional management practices. Local and regional development is facilitated often upon the implementation of local and regional management practices by the government and civil authorities in a specific geographic area. Another unique and exciting way to reevaluate international development programs is via local and regional management techniques. They are inspiring locals to think strategically rather than waiting for solutions. Thus, they may have a big impact, but their effectiveness might be limited by local capacity issues, coordination issues, and a lack of robust local institutions. Capacity development programs must be suitably matched to local realities to promote beneficiary participation. Building capacity may be done on various scales, with various short- and long-term goals, and using various techniques. Beneficiaries need more intensive focused assistance, at least in the near future, to complete the particular research needed to put a request for review and funding into action. The proliferation of jobs, a rise in the standard of living, better income, and better opportunities are all important dimensions of regional and local development. Keywords: local development, region development, management practice

    Relationship Between Business Communication and Business Sustainability in Times of Uncertainty. A Case Study of Greece

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    Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine the relationship that exists between business communication and business sustainability in uncertain times.   Theoretical framework: The study utilized the stakeholder theory which helps in explaining business sustainability in times of uncertainty and how it is influenced by different aspects such as communication.   Design/methodology/approach: The questionnaire was used to collect data was from a sample of 138 business owners or employees of SMEs in the manufacturing sector of Kozani Greece.   Findings: The results of this study shows that internal business communication has a positive effect on sustainability of a business during uncertain times. The results also show a positive effect of horizontal and external business communication on business sustainability during times of uncertainty. Since human interaction is the cornerstone of service providers' operations, this transfer assumes a great impact in business, most especially in the service industry. A sustainable strategy or plan must incorporate excellent communication. In order to effectively plan and consequently construct sustainability as well as sustainable plans, people must communicate themselves both internally as well as externally using the appropriate form(s) of communication. Therefore, managers in reputable organization ought to communicate with the receiver in a clear, direct, and accurate manner whether utilizing oral communication to enhance business continuity during times of uncertainty.   Research, Practical & Social implications: The results are of great importance to the field of business management especially concerning the relevance of business communication in supporting sustainability of businesses during crises or times of uncertainty.   Originality/value: The study provides is original knowledge on business communication in supporting sustainability during the different uncertain times

    Impact of plant closures on urban and regional communities : a case study of South Australian gas industry and its workers

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    Purpose: This research paper has been compiled from the articles and journals of various scholars. The elements and factors, which affected the plant closure and its impact on the economical fields, are analyzed at depth. Design/Methodology/Approach: The economic condition based on geographical scenario along with the case study on the Limestone Coast region of South Australia is vividly discussed. In other words, the paper has thrown down an in-depth analysis of the Pine plantations and Plan for the acceleration of electrical as well as industrial allocations and the role of gas on the Limestone Coast that had generated premium wine. Findings: There were four scenarios planned prior to proceeding with the work as well. At the same time, it also found different stakeholders involved in agricultural practices as well. Hence, it has focussed on the overall mission of the company. Practical Implications: The study had emphasized the methods and material of qualitative that had dealt with the case study of the Lime industry as well. Originality/value: This study contributes by supporting that conceptual, strategic, and technical competencies have a significant relationship with competitive intelligence and is achievable to be used by goverments in region and local economies.peer-reviewe

    Relationship between Cyber Security and Civil Protection in the Greek Reality

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    The links between cybersecurity and civil protection in the last decades became strong due to the rapid increase in the use of Informatics Technologies (IT) worldwide and the need to increase citizens’ protection from various disasters and uncertainties. The objective of the present study is to explore the role of cyber security in enhancing civil protection in Greek reality. Methodologically, the study has been based on a survey with a sample of 345 executives of IT companies in Greece by using a structured questionnaire. The basic results of the research study showed that cyber security technologies positively affect civil protection, cybercrime reduction practices have a positive influence on civil protection, and there is a significant relationship between the government’s role in cyber security and civil protection. Cybersecurity also may have a significant influence on the principles of emergency operations: prevention, mitigation, preparation, response, or emergency evacuation and recovery. The main conclusion from the study is that it is very important for public and private agencies in Greece, as well as in the rest of Europe, to embrace new emerging cybersecurity technologies to help enhance cyber security and civil protection. Potential vulnerabilities in cybersecurity pose substantial risks to the effectiveness and efficiency of such critical infrastructure and directly impact the functioning of states, economies, and societies

    Role of Governance in Developing Disaster Resiliency and Its Impact on Economic Sustainability

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    This study explores the role played by governance in developing disaster resiliency and its impact on economic sustainability in Greece. Descriptive research was undertaken, and data were collected from 180 local governance leaders in Western Macedonia, Greece, to gain a deeper understanding of the role of governance in developing disaster resiliency and economic sustainability. The study confirmed the hypothesis that the focus of governance in developing disaster resiliency positively affects economic sustainability. The ability of governance to develop disaster resiliency and economic sustainability is mostly through leadership, engaging civil society, and international cooperation. These roles played by governance are also influenced by different political, economic, cultural, and social aspects, which all have an impact on the risk governance systems that cut across levels of resource assurance, technical support, and disaster risk management. Governance may have a significant impact on the overall design of rules and systems, including legislation, different decision-making procedures, and policy-implementation mechanisms, via political leadership. In terms of economics, the primary responsibility of governance is to support disaster risk-reduction systems. Governance must encourage risk awareness on a national basis through intensive disaster risk research, technological development, disaster-reduction education, and emergency response skills practice

    The Impact of Agricultural Extension Services on Farm Output: A Worldwide Viewpoint

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    In order to increase farm productivity and sustainability on a worldwide scale, agricultural extension services are essential in bridging the gap between research and actual farming. This study examined agricultural extension services and their effects on farm productivity. Data were collected using a questionnaire from 382 professional farmers. The results show that agricultural workshops and training positively affect farm productivity, access to government demonstration farms positively influences farm productivity, and media-based agricultural programs have a positive effect on farm productivity. Workshops and training in agriculture may have a very favorable impact on farm output. It’s important to remember that the success of agricultural workshops and training might vary depending on a number of variables, including the training's quality, the information's applicability to local circumstances, the farmers' readiness to embrace new techniques, and the post-training assistance offered. In order to increase and facilitate access to knowledge, suitable production methods, and better inputs, the findings highlight the need to strengthen farmers' organizations and last-mile agricultural input providers. Farmers must have access to knowledge about marketing and other support services that are essential for agricultural growth in order to enhance global development in order to achieve greater farm productivity

    Ο ρόλος των ΜΜΕ στην διαχείριση κρίσεων

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    This research is referred to the role of SMEs in critical situations, in risk situations ("The role of SMEs in managing disastrous crises"). The ultimate goal, through the bibliographic review, is to see whether SMEs influence the knowledge of the public, how objective and true the information they are transmitting is. For this purpose, this work was structured accordingly. Thus, initially and after the introduction, a comprehensive record of the catastrophic crisis is made as a concept, its characteristics, its species, its time phases and its types. Subsequently, the second chapter is related with new trends in crisis management, disaster and risk management. Thus, the focus is on the concept of risk, its classification, crisis management, models and the current theories of crisis management. The third chapter studies the role of SMEs in the disaster management system. In particular, this chapter includes bibliographic material on the role of SMEs in general, the influence of SMEs, the management of the critical situation by SMEs and the way SMEs are approaching it, the contribution of SMEs in general, the communication between staff of SMEs with crisis managers and the meeting between these two sides, the role of SMEs in critical situations more extensively. The fourth chapter deals with European centers, programs, plans for crisis management, disasters and risks. In the fifth chapter the analysis of the experience in the field of communications and the media in Greece and the Balkan countries during the disasters, with the last chapter (chapter 6) being the conclusive chapter .Στη συγκεκριμένη διατριβή διερευνάται το ζήτημα του ρόλου των ΜΜΕ στις κρίσιμες καταστάσεις, σε καταστάσεις κινδύνου («Ο ρόλος των ΜΜΕ στη διαχείριση των καταστροφικών κρίσεων»). Απώτερος στόχος είναι, μέσα από τη βιβλιογραφική ανασκόπηση, να διαφανεί το κατά πόσο επηρεάζουν τα ΜΜΕ την γνώση του κοινού, πόσο αντικειμενική και αληθής είναι η πληροφορία που μεταδίδουν. Για το σκοπό αυτό δομήθηκε ανάλογα η διατριβή αυτή. Έτσι, αρχικά και μετά από την εισαγωγή όπου γίνεται μία περιεκτική καταγραφή σχετικά με τη καταστροφική κρίση ως έννοια, ως προς τα χαρακτηριστικά της, τα είδη της και τις χρονικές φάσεις και τους τύπους της. Ακολούθως, στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο μελετώνται οι νέες τάσεις της ανάπτυξης της διαχείρισης των κρίσεων, των καταστροφών και των κινδύνων. Έτσι, η εστίαση γίνεται στην έννοια του κινδύνου, τη ταξινόμησή του, της διαχείριση της κρίσης, τα μοντέλα και τις ισχύουσες θεωρίες της διαχείρισης της κρίσης.Το τρίτο κεφάλαιο μελετά το ρόλο των ΜΜΕ στο σύστημα διαχείρισης των καταστροφών. Συγκεκριμένα, το κεφάλαιο αυτό περιλαμβάνει βιβλιογραφικό υλικό σχετικά με το ρόλο των ΜΜΕ γενικά, την άσκηση επιρροής των ΜΜΕ, τη διαχείριση της κρίσιμης κατάστασης από τα ΜΜΕ και τον τρόπο που τα ΜΜΕ την προσεγγίζουν, τη συμβολή των ΜΜΕ γενικά, την επικοινωνία μεταξύ του προσωπικού των ΜΜΕ με τους διαχειριστές της κρίσιμης κατάστασης και τη συνάντηση μεταξύ αυτών των δύο πλευρών, το ρόλο των ΜΜΕ στις κρίσιμες καταστάσεις εκτενέστερα.Το τέταρτο κεφάλαιο αφορά στα ευρωπαϊκά κέντρα, προγράμματα, σχέδια για τη διαχείριση κρίσεων, καταστροφών και κινδύνων, στο πέμπτο κεφάλαιο μελετάται η ανάλυση της εμπειρίας στον τομέα των επικοινωνιών και των μέσων μαζικής ενημέρωσης στην Ελλάδα και τις χώρες των Βαλκανίων κατά τη διάρκεια των καταστροφών, με το τελευταίο κεφάλαιο (κεφάλαιο 6) να είναι το συμπερασματικό κεφάλαιο

    The Impact of Agricultural Extension Services on Farm Output: A Worldwide Viewpoint

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    In order to increase farm productivity and sustainability on a worldwide scale, agricultural extension services are essential in bridging the gap between research and actual farming. This study examined agricultural extension services and their effects on farm productivity. Data were collected using a questionnaire from 382 professional farmers. The results show that agricultural workshops and training positively affect farm productivity, access to government demonstration farms positively influences farm productivity, and media-based agricultural programs have a positive effect on farm productivity. Workshops and training in agriculture may have a very favorable impact on farm output. It’s important to remember that the success of agricultural workshops and training might vary depending on a number of variables, including the training's quality, the information's applicability to local circumstances, the farmers' readiness to embrace new techniques, and the post-training assistance offered. In order to increase and facilitate access to knowledge, suitable production methods, and better inputs, the findings highlight the need to strengthen farmers' organizations and last-mile agricultural input providers. Farmers must have access to knowledge about marketing and other support services that are essential for agricultural growth in order to enhance global development in order to achieve greater farm productivity

    The Impact of Collaborative Communication on the Physical Distribution Service Quality of Soft Drinks: A Case Study of Beverage Manufacturing Companies in Greece

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    This research aimed to use the collaborative communication aspects of information sharing, incentive alignment, and decision synchronization to explain physical distribution service quality in the soft drink demand chain. The research was prompted by a desire to learn more about a topic that has received little attention in Greece while also contributing information about the variables that influence the performance of soft drink distribution networks. Manufacturers in Greece provided the data. The aspects of collaborative communication were significant determinants of the physical distribution service quality. Physical distribution service quality was shown to be significantly predicted by incentive alignment and information sharing, but not by decision synchronization. This research shows that collaborative communication aspects such as information sharing, decision synchronization, and incentive alignment enhance physical distribution service quality in soft drink demand chains. The research used a primary sample of 200 study participants from different drink manufacturing plants around Greece. In our research, we focused on vertical cooperation between manufacturers and distributors and its effect on physical distribution service quality. This is a relatively unexplored topic in the developing world. According to the scholars cited in the literature review, information exchange, incentive alignment, and decision synchronization improve physical distribution service quality in demand chains