5 research outputs found
Effect of the iron valence in the two types of layers in LiFeOFeSe
We perform electronic structure calculations for the recently synthesized
iron-based superconductor LiFeOFeSe. In contrast to other
iron-based superconductors, this material comprises two different iron atoms in
3 and 3 configurations. In band theory, both contribute to the
low-energy electronic structure. Spin-polarized density functional theory
calculations predict an antiferromagnetic metallic ground state with different
moments on the two Fe sites. However, several other almost degenerate magnetic
configurations exist. Due to their different valences, the two iron atoms
behave very differently when local quantum correlations are included through
the dynamical mean-field theory. The contributions from the half-filled 3
atoms in the LiFeO layer are suppressed and the 3 states from the FeSe
layer restore the standard iron-based superconductor fermiology.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure
Accurate bare susceptibilities from full-potential calculations
Electronic susceptibilities are a very popular tool to study electronic and
magnetic properties of materials, both in experiment and theory. Unfortunately,
the numerical evaluation of even the bare susceptibility, which depends on the
computation of matrix elements and sums over energy bands, is very
work-intensive and therefore various approximations have been introduced to
speed up the calculations. We present a reliable and efficient implementation
to compute static as well as dynamic bare susceptibilities based on
full-potential density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Based on the exact
results we will assess the accuracy of replacing the matrix elements with a
constant and the impact of truncating the sum over the energy bands. Results
will be given for representative and topical materials, such as Cr, a classical
transition metal, as well as for FeSe and LaFeAsO, examples of iron-based
superconductors.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure