1,088 research outputs found

    Simulating squirmers with multiparticle collision dynamics

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    Multiparticle collision dynamics is a modern coarse-grained simulation technique to treat the hydrodynamics of Newtonian fluids by solving the Navier-Stokes equations. Naturally, it also includes thermal noise. Initially it has been applied extensively to spherical colloids or bead-spring polymers immersed in a fluid. Here, we review and discuss the use of multiparticle collision dynamics for studying the motion of spherical model microswimmers called squirmers moving in viscous fluids.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, open access articl

    Emergent behavior in active colloids

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    Active colloids are microscopic particles, which self-propel through viscous fluids by converting energy extracted from their environment into directed motion. We first explain how articial microswimmers move forward by generating near-surface flow fields via self-phoresis or the self-induced Marangoni effect. We then discuss generic features of the dynamics of single active colloids in bulk and in confinement, as well as in the presence of gravity, field gradients, and fluid flow. In the third part, we review the emergent collective behavior of active colloidal suspensions focussing on their structural and dynamic properties. After summarizing experimental observations, we give an overview on the progress in modeling collectively moving active colloids. While active Brownian particles are heavily used to study collective dynamics on large scales, more advanced methods are necessary to explore the importance of hydrodynamic and phoretic particle interactions. Finally, the relevant physical approaches to quantify the emergent collective behavior are presented.Comment: 31 pages, 14 figure

    Natural Virtual Reality User Interface to Define Assembly Sequences for Digital Human Models

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    Digital human models (DHMs) are virtual representations of human beings. They are used to conduct, among other things, ergonomic assessments in factory layout planning. DHM software tools are challenging in their use and thus require a high amount of training for engineers. In this paper, we present a virtual reality (VR) application that enables engineers to work with DHMs easily. Since VR systems with head-mounted displays (HMDs) are less expensive than CAVE systems, HMDs can be integrated more extensively into the product development process. Our application provides a reality-based interface and allows users to conduct an assembly task in VR and thus to manipulate the virtual scene with their real hands. These manipulations are used as input for the DHM to simulate, on that basis, human ergonomics. Therefore, we introduce a software and hardware architecture, the VATS (virtual action tracking system). This paper furthermore presents the results of a user study in which the VATS was compared to the existing WIMP (Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointer) interface. The results show that the VATS system enables users to conduct tasks in a significantly faster way

    Nonlinear dynamics of a microswimmer in Poiseuille flow

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    We study the three-dimensional dynamics of a spherical microswimmer in cylindrical Poiseuille flow which can be mapped onto a Hamiltonian system. Swinging and tumbling trajectories are identified. In 2D they are equivalent to oscillating and circling solutions of a mathematical pendulum. Hydrodynamic interactions between the swimmer and confining channel walls lead to dissipative dynamics and result in stable trajectories, different for pullers and pushers. We demonstrate this behavior in the dipole approximation of the swimmer and with simulations using the method of multi-particle collision dynamics.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Neurosurgical Treatment of Breast Cancer Metastases to the Neurocranium

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    Breast cancer metastases to the neurocranium might involve the bone, the dura, or the brain parenchyma. The latter location is the far most common. The annual incidence of brain metastases in patients with breast cancer is in the range of 4–11 per 100.000 persons per year. Symptoms and findings mainly result from the location of the lesion. The diagnostic method of choice is magnetic resonance imaging before and after administration of contrast material. Breast cancer brain metastases present as solid, cystic, or partially cystic lesions with marked contrast enhancement and perilesional edema. The therapeutic option of choice is microsurgical resection whenever possible. Adjuvant treatment includes radiotherapy, radiosurgery, and/or chemotherapy

    Determination of Temperature-Dependent Elastic Constants of Steel AISI 4140 by Use of In Situ X-ray Dilatometry Experiments

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    In situ dilatometry experiments using high energy synchrotron X-ray diffraction in transmission mode were carried out at the high energy material science beamline P07@PETRAIII atDESY (Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron) for the tempering steel AISI 4140 at defined mechanical loading. The focus of this study was on the initial tempering state ( f errite) and the hardened state (martensite). Lattice strains were calculated from the 2D diffraction data for different hkl planes and from those temperature-dependent lattice plane specific diffraction elastic constants (DECs) were determined. The resulting coupling terms allow for precise stress analysis for typical hypoeutectoid steels using diffraction data during heat treatment processes, that is, for in situ diffraction studies during thermal exposure. In addition, by averaging hkl specific Young's moduli and Poisson ratios macroscopic temperature-dependent elastic constants were determined. In conclusion a novel approach for the determination of phase-specific temperature-dependent DECs was suggested using diffraction based dilatometry that provides more reliable data in comparison to conventional experimental procedures. Moreover, the averaging of lattice plane specific results from in situ diffraction analysis supply robust temperature-dependent macroscopic elastic constants for martensite and ferrite as input data for heat treatment process simulations

    Аскаридоз – чи є вплив на непліддя? чи здатен викликати післяпологовий ендометрит? (випадок з практики)

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    Представлен случай из практики выявления Ascaris lumbricoides у пациентки после первичного бесплодия с осложнениями в послеродовом периоде. Приведена клиническая картина и фотографии аскариды длинной 10 см при кольпоскопии на 30 сутки послеродового периода.We present case of patient with I infertility 3 years, complication of pregnancy (anemia, cervical insufficiency), presence of Ascaris lumbricoides in the vagina in the postpartum period (with photos)