93,967 research outputs found

    Acceleration and Deceleration in Curvature Induced Phantom Model of the Late and Future Universe, Cosmic Collapse as Well as its Quantum Escape

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    Here, cosmology of the late and future universe is obtained from f(R)f(R)-gravity with non-linear curvature terms R2R^2 and R3R^3 (RR being the Ricci scalar curvature). It is different from f(R)f(R)-dark enrgy models, where non-linear curvature terms are taken as gravitational alternative of dark energy. In the present model, neither linear nor no-linear curvature terms are taken as dark energy. Rather, dark energy terms are induced by curvature terms in the Friedmann equation derived from f(R)f(R)-gravitational equations. It has advantage over f(R)f(R)- dark energy models in the sense that the present model satisfies WMAP results and expands as t2/3\sim t^{2/3} during matter-dominance. So, it does not have problems due to which f(R)f(R)-dark energy models are criticized. Curvature-induced dark energy, obtained here, mimics phantom. Different phases of this model, including acceleration and deceleration during phantom phase, are investigated here.It is found that expansion of the universe will stop at the age (3.87t0+694.4kyr)(3.87 t_0 + 694.4 {\rm kyr}) (t0t_0 being the present age of the universe) and after this epoch, it will contract and collapse by the time (336.87t0+694.4kyr)(336.87 t_0 + 694.4 {\rm kyr}). Further,it is shown that universe will escape predicted collapse (obtained using classical mechanics) on making quantum gravity corrections relevant near collapse time due to extremely high energy density and large curvature analogous to the state of very early universe. Interestingly, cosmological constant is also induced here, which is very small in classical domain, but very high in quantum domain.Comment: 33 page

    Curvature Inspired Cosmological Scenario

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    Using modified gravity with non-linear terms of curvature, R2R^2 and R(r+2)R^{(r +2)} (with rr being the positive real number and RR being the scalar curvature), cosmological scenario,beginning at the Planck scale, is obtained. Here, a unified picture of cosmology is obtained from f(R)f(R)- gravity. In this scenario, universe begins with power-law inflation, followed by deceleration and acceleration in the late universe as well as possible collapse of the universe in future. It is different from f(R)f(R)- dark energy models with non-linear curvature terms assumed as dark energy. Here, dark energy terms are induced by linear as well as non-linear terms of curvature in Friedmann equation being derived from modified gravity.It is also interesting to see that, in this model, dark radiation and dark matter terms emerge spontaneously from the gravitational sector. It is found that dark energy, obtained here, behaves as quintessence in the early universe and phantom in the late universe. Moreover, analogous to brane-tension in brane-gravity inspired Friedmann equation, a tension term λ\lambda arises here being called as cosmic tension. It is found that, in the late universe, Friedmann equation (obtained here) contains a term ρ2/2λ- \rho^2/2\lambda (ρ\rho being the phantom energy density) analogous to a similar term in Friedmann equation with loop quantum effects, if λ>0\lambda > 0 and brane-gravity correction when λ<0.\lambda < 0.Comment: 19 Pages. To appear in Int. J. Thro. Phy