124,974 research outputs found
Lattice polytopes having h^*-polynomials with given degree and linear coefficient
The h^*-polynomial of a lattice polytope is the numerator of the generating
function of the Ehrhart polynomial. Let P be a lattice polytope with
h^*-polynomial of degree d and with linear coefficient h^*_1. We show that P
has to be a lattice pyramid over a lower-dimensional lattice polytope, if the
dimension of P is greater or equal to h^*_1 (2d+1) + 4d-1. This result has a
purely combinatorial proof and generalizes a recent theorem of Batyrev.Comment: AMS-LaTeX, 9 pages; introduction improve
New Results in Light-Front Phenomenology
The light-front quantization of gauge theories such as QCD in light-cone
gauge provides a frame-independent wavefunction representation of relativistic
bound states, simple forms for current matrix elements, explicit unitarity, and
a trivial vacuum. The freedom to choose the light-like quantization four-vector
provides an explicitly covariant formulation of light-front quantization and
can be used to determine the analytic structure of light-front wave functions
and to define a kinematical definition of angular momentum. The AdS/CFT
correspondence of large supergravity theory in higher-dimensional anti-de
Sitter space with supersymmetric QCD in 4-dimensional space-time has
interesting implications for hadron phenomenology in the conformal limit,
including an all-orders demonstration of counting rules for exclusive
processes. String/gauge duality also predicts the QCD power-law behavior of
light-front Fock-state hadronic wavefunctions with arbitrary orbital angular
momentum at high momentum transfer. The form of these near-conformal
wavefunctions can be used as an initial ansatz for a variational treatment of
the light-front QCD Hamiltonian. I also briefly review recent analyses which
shows that some leading-twist phenomena such as the diffractive component of
deep inelastic scattering, single-spin asymmetries, nuclear shadowing and
antishadowing cannot be computed from the LFWFs of hadrons in isolation.Comment: Presented at LightCone 2004, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 16-20 August
A construction of semisimple tensor categories
Starting from an abelian category A such that every object has only finitely
many subobjects we construct a semisimple tensor category T. We show that T
interpolates the categories Rep(Aut(p),K) where p runs through certain
projective (pro-)objects of A. The main example is A=finite dimensional
F_q-vector spaces. Then T can be considered as the category of representations
of GL(n,F_q) where n is not a natural number. This work extends a construction
of Deligne for symmetric groups.Comment: v1: 6 pages; v2: 6 pages, slightly shortened, minor change
The risk and resilience framework and its implications for teachers and schools.
Risk and resilience theory and research are presented according to Stanley's (2003a) framework and the implications for teachers and schools are identified. Findings in the field make clear that those who are closest to children can reduce risk, enhance competence and prevent problem development, and by these means promote the attainments and wellbeing of the young people for whom they have a duty of care. Some critique of the risk and resilience framework is also offered
The future of educational psychology
Educational psychology is airing its anguish in public, and if the assertions of Brown (2010), Coleman and Pine (2010), and Hornby (2010) are to be believed then this professional discipline is indeed in a parlous state. As a psychologist who worked for the old Department of Education's Psychological Service, and subsequently for the Special Education Service and Specialist Education Services, I also think that educational psychology is in trouble. However, the history of occupations is littered with the wrecks of vocations that have become redundant to requirements. At the outset of his paper, Brown 2010 raises the possibility that educational psychologists are a species that may speedily become extinct because of hostile environments, and this parallel with the natural world is another reminder that change happens as circumstances alter
Education in Bermuda with special emphasis on the supply of teachers.
Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston Universit
Balancing Local Assessment and Statewide Testing: Building a Program that Meets Student Needs
This document discusses the components of assessment for those who are considering adding local assessments to required statewide testing of K-12 students. These components include technical adequacy, local-level opportunity, and how to link to state and local standards. Attributes of a model local assessment program are discussed and examples are given. There are also four key questions evaluators and teachers should ask themselves if they are considering a local-level assessment, including the cost feasibility. Educational levels: Graduate or professional
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