122 research outputs found

    Hemodialysis membrane-related neutrophil dysfunctions and pentoxifylline - a pilot study

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    Hemodialysis treatment is associated with activation of neutrophil granulocytes. Pentoxifylline has been shown to inhibit neutrophil activation in vitro and in vivo. We investigated the effect of pentoxifylline on leukocyte and platelet counts and on plasma levels of extracellularly released neutrophil elastase and lactoferrin during a four-hour hemodialysis treatment. Eight patients received 400 mg of pentoxifylline or placebo orally twice a day over 14 days and an additional dose of 400 mg of pentoxifylline intravenously during hemodialysis. Each subject served as his own control in a randomized, double-blind, cross-over study. Combined oral and intravenous treatment with pentoxifylline prevented neither leukopenia nor neutrophil degranulation during the time interval studied. Elastase plasma levels paralleled the drop in leucocyte counts and thereafter increased similarly in both groups. Lactoferrin plasma levels exhibited less increase in the treated group; however, this effect was not statistically significant. This may be due to the small number of cases studied and to difficulties in reaching effective plasma levels without side effects

    Influence of high-dose aprotinin treatment on blood loss and coagulation patterns in open-heart surgery

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    Intraoperative administration of the proteinase Inhibitor aprotinin causes reduction in blood loss and homologous blood requirement in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. To ascertain the blood-saving effect of aprotinin and to obtain further information about the mode of action, 40 patients undergoing primary myocardial revascularization were randomly assigned to receive either aprotinin or placebo treatment. Aprotinin was given as a bolus of 2 X 105 kallikrein inactivator units (KIU) before surgery followed by a continuous infusion of 5 X 105 KIU/h during surgery. Additionally, 2 X 105 KIU were added to the pump prime. Strict criteria were used to obtain a homogeneous patient selection. Total blood loss was reduced from 1,431 +/- 760 ml in the control group to 738 +/- 411 ml in the aprotinin group (P < 0.05) and the homologous blood requirement from 838 +/- 963 ml to 163 +/- 308 ml (P < 0.05). In the control group, 2.3 +/- 2.2 U of homologous blood or blood products were given, and in the aprotinin group, 0.63 +/- 0.96 U were given (P < 0.05). Twenty-five percent of patients in the control group and 63% in the aprotinin group did not receive banked blood or homologous blood products. The activated clotting time as an indicator of inhibition of the contact phase of coagulation was significantly Increased before heparinization in the aprotinin group (141 +/- 13 s vs. 122 +/- 25 s) and remained significantly Increased until heparin was neutralized after cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). The concentration of the thrombin-antithrombin III complex was significantly decreased at the end of CPB in the aprotinin group, indicating less thrombin generation in the aprotinin-treated group. The total concentration of the fibrinogen-fibrin split products (FSP) and the split products of the cross-linked fibrin (D-dimers) were also significantly reduced due to attenuated proteolytic activities of thrombin and plasmin. The results of the fibrin plate assay revealed higher fibrinolytic activity during CPB in the control group. The results demonstrate the beneficial effect of high-dose aprotinin treatment on blood loss and homologous blood requirement. This effect can be attributed to the inhibition of the contact phase of coagulation and the consequently reduced thrombotic and fibrionolytic activity during and after CPB

    Dextran sulfate activates contact system and mediates arterial hypotension via B2 kinin receptors

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    To define some of the mechanisms underlying dextran sulfate (DXS)-induced hypotension, we investigated the effects of either the plasma kallikrein inhibitor des-Pro2-[Arg15] aprotinin (BAY x 4620) or the specific bradykinin B2-receptor antagonist Hoe-140 on the hypotensive response to DXS. In the first study, anesthetized miniature pigs were given DXS alone, DXS plus BAY x 4620 in various doses, or saline. As expected, DXS alone produced a profound but transient systemic arterial hypotension with a concomitant reduction in kininogen. Circulating kinin levels, complement fragment des-Arg-C3a, and fibrin monomer were all increased. Treatment with BAY x 4620 produced a dose-dependent attenuation of these effects with complete blockade of the hypotension as well as the observed biochemical changes at the highest dose (360 mg). In a second study, two groups of pigs were given either DXS alone or DXS plus Hoe-140. DXS-induced hypotension was completely blocked by Hoe-140 pretreatment; however, kininogen was again depleted. We conclude, therefore, that DXS-induced hypotension is produced by activation of plasma kallikrein that results in the production of bradykinin and that liberation of bradykinin and its action on B2 receptors in the vasculature are both necessary and sufficient to produce the observed effects on circulatory pressure

    Inhibition of Plasma Kallikrein with Aprotinin in porcine endotoxin Shock

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    Activation of the contact phase of coagulation has been implicated in the pathogenesis of septic shock. We wanted to determine if inhibition of plasma kallikrein can prevent arterial hypotension and liberation of kinins from kininogen, induced by an infusion of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in anesthetized, ventilated 20-kg pigs. The LPS was given IV in a dose of 5 [mu]g/kg/h for 8 hours. The plasma kallikrein inhibitor aprotinin, 537 [mu]mol, was given IV during 8 hours, resulting in plasma levels above 10 [mu]mol/L. Ten animals (SA) received LPS and aprotinin and ten randomized controls (SC) received LPS and saline. Kinin-containing kininogen was determined on the basis of the amount of kinin releasable in plasma samples by incubation with trypsin. Kininogen decreased to 58% +/- 4% of the baseline value without any difference between groups. This may indicate participation of other processes than degradation by plasma kallikrein in the decrease of kininogen. Arterial blood pressure was higher at 7 hours in the SA animals than in the SC group (101% +/- 11% vs. 68% +/- 8%; mean +/- SEM; p = 0.026). Fibrin monomer and C3adesArg plasma levels were attenuated by aprotinin treatment. These findings underscore the important role of the contact system in LPS shock

    Prospective, Non-interventional Study on the Real-World Use of Certoparin in Daily Practice-The PROMEMBER Study

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    Background: We aimed to verify safety and effectiveness of certoparin real-world use and to identify predictors of thromboembolic events or bleeding. Methods: This was a non-interventional study documenting patients at hospital-or office-based physicians. Results: Patients' (n = 1407) mean age was 53.7 +/- 16.1 years. Reason for certoparin use was prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism in 1331 (94.6%) patients and treatment in 76 (5.4%) patients. In only 11.4% of those receiving prophylaxis and 13.2% of those receiving treatment dosing, duration and schedule of certoparin were within label. There were 2 patients with deep venous thrombosis (DVT], no pulmonary embolism PE]), and 51 patients (3.8%) with minor (nonmajor) bleeding complications in patients receiving prophylaxis. Two patients treated with certoparin had recurrent DVT and one had PE (one patient with minor bleeding). Conclusions: Certoparin is very effective in real world. This also applies to patients in whom clinical decision making leads to an alteration of recommended application
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