419 research outputs found

    A Review on Microstrip Patch Antenna and its Miniaturization Techniques

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    Volume 7 Issue 7 (July 201

    Real Time Monitoring System for Mine Safety Using Wireless Sensor Network (Multi-Gas Detector)

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    Today safety of miners is a major challenge. Miner’s health and life is vulnerable to several critical issues, which includes not only the working environment, but also the after effect of it. Mining activities release harmful and toxic gases in turn exposing the associated workers into the danger of survival. This puts a lot of pressure on the mining industry. To increase the productivity and reduce the cost of mining along with consideration of the safety of workers, an innovative approach is required. Miner’s health is in danger mainly because of the toxic gases which are very often released in underground mines. These gases cannot be detected easily by human senses. This thesis investigates the presence of toxic gases in critical regions and their effects on miners. A real time monitoring system using wireless sensor network, which includes multiple sensors, is developed. This system monitors surrounding environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity and multiple toxic gases. This system also provides an early warning, which will be helpful to all miners present inside the mine to save their life before any casualty occurs. The system uses Zigbee technology to establish wireless sensor network. It is wireless networking standard IEEE 802.15.4, which is suitable for operation in harsh environment

    Effect of Spacer and the Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay

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    The effect of spacers and the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) formats on the functional parameters of assays such as lower detection limit, inhibitory concentration at 50 per cent (IC50), and specificity were studied. Enzyme conjugates having hydrophobic and hydrophilic spacers were prepared using O-isopropyl methylphosphonic acid (IMPA) and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) as an enzyme label. Comparison was made with reference to enzyme conjugate without any spacer. The present investigation revealed that the presence of a hydrophilic spacer in the enzyme conjugate significantly improves the sensitivity of assays. An enhanced IC50 value achieved was 0.01 μg mL−1 for free antigen detection by direct immunoassay using hydrophilic spacers and precoating of ELISA plates by secondary antibody. The use of a hydrophilic spacer might have helped in projecting the hapten in the aqueous phase, leading to enhanced antibody binding signal and improved sensitivity of the assay

    The Child-to-Child (C2C) Method: Participatory Design for, with and by Children in a Children's Museum

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    In this paper, we present the Child-to-Child method (C2C) for co-designing with children for children. The method is illustrated using a design case, where an interactive space for young children in Children’s Museum was designed. A three dimensional interactive books are envisioned and explored with children, and consequently embedded into the “Book Nook” exhibit. This interactive environment, intended for young children aged 3-5, was developed and prototyped by an intergenerational design team. The paper reflects upon challenges and opportunities provided by working with C2C method and presents results of preliminary investigation of an interactive space design that employs a novel concept of a 3D book. Further, we argue that C2C method is indeed a participatory design method for, with and by children. Reprint of a paper published in: IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 92-113. Made available here with permission from IADIS. http://www.iadis.org

    Effect of phototherapy on serum calcium levels in neonates receiving phototherapy for neonatal jaundice

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    Background: To study the occurrence of hypocalcaemia in neonates with physiological unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia after 48 hours of phototherapy or at the end of phototherapy, in case duration of phototherapy was less than 48 hours.Methods: This prospective study was conducted on 100 term neonates (61 males and 39 females) admitted to Neonatal intensive care unit of Teerthankar Mahaveer Medical College, Moradabad with unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia and requiring phototherapy. Total Serum bilirubin levels and serum calcium levels were checked before and after phototherapy. Neonates were assessed for clinical features of hypocalcemia i.e. jitteriness, irritability/excitability, lethargy and convulsions.Results: After phototherapy, there was hypocalcemia in 35.0% neonates. The difference between pre and post phototherapy serum calcium levels were found to be statistically significant (p <0.001). 2.86% of neonates developed jitteriness among those who had hypocalcemia. Hypocalcemia was more in subjects who received phototherapy for longer duration.Conclusions: Hypocalcaemia is a common complication of phototherapy. Therefore, calcium supplementation should be done in all neonates undergoing phototherapy

    Functional and radiological outcomes of intertrochanteric fractures treated with proximal femoral nail

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    Background: Hip fracture is one of the most invalidating diseases affecting geriatric populations and in fall related fractures, they lead to most severe morbidity and mortality. Their surgical treatment allows stable fracture fixation which allows the early weight bearing. Many devices have been developed, yet mechanical failures still occur. The aim of this study was to assess the functional and radiological outcomes of intertrochanteric fractures treated with proximal femoral nail.Methods: 46 patients with intertrochanteric fractures fixed with proximal femoral nail were assessed. Functional outcome was measured by Harris hip score (HHS) and lower extremity functional scale (LEFS) and radiological outcome was measured by tip apex distance (TAD), any changes in neck shaft angle, neck length and the offset as compared to uninjured hip.Results: The tip apex distance on the postoperative X-ray was found to be 22.02±2.499 mm, change in the neck length as compared to the uninjured hip was found to be 1.507±1.1808 and change in the offset and neck shaft angle was 1.470±1.0126 and -1.602±1.5992 respectively. The LEFS was found to be 70.63±6.584 whereas the HHS was found to be 90.35±7.593Conclusions: With the increase in TAD the functional and radiological outcome worsens. It was also seen that the cutoff of 25 mm stands true in predicting the outcome of the patients with PFN in intertrochanteric fractures. Hence, the TAD should be routinely measured and if found more than 25 mm then proper precautions like delayed weight bearing may be advised

    A Multivariate Based Provably Secure Certificateless Signature Scheme with Applications to the Internet of Medical Things

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    Over the last few years, Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) has completely transformed the healthcare industry. It is bringing out the most notable, and unprecedented impacts on human health, and has totally changed the way we look at the healthcare industry. The healthcare sector all around the globe are leapfrogging, and adopting the technology, helping in transforming drastically in a very short span of time. However, as more and more number of medical devices are being connected to IoMT, security issues like ensuring authenticity and integrity of the transmitted data are also on the rise. In view of the context, there is a need of an efficient cryptographic primitive that can address these issues in a viable manner. A signature scheme seems to be the natural choice to mitigate the security concerns. But, traditional signature schemes, both PKI-based and Identity-based have their own disadvantages which makes them unsuitable for IoMT networks. Thus, to address the security issues and problems like certificate management and key escrow, herein, we put forward the {\em first} multivariate based certificateless signature scheme, namely {\sf Mul-CLS}, which is built on top of the intractability of multivariate-quadratic (MQ) problem. The fact that multivariate public key cryptosystem (MPKC) provides fast, post-quantum safe, and efficient primitives, makes it a front runner candidate among the other post-quantum cryptography candidates. Our scheme {\sf Mul-CLS} provides existential unforgeability against chosen message and chosen identity Super Type I and Super Type II adversary if solving the MQ problem is NP-hard. In addition to that, our proposed {\sf Mul-CLS} presents itself as a robust and cost-friendly cryptographic building block for building IoMT networks

    Sequence based polymorphic (SBP) marker technology for targeted genomic regions: its application in generating a molecular map of the Arabidopsis thaliana genome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Molecular markers facilitate both genotype identification, essential for modern animal and plant breeding, and the isolation of genes based on their map positions. Advancements in sequencing technology have made possible the identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for any genomic regions. Here a sequence based polymorphic (SBP) marker technology for generating molecular markers for targeted genomic regions in Arabidopsis is described.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A ~3X genome coverage sequence of the <it>Arabidopsis thaliana </it>ecotype, Niederzenz (Nd-0) was obtained by applying Illumina's sequencing by synthesis (Solexa) technology. Comparison of the Nd-0 genome sequence with the assembled Columbia-0 (Col-0) genome sequence identified putative single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) throughout the entire genome. Multiple 75 base pair Nd-0 sequence reads containing SNPs and originating from individual genomic DNA molecules were the basis for developing co-dominant SBP markers. SNPs containing Col-0 sequences, supported by transcript sequences or sequences from multiple BAC clones, were compared to the respective Nd-0 sequences to identify possible restriction endonuclease enzyme site variations. Small amplicons, PCR amplified from both ecotypes, were digested with suitable restriction enzymes and resolved on a gel to reveal the sequence based polymorphisms. By applying this technology, 21 SBP markers for the marker poor regions of the Arabidopsis map representing polymorphisms between Col-0 and Nd-0 ecotypes were generated.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The SBP marker technology described here allowed the development of molecular markers for targeted genomic regions of Arabidopsis. It should facilitate isolation of co-dominant molecular markers for targeted genomic regions of any animal or plant species, whose genomic sequences have been assembled. This technology will particularly facilitate the development of high density molecular marker maps, essential for cloning genes based on their genetic map positions and identifying tightly linked molecular markers for selecting desirable genotypes in animal and plant breeding experiments.</p