14 research outputs found

    Study area and sites, Kampong Cham province, Cambodia (See S1 Table for the village names in English and Khmer).

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    <p>The main map is showing the locations of the villages included in the epidemiological study about human leptospirosis as well as the locations of the sites were the field data were collected for the ground truthing of the flooding indicator. The smaller map shows the location of the study area in Cambodia.</p

    Probabilistic model of the evolution of dog rabies and serological status during the study period.

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    The whole dog population is separated in 4 states (indicated by squares): S susceptible dog; V1 dog with protective immunity induced by primary vaccination; V2 dog with protective immunity induced by primary and subsequent booster vaccination; R dog with protective immunity induced by a non-lethal infection. The serological results (by FAVNT) are indicated by circles: N negative FAVNT (P positive FAVNT (≄0·5 IU/mL). The parameters describing the model dynamics are: λ average force of infection; π probability of non-lethal infection; q probability of acquiring protective immunity after vaccination; ρ1 rate of loss of protective immunity induced by primary vaccination; ρ2 rate of loss of protective immunity induced by primary and subsequent booster vaccination; p sensitivity of the serological test for dogs in V1 or V2 status. (*) Sensitivity is assumed perfect for animals in the R state. (**) Specificity is assumed perfect. (***) Dogs in the V1 state are assumed immuno-competent (since they have acquired a protective immunity after primary vaccination), therefore, all are assumed to enter the V2 state after the booster vaccination.</p

    Vaccination and follow-up schedule for study groups (created by authors using the licensed program BioRender (http://www.biorender.com).

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    Dogs without documented previous rabies vaccination (grey) received their primary vaccination (T0, grey). For group 1 follow-up blood samples were taken seven months (T7), around one year (T12-14) and 1.5 years (T18) after primary vaccination. Due to logistic restrains the follow-up sequence differs (blue) within this group between dogs from Kandal (n = 16) and dogs from Battambang (n = 205). From dogs of group 2, a blood sample (T12) was collected one year after their primary immunization to document the immune response of this primary immunization. Afterwards these dogs received a booster vaccination (green), and additional samples were collected (green) more than one year (T26) and three years (T34) after the booster vaccination to monitor its effect on the immune response.</p