2,960 research outputs found

    Diversidade de vespas parasitoides em áreas de cultivo de guaraná (Paullinia cupana var. sorbilis) convencional e orgânico na Amazônia brasileira

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    We surveyed parasitoid wasps (Hymenoptera) in two guarana plantations in the central Brazilian Amazon (one conventionally, and one organically managed), as well as in adjacent forest and edge areas between crop and forest. We evaluated differences between management systems in parasitoid diversity and abundance, and assessed the importance of the surrounding matrix as a source of parasitoid wasps for guarana cultivation. Parasitoid wasp richness, abundance and taxonomic composition (at family level) were compared between plantations, and among habitats within plantations. Wasps were sampled using Malaise and Moericke traps. A total of 25,951 parasitoid wasps (10,828 in the conventional, and 15,123 in the organic crop area) were collected, and were distributed in 11 superfamilies and 38 families. In the conventional management area, the greatest abundance and richness of parasitoids were recorded in the adjacent forest, while, in the organic management area, the greatest abundance and richness were recorded in the crop-forest edge. Parasitoid wasp family richness was not influenced by management system and habitat but varied significantly between trap types. Average wasp abundance varied significantly between management systems. The presence of adjacent forest in both cultivation areas likely contributed to a greater abundance and richness of parasitoid wasps, showing the importance of preserving forest areas near the plantations. © 2019, (publisher Name). All right reserved

    Eficiência em inventários de formigas em uma reserva florestal na Amazônia Central

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate an inventory method efficiency for ants. We used subsamples collected in 24 transects of 100 m, distributed in 6 plots of 600 ha each in primary forest, as part of a long-term project. Ten litter subsamples were extracted per transect using Winkler extractors. Ants were identified to genus level, and Crematogaster, Gnamptogenys and Pachycondyla genera to species/morphospecies level. To evaluate the consequences of reduced sampling on the retention of ecological information, we estimated the lowest number of subsamples needed to detect the effects of environmental variables. Multidimensional scaling (MDS) was used to generate dissimilarity matrices, and Mantel correlations between each reduced-sampling effort and maximum effort were used as an index of how much information was maintained and could still be used in multivariate analyses. Lower p-values was observed on the effect of soil pH in the community of genera, and on the effect of the litter volume for the community of Crematogaster. The trend was still detectable in the analysis based on reduced-sampling. The number of subsamples can be reduced, and the cost-efficiency of the protocol can be improved with little loss of information

    Efficiency in inventories of ants in a forest reserve in Central Amazonia

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência da metodologia de inventário de formigas. Foram usadas subamostras coletadas em 24 transectos de 100 m, distribuídos em 6 parcelas de 600 ha, em floresta primária, como parte de um projeto de longa duração. Dez subamostras foram extraídas por transecto com extratores de Winkler. As formigas foram identificadas quanto ao gênero. Crematogaster, Gnamptogenys e Pachycondyla foram identificados quanto a espécies ou morfoespécies. Para avaliar as consequências de redução da amostragem na retenção da informação ecológica, foi estimado o menor número de subamostras necessário para detectar os efeitos das variáveis ambientais. A ordenação em escala multidimencionais (MDS) foi usada para gerar matrizes de dissimilaridade, e as correlações de Mantel, entre cada esforço reduzido de amostragem e o esforço máximo, foram usadas como índice da informação retida que ainda poderia ser usada em análises multivariadas. Foram detectados baixos valores de probabilidade para os efeitos do pH do solo na comunidade de gêneros e do efeito do volume de serapilheira na comunidade de Crematogaster. O mesmo padrão foi detectado em análises baseadas em amostragem reduzida. O número de subamostras pode ser reduzido e o custo-benefício do protocolo otimizado, com pouca perda de informação.The objective of this work was to evaluate an inventory method efficiency for ants. We used subsamples collected in 24 transects of 100 m, distributed in 6 plots of 600 ha each in primary forest, as part of a long-term project. Ten litter subsamples were extracted per transect using Winkler extractors. Ants were identified to genus level, and Crematogaster, Gnamptogenys and Pachycondyla genera to species/morphospecies level. To evaluate the consequences of reduced sampling on the retention of ecological information, we estimated the lowest number of subsamples needed to detect the effects of environmental variables. Multidimensional scaling (MDS) was used to generate dissimilarity matrices, and Mantel correlations between each reduced-sampling effort and maximum effort were used as an index of how much information was maintained and could still be used in multivariate analyses. Lower p-values was observed on the effect of soil pH in the community of genera, and on the effect of the litter volume for the community of Crematogaster. The trend was still detectable in the analysis based on reduced-sampling. The number of subsamples can be reduced, and the cost-efficiency of the protocol can be improved with little loss of information

    Distribuição de espécies de formigas ao longo de um gradiente topográfico em uma reserva florestal de terra firme na Amazônia Central

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    In Amazonia, topographical variations in soil and forest structure within "terra-firme" ecosystems are important factors correlated with terrestrial invertebrates' distribution. The objective of this work was to assess the effects of soil clay content and slope on ant species distribution over a 25 km2 grid covering the natural topographic continuum. Using three complementary sampling methods (sardine baits, pitfall traps and litter samples extracted in Winkler sacks), 300 subsamples of each method were taken in 30 plots distributed over a wet tropical forest in the Ducke Reserve (Manaus, AM, Brazil). An amount of 26,814 individuals from 11 subfamilies, 54 genera, 85 species and 152 morphospecies was recorded (Pheidole represented 37% of all morphospecies). The genus Eurhopalothrix was registered for the first time for the reserve. Species number was not correlated with slope or clay content, except for the species sampled from litter. However, the Principal Coordinate Analysis indicated that the main pattern of species composition from pitfall and litter samples was related to clay content. Almost half of the species were found only in valleys or only on plateaus, which suggests that most of them are habitat specialists. In Central Amazonia, soil texture is usually correlated with vegetation structure and moisture content, creating different microhabitats, which probably account for the observed differences in ant community structure.Na Amazônia, variações topográficas em ecossistemas de terra-firme são variáveis comuns que afetam a distribuição de invertebrados terrestres. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do conteúdo de argila no solo e da inclinação do terreno na distribuição de espécies de formigas em uma área de 25 km2 que cobre a variação topográfica natural. Usando três métodos de coleta complementares (iscas de sardinha, armadilhas de fosso e amostras de serapilheira extraídas de sacos de Winkler), foram coletadas 300 subamostras de cada método em 30 parcelas distribuídas em uma floresta tropical úmida na Reserva Ducke (Manaus, AM). Foram registrados 26.814 indivíduos em 11 subfamílias, 54 gêneros, 85 espécies e 152 morfoespécies (Pheidole representou 37% das morfoespécies). O gênero Eurhopalothrix foi registrado pela primeira vez nesta reserva. O número de espécies não foi correlacionado com a inclinação do terreno ou o conteúdo de argila, exceto para espécies na serapilheira. No entanto, a Análise das Coordenadas Principais indicou que a composição de espécies das armadilhas e da serapilheira esteve correlacionada com o conteúdo de argila. Aproximadamente metade das espécies foi encontrada somente nos baixios ou nos platôs, sugerindo que a maioria é especialista do habitat. Na Amazônia Central, a textura do solo está geralmente correlacionada com a estrutura da vegetação e o teor de umidade, criando micro-habitats heterogêneos que provavelmente contribuíram para as diferenças observadas na estrutura da comunidade de formigas

    Characterization of the mandible atta laevigata and the bioinspiration for the development of a biomimetic surgical clamp

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    Approximately thousand years ago it was reported the use of mandibles of ants for suture. In this sense, bioinspired components, as absorbable surgical clamps, can be designed. This study is aimed to characterize the mandible of the ant Atta laevigata in order to help the selection of candidate biomaterials for application as surgical clamps. Three pairs of mandibles were used and ten nanoindenations were performed in each pair. The average hardness for the samples in the internal and external regions were 0.36 ± 0.06 GPa and 0.19 ± 0.04 GPa, respectively and the average elastic modulus for the internal and external regions were 6.16 ± 0.23 GPa and 2.74 ± 0.44 GPa, respectively. The morphology of the mandible was observed in detail by scanning electron microscopy, as well as Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The average roughnesses on the internal and external regions, measured by atomic force microscopy, were 6.73 ± 0.90 nm and 11.87 ± 1.42 nm, respectively. From these results, it was possible to identify biomaterials that mimic the mandible behaviour for surgical clamp. © 2017

    Leadership and training of nurses for pre-hospital care emergency

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    DOI: https://doi.org/10.26694/2238-7234.734-9 Objetivo: descrever como se desenvolve o processo de liderança e capacitação dos enfermeiros que atuam em APH. Metodologia: pesquisa de natureza descritiva com abordagem qualitativa. O estudo teve como cenário a Organização de Bombeiros Militar-Grupamento de Socorro e Emergência. Os participantes foram enfermeiros do Quadro de Oficiais de Saúde do Corpo de Bombeiros do Estado do Rio de Janeiro atuantes nas ambulâncias intermediárias. Foi utilizado roteiro de entrevista estruturada contendo perguntas abertas e fechadas. Os dados qualitativos foram analisados segundo análise de conteúdo. O estudo teve aprovação do comitê de ética e pesquisa e os participantes firmaram concordância assinando o termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido. Resultados: emergiram as seguintes categorias: a liderança e autonomia no atendimento imediato de emergência; a influência do treinamento na prática profissional de emergência. Os seis participantes relataram que a capacitação recebida para atuar no atendimento pré-hospitalar tem grande influência na prática, pois agiliza o atendimento. Muitas condutas são pré-estabelecidas, possibilitando raciocínio dinâmico, liderança e contínua revisão das técnicas e protocolos o que vai mantê-los atualizados..

    Atuação do enfermeiro no atendimento pré-hospitalar de emergência

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    The aim was to describe the role of nurses in pre-hospital care. This is an integrative literature review, carried out through a survey of works on the subject, including: articles, books, manuals, laws and ordinances, theses, and dissertations from the last 13 years. The works were read in full, and after textual analysis, four categories emerged, according to their characteristics and contents: history of pre-hospital care, legal aspects, nurses' role in PHC, PHC teaching in nursing. It was possible to notice that, even though PHC is an area still under development in Brazil, nurses are present and active. It is important to emphasize that emergency nursing, in the country and in the world, needs to be permanently discussed, as the performance of some procedures by nurses faces legal obstacles.Objetivou-se descrever a atuação do enfermeiro no atendimento pré-hospitalar. Trata-se de revisão integrativa da literatura, realizada por meio de levantamento de obras sobre a temática sendo: artigos, livros, manuais, leis e portarias, teses e dissertações dos últimos 13 anos. As obras foram lidas na íntegra, e após a análise textual, emergiram quatro categorias, de acordo com as características e conteúdos: história do atendimento pré-hospitalar, aspectos legais, atuação do enfermeiro no APH, ensino de APH na enfermagem. Foi possível notar que, mesmo o APH sendo uma área ainda em desenvolvimento no Brasil, o enfermeiro se faz presente e atuante. É importante ressaltar que a enfermagem de urgência, no país e no mundo, precisa ser permanentemente discutida, pois a realização de alguns procedimentos pelos enfermeiros encontra entraves legais

    Weight Gain Comparison between Heifers Fed Colostrum or Whole Milk until Weaning

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    Background: The milk-feeding phase, wherein whole milk is the natural food, is critical to calf development, health, and vitality. However, feeding milk to calves is costly in the rearing system because the milk supplied to calves is not sold. In farms in which the average production is high, excess colostrum and transitional milk are produced that are used to feed calves until weaning. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of heifers exclusively fed colostrum (including transitional milk) or raw whole milk.Materials, Methods & Results: Immediately after their birth, 83 ear-tagged healthy Holstein Friesian heifers adequately receiving the initial colostrum were separated into two experimental groups. Group 1 (n = 34) was fed only fresh whole milk and group 2 (n = 49) was fed only colostrum diluted in water at a 2:1 ratio. Colostrum was removed from cows until the fifth day after birth and was stored in sanitized disposable plastic bottles, stored in a freezer at -20°C and before administration, the colostrum was thawed. Liquid diets were administered using a bottle twice a day during the first month, namely 2 L in the morning and 2 L in the afternoon. During the second month, the heifers were fed 4 L once a day in the morning. The heifers had access to an enclosure with fodder, in addition to concentrate specifically for heifers, which was placed in an individual trough daily. The leftovers were weighed at the end of the afternoon. The heifers were abruptly weaned when they reached a daily intake of 1 kg of concentrate. The heifers were individually weighed at birth and at 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 days. The average weights were 40.4, 54.1, 74.5, 95.1, 108.2, and 126.1 kg in group 1 and 45.4, 58.4, 78.2, 95.9, 110.8, and 125.1 kg in group 2. The use of diluted colostrum was satisfactory as it resulted in similar weight gains.Discussion: Feeding milk to calves is one of the most cost-increasing factors to a dairy farm because the total milk volume fed to animals at this stage is not sold and results in a large loss in income for the farmer. Calf management during the milk-feeding phase is of the utmost importance, especially in the first days after birth, to ensure the development of the systemic immune response of animals. The performance of these animals in the first months affects their subsequent development. Whole milk is commonly used to feed calves for 8 to 12 consecutive weeks. However, whole milk can be replaced by a good substitute, such as colostrum and transitional milk. The aim of this study was to show that these substitutes are effective alternatives for calf development and cost reduction. The weight gain of animals fed diluted colostrum was similar to that of animals fed only whole milk, which corroborates the results of previous studies on the development of calves treated with colostrum-based liquid diet, fermented or not, with and without additives. Those studies reported favorable growth rates in comparison with the traditional production system as a result of higher dietary protein levels in colostrum-based diets. The availability of roughages and concentrates should be initiated during the milk-feeding phase, as it is fundamental for rumen development, helps in early weaning and reduces expenses during this period. Replacing whole milk with colostrum and transitional milk for feeding calves, stimulating roughage, and concentrating intake can result in significant savings in the rearing system