246 research outputs found
Modelling Online Gaming Metacognitions: The Role of Time Spent Gaming in Predicting Problematic Internet Use
© 2020, The Author(s). In recent years there have been growing concerns about problematic Internet use (PIU) as potential mental health problem. Among the many activities available on the Internet, the time spent gaming appears one of the most frequent risk factors in developing PIU. The aim of the current study was to model the relationship between negative affect, metacognitions about online gaming, frequency of online gaming and PIU. A total of 326 Italian gamers (mean age = 27 years, SD = 5.65 years; 93.3% males) participated in the study. The pattern of relationships specified by the theoretical model was examined through path analysis. Results showed that negative affect was directly associated with all other variables. Specifically, positive, strong and direct associations were found between negative affect and both positive and negative metacognitions about online gaming. Moreover, negative metacognitions about online gaming were strongly linked to PIU. Overall, the theoretical model was supported showing that metacognitions about online gaming may play a role in the association between time spent on online gaming to a broader pattern of PIU. Results are discussed within the context of the metacognitive model of psychopathology and clinical implications based on this model are outlined
The importance of thinking styles in predicting binge eating
Impulsivity, Body Mass Index, negative emotions and irrational food beliefs are often reported as predictors of binge eating. In the current study we explored the role played by two thinking styles, namely food thought suppression and desire thinking, in predicting binge eating among young adults controlling for established predictors of this condition. A total of 338 university students (268 females) participated in this study by completing a battery of questionnaires measuring the study variables. Path analysis revealed that impulsivity was not associated with binge eating, that Body Mass Index and negative emotions predicted binge eating, and that irrational food beliefs only influenced binge eating via food thought suppression and desire thinking. In conclusion, thinking styles appear an important predictor of binge eating and they should be taken into consideration when developing clinical interventions for binge eating
The metacognitions about self-critical rumination questionnaire
BACKGROUND: Self-criticism refers to a series of persistent and negative self-judgements, often involuntary, that an individual makes about themselves. Recent research has explored the possibility that self-criticism can lead to a more perseverative style of thinking called self-critical rumination. There is evidence that self-critical rumination may be a separate construct from other forms of rumination, such as depressive rumination and post-event processing. Research has indicated that metacognitions, beliefs that individuals have about their internal experiences and how to control them, may play a role in self-critical rumination. The aim of our work was to develop a measure to assess metacognitions related to self-critical rumination. METHOD: In Study 1, a community sample of 178 participants completed the newly developed Metacognitions about Self-Critical Rumination Questionnaire (MSCRQ) and results were subjected to a Principal Components Analysis. In Study 2, a community sample of 247 participants completed a battery of questionnaires including the MSCRQ. A Confirmatory Factors Analysis was performed on the MSCRQ and validity was ascertained by correlating with other measures. RESULTS: In Study 1, a 15-item two-factor structure was identified. A 10-item two-factor structure was confirmed in Study 2. Results also indicated that the MSCRQ has acceptable levels of reliability, and good concurrent and incremental validity. CONCLUSIONS: The MSCRQ appears to be a reliable and valid measure of metacognitions about self-critical rumination whilst the MCQ-30 is a better predictor of general emotional distress
Factorial validity of the Problematic Facebook Use Scale for adolescents and young adults.
Background and aims Recent research on problematic Facebook use has highlighted the need to develop a specific theory-driven measure to assess this potential behavioral addiction. The aim of the present study was to examine the factorial validity of the Problematic Facebook Use Scale (PFUS) adapted from Caplan's Generalized Problematic Internet Scale model. Methods A total of 1,460 Italian adolescents and young adults (aged 14-29 years) participated in the study. Confirmatory factor analyses were performed in order to assess the factorial validity of the scale. Results Results revealed that the factor structure of the PFUS provided a good fit to the data. Furthermore, results of the multiple group analyses supported the invariance of the model across age and gender groups. Discussion and conclusions This study provides evidence supporting the factorial validity of the PFUS. This new scale provides a theory-driven tool to assess problematic use of Facebook among male and female adolescents and young adults
Editorial for the launch of Addictive Behaviors Reports
We are pleased to welcome you to the launch of Addictive Behaviors Reports, a new online only, open-access and peer reviewed journal offering an interdisciplinary forum for the publication of research in addictive behaviors. Addictive Behaviors Reports accepts submissions that are scientifically sound on all forms of addictive behavior (such as alcohol, drugs, gambling, nicotine and technology) with a primary focus on behavioral and psycho-social research. The emphasis of the
journal is primarily empirical. That is, sound experimental design combined with valid, reliable assessment and evaluation procedures are a requisite for acceptance
A metacognitive model of self-esteem
Background: In the current study, we aimed to test a metacognitive model of self-esteem grounded in the Self-Regulatory Executive Function model of psychopathology. Method: A convenience sample of 346 community participants were recruited and completed a battery of online questionnaires that measured self-esteem, self-criticism, self-critical rumination, metacognitions about self-critical rumination, generic metacognitions and negative affect. Initially, we tested a series of hypotheses to establish the relationships between the study variables. We then examined whether self-critical rumination, and its associated metacognitions, both positive and negative, would independently predict self-esteem when controlling for age, negative affect, levels of self-criticism and generic metacognitions. Results: Self-critical rumination and its associated negative metacognitions, levels of depression and self-criticism independently predicted self-esteem. Additionally, a path analysis revealed that the study data was a very good fit to the proposed metacognitive model of self-esteem. Conclusion: The metacognitive model of self-esteem presented in this paper may be used to generate novel interventions to improve self-esteem and decrease self-critical rumination
Profiling Metacognition in Binge Eating Disorder
© 2020, The Author(s). Research has shown that metacognition may play a role in problem eating. In this study we explored whether aspects of metacognition are relevant to the understanding of binge eating in patients with Binge Eating Disorder. We aimed to ascertain: (1) the presence of metacognitive beliefs about binge eating; (2) the goal of, and stop signal for, binge eating; and (3) the impact of binge eating on self-consciousness. Ten Binge Eating Disorder patients took part in the study and were assessed using the metacognitive profiling semi-structured interview. Results suggested that all patients endorsed both positive and negative metacognitive beliefs about binge eating. The goals of binge eating were stop thinking about personal concerns and improve emotional state. All patients reported that they did not know when these goals had been reached. The stop signals for binge eating included physical discomfort, beliefs about binge eating not being the best way to solve problems, and environmental stimuli. All patients also confirmed that a reduction in self-consciousness occurred during a binge eating episode. The results of this study confirm that metacognition may indeed be relevant to the understanding of Binge Eating Disorder
Metacognitions and emotion recognition in Internet Gaming Disorder among adolescents
© 2020 The Author(s) Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) is associated with considerable psychological distress in adolescents. However, studies which strive to shed light on the developmental background of IGD are still sparse. We aimed to examine the role of metacognitions and emotion recognition in predicting IGD during the early adolescence period. Four hundred and seventy-seven secondary school students were recruited for the study. Participants completed the Internet Gaming Disorder Test (IGDT), the Metacognitions Questionnaire for Children (MCQ-C), and the Children's Version of Reading the Mind in the Eye Test (RMET). Correlation analyses indicated that three factors of the MCQ-C (positive meta-worry, negative meta-worry, and superstition, punishment, and responsibility) and its total score were positively correlated with the majority of factors of the IGDT. The negative factor of the RMET was positively correlated with the salience, tolerance, and relapse factors and total score of the IGDT. Daily internet use was positively correlated with all factors of the IGDT and its total score. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that daily internet use and metacognitions (in different combinations) were significant independent predictors of IGDT factors and its total score, and that the negative factor of the RMET was a significant independent predictor of the salience and tolerance factors of IGDT and its total score. The implications of these findings are discussed
Social norms and e-motions in problematic social media use among adolescents
© 2020 The Authors Introduction: Being constantly connected on social media is a “way of being” among adolescents. However, social media use can become “problematic” for some users and only a few studies have explored the concurrent contribution of social context and emotion regulation to problematic social media use. The current study aimed to test: (i) the influence of friends (i.e., their social media use and group norms about social media use); and (ii) the effects of difficulties in emotion regulation and so-called “e-motions” on adolescents’ problematic social media use. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Italian secondary schools. An online questionnaire was administered to 761 adolescents (44.5% females; Mage = 15.49 years; SDage = 1.03). Results: Path analysis showed that social norms were directly associated with problematic social media use and friends’ social media use was associated with the frequency of social media use, which, in turn, was associated with problematic use. Difficulties in emotion regulation were directly and indirectly linked to problematic social media use via frequency of use and facilitating use of e-motions. Conclusions: These findings provide support for the importance of both peer influence and emotion regulation in this context. Social norms and emotion regulation should be considered in prevention programs addressing problematic social media use in adolescents
Transcultural, transdiagnostic, and concurrent validity of a revised Metacognitions about Symptom Control Scale
Anxiety and depression add to the burden of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Fibromyalgia (FM), and Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM). Metacognitions play a role in this distress. The Metacognitions about Symptoms Control Scale (MaSCS) measures metacognitive beliefs regarding symptoms but has weaknesses. The current study created a revised MaSCS (MaSCS-R) in English, German, and Arabic versions using CFS, FM, and T1DM samples, and examined the transcultural, transdiagnostic, and concurrent validity of metacognitions about symptom control. This study used data from a total of 563 participants clinically diagnosed with CFS (n = 124; English), FM (n = 348; German), or T1DM (n = 91; Lebanese). CFS and FM data had been used in earlier published studies but were subjected to new analyses. CFS data was used to create the English version of the MaSCS-R, and FM and T1DM data for German and Arabic versions. Metacognitions about worry, anxiety, depression, and symptom severity were measured. The three MaSCS-R versions, consisting of two factors (each with four items), had adequate psychometric properties, possessing configural and metric invariance. Metacognitive factors were associated with distress and symptom severity in all three samples. Metacognitions about symptom control have transcultural, transdiagnostic, and concurrent validity.
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Fernie, B.A., Aoun, A., Kollman, J., Spada, M.M., and Nikčević, A.V. (2019). Transcultural, transdiagnostic, and concurrent validity of a revised Metacognitions about Symptoms Control Scale. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, which has been published in final form at 10.1002/cpp.2367 . This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Version
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