16 research outputs found
Interactions between teaching assistants and students boost engagement in physics labs
Through in-class observations of teaching assistants (TAs) and students in
the lab sections of a large introductory physics course, we study which TA
behaviors can be used to predict student engagement and, in turn, how this
engagement relates to learning. For the TAs, we record data to determine how
they adhere to and deliver the lesson plan and how they interact with students
during the lab. For the students, we use observations to record the level of
student engagement and pre- and post-tests of lab skills to measure learning.
We find that the frequency of TA-student interactions, especially those
initiated by the TAs, is a positive and significant predictor of student
engagement. Interestingly, the length of interactions is not significantly
correlated with student engagement. In addition, we find that student
engagement was a better predictor of post-test performance than pre-test
scores. These results shed light on the manner in which students learn how to
conduct inquiry and suggest that, by proactively engaging students, TAs may
have a positive effect on student engagement, and therefore learning, in the
lab.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures. v2: Revised for clarity and concision. Version
accepted to Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Researc
Holographic Baryons from Oblate Instantons
We investigate properties of baryons in a family of holographic field
theories related to the Sakai-Sugimoto model of holographic QCD. Starting with
the Sakai-Sugimoto model, we truncate to a 5D Yang-Mills action for the
gauge fields associated with the noncompact directions of the flavour
D8-branes. We define a free parameter that controls the strength of
this Yang-Mills term relative to the Chern-Simons term that couples the abelian
gauge field to the SU(2) instanton density. Moving away from
should incorporate some of the effects of taking the Sakai-Sugimoto model away
from large 't Hooft coupling . In this case, the baryon ground state
corresponds to an oblate SU(2) instanton on the bulk flavour branes: the usual
SO(4) symmetric instanton is deformed to spread more along the field theory
directions than the radial direction. We numerically construct these
anisotropic instanton solutions for various values of and calculate
the mass and baryon charge profile of the corresponding baryons. Using the
value that has been found to best fit the mesonic spectrum of
QCD, we find a value for the baryon mass of 1.19 GeV, significantly more
realistic than the value 1.60 GeV computed previously using an SO(4) symmetric
ansatz for the instanton.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures. v2: Minor corrections, version accepted to JHEP.
v3: A minor correctio
Striped Order in AdS/CFT
We study the formation of inhomogeneous order in the Einstein-Maxwell-axion
system, dual to a 2+1 dimensional field theory that exhibits a spontaneously
generated current density, momentum density and modulated scalar operator.
Below the critical temperature, the Reissner-Nordstrom-AdS black hole becomes
unstable and stripes form in the bulk and on the boundary. The bulk geometry
possesses striking geometrical features, including a modulated horizon that
tends to pinch off as T -> 0. On a domain of fixed length, we find a second
order phase transition to the striped solution in each of the grand canonical,
canonical and microcanonical ensembles, with modulated charges that grow and
saturate as we lower the temperature and descend into the inhomogeneous phase.
For the black hole on an infinite domain, a similar second order transition
occurs, and the width of the dominant stripe increases in the zero temperature
limit.Comment: 51 pages, 22 figure
Exploring the contributions of self-efficacy and test anxiety to gender differences in assessments
The observed performance difference between women and men on assessments in
physics---the "gender gap"---is a significant and persistent inequity which has
broad implications for the participation of women in physics. Research also
shows that gender-based inequities extend to affective measures, such as
self-efficacy. In this exploratory study, we report on gender disparities in
self-efficacy and test anxiety and their relationship to assessment scores in
our active-learning introductory physics course. Overall, gender-based
differences in favour of men are observed in all our measures, with women
having lower scores on measures associated with success (self-efficacy and
assessment scores) and a higher score on a possibly detrimental affective
factor (test anxiety). Using a multiple regression model-selection process to
explore which measures may explain end-of-course Force Concept Inventory (FCI)
and final exam scores, we find that the best fitting models include FCI pretest
and self-efficacy as predictors, but do not include test anxiety.Comment: Accepted to the 2020 Physics Education Research Conference
Density versus chemical potential in holographic field theories
We study the relationship between charge density ({\rho}) and chemical
potential ({\mu}) for an array of Lorentz invariant 3 + 1 dimensional
holographic field theories with the minimal structure of a conserved charge.
The systems considered include Dp-Dq probe brane constructions and probe and
backreacted 'bottom-up' models with gauge and scalar fields. In all cases, at
large density, the relationship is well modelled by a power law behaviour of
the form {\rho} {\mu}^{\alpha}. A variety of powers {\alpha} are
found in the brane systems while in most of the bottom-up models {\alpha} is
determined by the underlying conformal symmetry. Further, it is demonstrated
that basic thermodynamical and causality constraints demand {\alpha} \geq 1, a
condition that was realized in each system considered.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figures, 2 table
Towards A Holographic Model of Color Superconductivity
In this note, we discuss the basic elements that should appear in a
gravitational system dual to a confining gauge theory displaying color
superconductivity at large baryon density. We consider a simple system with
these minimal elements, and show that for a range of parameters, the phase
structure of this model as a function of temperature and baryon chemical
potential exhibits phases that can be identified with confined, deconfined, and
color superconducting phases in the dual field theory. We find that the
critical temperature at which the superconducting phase disappears is
remarkably small (relative to the chemical potential). This small number arises
from the dynamics, and is unrelated to any small parameter in the model that we
study. We discuss similar models which exhibit flavor superconductivity.Comment: 34 pages, 14 figure