2,469 research outputs found

    A simple rat model of mild traumatic brain injury: device to reproduce anatomical and neurological changes of mild traumatic brain injury

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    View the peer-reviewed version (peerj.com/articles/2818), which is the preferred citable publication unless you specifically need to cite this preprint. Mild traumatic brain injury typically involves temporary impairment of neurological function. Previous studies used the water pressure or rotational injury for designing the device to make a rat mild traumatic brain injury model. The objective of this study was to make a simple model of mild traumatic brain injury in rat. The device consisted of a freefall impactor that was targeted onto the rat skull. The weight (175g) was freely dropped 30cm to rat's skull bregma. We installed a safety device made of acrylic panel. (Collins et al. 1999). Actually, hospital-treated MTBIs are no more than 26 100 to 300/100,000 (Harmon et al. 2013). Neurological, cognitive and behavioral deficits, caused 27 by MTBIs, are observed only for a short period of time. A headache, vomiting, cognitive slowing, 28 fatigue, dizziness, depression, and problems with attention and memory can be one of its 29 symptoms (d'Hemecourt. 2011; 39 However, such a damaging mechanism, which delivered shock to their head and fell down them, 40 could not induce MTBIs alone. In another study, shocks were delivered to the craniums of rats 41 equipped with helmet disks, but it was also complicated to put the helmet disk (Xu et al. 2014). 42 In the case of a method suggested by Tang et al., it was comparatively simple and did not cause 43 skull fracture

    Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Provokes Neuroplasticity in Repetitive Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Rats

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    Repetitive mild traumatic brain injury (rmTBI) provokes behavioral and cognitive changes. But the study about electrophysiologic findings and managements of rmTBI is limited. In this study, we investigate the effects of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on rmTBI. Thirty-one Sprague Dawley rats were divided into the following groups: sham, rmTBI, and rmTBI treated by tDCS. Animals received closed head mTBI three consecutive times a day. Anodal tDCS was applied to the left motor cortex. We evaluated the motor-evoked potential (MEP) and the somatosensory-evoked potential (SEP). T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging was performed 12 days after rmTBI. After rmTBI, the latency of MEP was prolonged and the amplitude in the right hind limb was reduced in the rmTBI group. The latency of SEP was delayed and the amplitude was decreased after rmTBI in the rmTBI group. In the tDCS group, the amplitude in both hind limbs was increased after tDCS in comparison with the values before rmTBI. Anodal tDCS after rmTBI seems to be a useful tool for promoting transient motor recovery through increasing the synchronicity of cortical firing, and it induces early recovery of consciousness. It can contribute to management of concussion in humans if further study is performed

    National Cancer Control Plan of the Korea: Current Status and the Fourth Plan (2021-2025)

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    Cancer management has become a major policy goal for the government of the Korea. As such, the government introduced the National Cancer Control Plan (NCCP) to reduce the individual and social burdens caused by cancer and to promote national health. During the past 25 years, 3 phases of the NCCP have been completed. During this time, the NCCP has changed significantly in all aspects of cancer control from prevention to survival. The targets for cancer control are increasing, and although some blind spots remain, new demands are emerging. The government initiated the fourth NCCP in March 2021, with the vision of A Healthy Country with No Concerns about Cancer Anywhere at Any Time, which aims to build and disseminate high-quality cancer data, reduce preventable cancer cases, and reduce gaps in cancer control. Its main strategies include (1) activation of cancer big data, (2) advancement of cancer prevention and screening, (3) improvement in cancer treatment and response, and (4) establishment of a foundation for balanced cancer control. The fourth NCCP has many positive expectations, similar to the last 3 plans; however, cross-domain support and participation are required to achieve positive results in cancer control. Notably, cancer remains the leading cause of death despite decades of management efforts and should continue to be managed carefully from a national perspective

    Abnormal surges and the effects of the Seto Inland Sea circulation in Hiroshima Bay, Japan

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    The Seto Inland Sea (SIS) is the largest semienclosed coastal sea in Japan and has three connections with the outer seas. When a typhoon approached the SIS in September 2011, spatial variations of sea level elevation were observed across the SIS. Additionally, an unusual sea level rise (abnormal surge) occurred in Hiroshima Bay approximately 8 days after the typhoon passed, with the Itsukushima Shrine in the bay flooded by the surge. To understand the mechanism of the abnormal surge in the bay and the relationship between sea level variations and circulation in the SIS, we investigated the 2011 event by applying a high-resolution numerical ocean circulation model using SCHISM with bias correction for sea surface heights (SSHs) at the open boundary. The overall easterly throughflow due to the west-high east-low SSH pattern in the SIS and temporary SSH disturbances due to typhoons were well reproduced in the model results. Among the three connections, the Bungo Channel mainly determined the overall net flux into the SIS and contributed significantly to sea level variations within the SIS. Additionally, the Kii Channel played more crucial roles in shaping the circulation and local sea level variations. The Kanmon Strait exhibited minor impacts. The abnormal tide in Hiroshima Bay was mainly attributed to seawater flux input from the outer seas, in conjunction with the subtidal internal seiche with the bay. The results will help us to further understand the physical processes of the ocean and establish evidence-based safety plans for reducing natural hazard damage

    Integrative Literature Review on the Antecedents of Informal Learning in the Workplace: A Conceptual Framework for Future Research

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    Despite the explosion of interest in informal learning in the workplace, few attempts have been made to synthesize the current literature. This article provides an integrative and analytical review of prior empirical studies, particularly focusing on what factors have been identified as antecedents of informal learning in organizations and how informal learning has been conceptualized and measured. It then suggests future avenues for theory building, research, and practice. The authors propose a conceptual framework for understanding informal learning activities using three dimensions: learning competence, intentionality, and developmental relatedness. Implications for human resource development research and practice are also discussed

    Comparative study on multibody vehicle dynamics models based on subsystem synthesis method using Cartesian and joint coordinates

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    AbstractThe subsystem synthesis method has been developed in order to improve computational efficiency for a multibody vehicle dynamics model. Using the subsystem synthesis method, equations of motion of the base body and each subsystem can be solved separately. In the subsystem synthesis method, various coordinate systems can be used and various integration methods can be applied in each subsystem, as long as the effective mass matrix and the effective force vector are properly produced. In this paper, comparative study has been carried out for the subsystem synthesis method with Cartesian coordinates and with joint relative coordinates. Two different integration methods such as an explicit integrator and an explicit implicit integrator are employed. In order to see the accuracy and computational efficiency from the different models based on the different coordinate systems and different integration methods, a rough terrain run simulations has been carried out with a 6 × 6 off-road multibody vehicle model