381 research outputs found

    Finite size scaling and first order phase transition in a modified XY-model

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    Monte Carlo simulation has been performed in a two-dimensional modified XY-model first proposed by Domany et. al [E. Domany, M. Schick and R. H. Swendsen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 52, 1535 (1984)]. The cluster algorithm of Wolff has been used and multiple histogram reweighting is performed. The first order scaling behavior of the quantities like specific heat, order parameter susceptibility and free energy barrier are found to be obeyed accurately. While the lowest order correlation function was found to decay to zero at long distance just above the transition, the next higher order correlation function shows a non-zero plateau.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Strong associations between microbe phenotypes and their network architecture

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    Understanding the dependence and interplay between architecture and function in biological networks has great relevance to disease progression, biological fabrication and biological systems in general. We propose methods to assess the association of various microbe characteristics and phenotypes with the topology of their networks. We adopt an automated approach to characterize metabolic networks of 32 microbial species using 11 topological metrics from complex networks. Clustering allows us to extract the indispensable, independent and informative metrics. Using hierarchical linear modeling, we identify relevant subgroups of these metrics and establish that they associate with microbial phenotypes surprisingly well. This work can serve as a stepping stone to cataloging biologically relevant topological properties of networks and towards better modeling of phenotypes. The methods we use can also be applied to networks from other disciplines.Comment: Replaced by the version scheduled to appear in Phys. Rev. E (Rapid Comm.

    Role of topological defects in the phase transition of modified XY model : A Monte Carlo study

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    Monte Carlo simulation has been performed on a classical two dimensional XY- model with a modified form of interaction potential to investigate the role of topological defects on the phase transition exhibited by the model. In simulations in a restricted ensemble without defects, the system appears to remain ordered at all temperatures. Suppression of topological defects on the square plaquettes in the modified XY- model leads to complete elimination of the phase transition observed in this model.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
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