51 research outputs found
One-loop QCD contributions to differential cross-sections for Higgs production at NLO
We present one-loop contributions to the fully differential Higgs boson
gluon-fusion cross-section for Higgs production via gluon fusion. Our results
constitute a necessary ingredient of a complete NLO determination of the
cross-section. We perform our computation using a subtraction method for the
treatment of soft and collinear singularities. We identify the infrared
divergent parts in terms of universal splitting and eikonal functions, and
demonstrate how phase-space integrations yield poles (up to ) in
the dimensional regulator . We compute the coefficients of
the expansion, including the finite part numerically. As a
demonstration of our numerical implementation, we present the corrections at
NLO due to one-loop amplitudes in the rapidity and transverse momentum of
the Higgs boson.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figure
Higgs-differential cross section at NNLO in dimensional regularisation
We present an analytic computation of the Higgs production cross section in
the gluon fusion channel, which is differential in the components of the Higgs
momentum and inclusive in the associated partonic radiation through NNLO in
perturbative QCD. Our computation includes the necessary higher order terms in
the dimensional regulator beyond the finite part that are required for
renormalisation and collinear factorisation at NLO. We outline in detail
the computational methods which we employ. We present numerical predictions for
realistic final state observables, specifically distributions for the decay
products of the Higgs boson in the decay channel.Comment: 27 pages, 6 awesome figure
Assessment of DNA damages in lymphocytes of agricultural workers exposed to pesticides by comet assay in a cross-sectional study
Purpose: To assess the predictive power of the comet assay in the context of occupational exposure to pesticides.
Materials and methods: The recruited subjects completed a structured questionnaire and gave a blood sample. Exposure to pesticides was measured by means of an algorithm based on Dosemeciâs work (Agricultural Health Study). Approximately 50 images were analyzed for each sample via fluores- cence microscopy. The extent of DNA damage was estimated by tail moment (TM) and is the product of tail DNA (%) and tail Length.
Results: Crude significant risks (odds ratios, ORs) for values higher than the 75th percentile of TM were observed among the exposed subjects (score>1). The frequency of some confounding factors (sex, age and smoking) was significantly higher among the exposed workers. A significant doseâeffect relationship was observed between TM and exposure score. Significant high-risk estimates (ORs), adjusted by the studied confounding factors, among exposure to pesticides and TM, % tail DNA and tail length were confirmed using unconditional logistic regression models.
Conclusions: The adjusted associations (ORs) between the comet parameters and exposure to pesti- cides were significant. The sensitivity of the comet test was low (41%), the specificity (89%) and the predictive positive value (0.77) were found acceptable
SystÚmes de contrÎle de constitutionnalité par voie incidente et protection des personnes en situation de vulnérabilité
RĂ©pondant Ă lâappel Ă projets « QPC 2020 » du Conseil constitutionnel, le travail de recherche collectif â dont les rĂ©sultats sont publiĂ©s dans cet ouvrage â entend Ă©valuer lâefficacitĂ© de la question prioritaire de constitutionnalitĂ© sous lâangle particulier de la protection des personnes en situation de vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© et selon une approche de droit comparĂ©. La recherche a ainsi eu pour ambition de dresser un bilan de la jurisprudence QPC du Conseil constitutionnel pour ce qui concerne la protection des personnes vulnĂ©rables, en la confrontant avec les procĂ©dures similaires existant dans deux pays voisins : lâItalie et lâEspagne. La protection effective des personnes qui en ont le plus besoin a semblĂ© en effet ĂȘtre un point de vue particuliĂšrement pertinent pour Ă©valuer, de maniĂšre gĂ©nĂ©rale, lâefficacitĂ© du systĂšme de la QPC et pour vĂ©rifier sâil constitue un vĂ©ritable progrĂšs dans la dĂ©fense des droits fondamentaux. Pour rendre compte de la maniĂšre la plus fidĂšle possible des rĂ©sultats de cette recherche, lâouvrage prĂ©sente, dans une premiĂšre partie, le rapport de synthĂšse adressĂ© au Conseil constitutionnel par les porteurs du projet, dans lequel est rĂ©alisĂ©e la comparaison proprement dite ; puis, dans une seconde partie, les Ă©tudes nationales concernant la jurisprudence constitutionnelle des trois pays Ă©tudiĂ©s, Ă©laborĂ©es par les chercheurs participants au projet scientifique
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OPTImal PHARMacological therapy for patients with heart failure: Rationale and design of the OPTIPHARM-HF registry.
AIMS: Patients with heart failure (HF) remain often undertreated for multiple reasons, including treatment inertia, contraindications, and intolerance. The OPTIimal PHARMacological therapy for patients with Heart Failure (OPTIPHARM-HF) registry is designed to evaluate the prevalence of evidence-based medical treatment prescription and titration, as well as the causes of its underuse, in a broad real-world population of consecutive patients with HF across the whole ejection fraction spectrum and among different clinical phenotypes. METHODS: The OPTIPHARM-HF registry (NCT06192524) is a prospective, multicenter, observational, national study of adult patients with symptomatic HF, as defined by current international guidelines, regardless of ejection fraction. Both outpatients and inpatients with chronic and acute decompensated HF will be recruited. The study will enroll up to 2500 patients with chronic HF at approximately 35 Italian HF centres. Patients will be followed for a maximum duration of 24âmonths. The primary objective of the OPTIPHARM-HF registry is to assess prescription and adherence to evidence-based guideline-directed medical therapy (GDMT) in patients with HF. The primary outcome is to describe the prevalence of GDMT use according to target guideline recommendation. Secondary objectives include implementation of comorbidity treatment, evaluation of sequence of treatment introduction and up-titration, description of GDMT implementation in the specific HF population, main causes of GDMT underuse, and assessment of cumulative rate of cardiovascular events. CONCLUSION: The OPTIPHARM-HF registry will provide important implications for improving patient care and adoption of recommended medical therapy into clinical practice among HF patients
Vector Fields in a Rindler Space
In questo lavoro ci si propone di studiare la quantizzazione del campo vettoriale,
massivo e non massivo, in uno spazio-tempo di Rindler, considerando
in particolare i gauge di Feynman e assiale. Le equazioni del moto vengono
risolte esplicitamente in entrambi i casi; sotto opportune condizioni, Ăš stato
inoltre possibile trovare una base completa e ortonormale di soluzioni delle
equazioni di campo in termini di modi normali di Fulling. Si Ăš poi analizzata
la quantizzazione dei campi vettoriali espressi in questa base
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