30 research outputs found
Linguistic complexity: English vs. Polish, text vs. corpus
We analyze the rank-frequency distributions of words in selected English and
Polish texts. We show that for the lemmatized (basic) word forms the
scale-invariant regime breaks after about two decades, while it might be
consistent for the whole range of ranks for the inflected word forms. We also
find that for a corpus consisting of texts written by different authors the
basic scale-invariant regime is broken more strongly than in the case of
comparable corpus consisting of texts written by the same author. Similarly,
for a corpus consisting of texts translated into Polish from other languages
the scale-invariant regime is broken more strongly than for a comparable corpus
of native Polish texts. Moreover, we find that if the words are tagged with
their proper part of speech, only verbs show rank-frequency distribution that
is almost scale-invariant
Sign and amplitude representation of the forex networks
We decompose the exchange rates returns of 41 currencies (incl. gold) into
their sign and amplitude components. Then we group together all exchange rates
with a common base currency, construct Minimal Spanning Trees for each group
independently, and analyze properties of these trees. We show that both the
sign and the amplitude time series have similar correlation properties as far
as the core network structure is concerned. There exist however interesting
peripheral differences that may open a new perspective to view the Forex
dynamics.Comment: Article based on talk by S. Gworek given at FENS'08 Conference,
Rzeszow, Polan
Current log-periodic view on future world market development
Applicability of the concept of financial log-periodicity is discussed and
encouragingly verified for various phases of the world stock markets
development in the period 2000-2010. In particular, a speculative forecasting
scenario designed in the end of 2004, that properly predicted the world stock
market increases in 2007, is updated by setting some more precise constraints
on the time of duration of the present long-term equity market bullish phase. A
termination of this phase is evaluated to occur in around November 2009. In
particular, on the way towards this dead-line, a Spring-Summer 2008 increase is
expected. On the precious metals market a forthcoming critical time signal is
detected at the turn of March/April 2008 which marks a tendency for at least a
serious correction to begin.
In the present extended version some predictions for the future oil price are
incorporated. In particular a serious correction on this market is expected to
start in the coming days.Comment: presented by S. Drozdz at FENS2007 conference, 10 pages, 6 Figs, an
extended version with the oil market included (Fig.7
Detrended cross-correlations between returns, volatility, trading activity, and volume traded for the stock market companies
We consider a few quantities that characterize trading on a stock market in a
fixed time interval: logarithmic returns, volatility, trading activity (i.e.,
the number of transactions), and volume traded. We search for the power-law
cross-correlations among these quantities aggregated over different time units
from 1 min to 10 min. Our study is based on empirical data from the American
stock market consisting of tick-by-tick recordings of 31 stocks listed in Dow
Jones Industrial Average during the years 2008-2011. Since all the considered
quantities except the returns show strong daily patterns related to the
variable trading activity in different parts of a day, which are the best
evident in the autocorrelation function, we remove these patterns by detrending
before we proceed further with our study. We apply the multifractal detrended
cross-correlation analysis with sign preserving (MFCCA) and show that the
strongest power-law cross-correlations exist between trading activity and
volume traded, while the weakest ones exist (or even do not exist) between the
returns and the remaining quantities. We also show that the strongest
cross-correlations are carried by those parts of the signals that are
characterized by large and medium variance. Our observation that the most
convincing power-law cross-correlations occur between trading activity and
volume traded reveals the existence of strong fractal-like coupling between
these quantities
Criticality Characteristics of Current Oil Price Dynamics
Methodology that recently lead us to predict to an amazing accuracy the date
(July 11, 2008) of reverse of the oil price up trend is briefly summarized and
some further aspects of the related oil price dynamics elaborated. This
methodology is based on the concept of discrete scale invariance whose
finance-prediction-oriented variant involves such elements as log-periodic
self-similarity, the universal preferred scaling factor lambda=2, and allows a
phenomenon of the "super-bubble". From this perspective the present (as of
August 22, 2008) violent - but still log-periodically decelerating - decrease
of the oil prices is associated with the decay of such a "super- bubble" that
has started developing about one year ago on top of the longer-term oil price
increasing phase (normal bubble) whose ultimate termination is evaluated to
occur in around mid 2010.Comment: to appear in Acta Physica Polonica