4,019 research outputs found
Attendance record is very important because it can measure the level of someone’s dicipline. Any formal environments definitely use this method to monitor attendance. There are various methods of doing attendance, such as by biometric systems (fingerprint) or through by system. At the beginning, PT BPR Dana Makmur employee’s do attendance with a fingerprint machine. However the presence of coronavirus (Covid-19) caused changes of the attendance method in PT BPR Dana Makmur because the virus can be transmitted through fingerprint. From this problem, researchers tried to develop a web-based presence system to replace fingerprint methods. This application is expected to minimize the spread of the virus at PT BPR Dana Makmur or other company environtment
Abstract This research aimed at finding out and analyzing the e-Goverment of Central Sulawesi Province and to what extent the e-government has been implemented. This research used descriptive method employing qualitative approach. The informants were taken purposively, which means that they understood well about the subject matter and those who got involved in the e-goverment. The technique used was qualitative data analysis in which the researcher’s own reasoning for connectin facts, data, and information was used. In this research, implementation of E-Government in Central Sulawesi Province Government has not run optimally and effectively, because it is not supported by the quality and capacity of Human Resources (Human Resource Skills) consequently less data is valid and up to date. In addition, the Internet network running optimally in accessing data from outside because it is not supported by device policy for the Governor of Central Sulawesi. Financing e-government in the province of Central Sulawesi done in stages in accordance with what has been planned to the area 2011-2016
PERSPEKTIF dan SIKAP MAHASISWA TERHADAP KESETARAAN GENDER: Analisis Deskriptif Pada Mahasiswa Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada mahasiswa Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, yang dilatarbelakangi oleh perkembangan dan penegakan kesetaraan gender dalam berbagai sendi kehidupan ditandai dengan meningkatnya kuantitas pendidikan dan tenaga kerja bagi perempuan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dinilai penting, guna mengkaji perkembangan dan penegakan kesetaraan gender yang dinilai memiliki multi-tafsir dan dampak negatif yang tidak diangkat kepermukaan melalui karya tulis ilmiah dan laporan dari berbagai lembaga dan aktivis perempuan seperti pada umumnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perspektif dan sikap mahasiswa terhadap kesetaraan gender dengan menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan observasi, wawancara, studi literatur dan studi dokumentasi sebagai teknik pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Perspektif mahasiswa terhadap kesetaraan gender masih belum menyeluruh. Perspektif yang tidak menyeluruh terhadap gender dan kesetaraan gender juga akan mempengaruhi cara mahasiswa mendefinisikan dirinya dan orang lain di lingkungan sosialnya. (2) Konstruksi sosial dari budaya masih memiliki pengaruh pada sikap mahasiswa terhadap kesetaraan gender. Berlakunya perspektif teori pertukaran berdampak pada sikap mahasiswa melakukan pemakluman dan anggapan lazim terhadap sikap yang dianggap menguntungkan dirinya dan sesama jenis kelaminnya. (3) Perubahan pada nilai masyarakat berperspektif gender menyebabkan anomali dalam perspektif masyarakat. Anomali ini tampak pada reaksi mahasiswa ketika dihadapkan dengan skenario yang tidak lazim. Hal tersebut berdampak pada kerugian pihak lain berupa labeling negatif yang disematkan kepada jenis kelamin tertentu dan berlaku dengan generalisasi. (4) Masih terdapat diskriminasi dan labeling terhadap seseorang atas perilaku yang dilakukannya atau generalisasi berdasarkan jenis kelamin. Diskriminasi terhadap identitas gender seseorang bukan hanya menghambat perkembangan kesetaraan gender di masyarakat namun juga potensi yang dimiliki seseorang.
Kata Kunci: Kesetaraan Gender, Perspektif, Sikap
This research was carried out in Indonesia University of Education students, which is effected by the development and enforcement of gender equality within the various articulations of life marked by the increasing quantity of labor and education for women in Indonesia. This study assessed the importance, to examine the development and enforcement of gender equality which is judged to have multi-interpretation and the negative impact that is not appointed by scientific papers and reports from various agencies and gender activists. This research aims to know the perspectives and attitudes of college students towards gender equality by using qualitative research with observation, interviews, literature studies and study of documentation as a data collection technique. The results showed that: (1) Student Perspectives toward gender equality is still not thoroughly. No comprehensive perspective toward gender and gender equality will also influence how students define themselves and others in their social environment. (2) The Social Construction of culture still has influence on students ' attitudes towards gender equality. The enactment of the perspective of Exchange theory have an impact on the attitude of students doing promulgation and common presumption against an attitude that was considered beneficial to himself and fellow sex. (3) Changes in the value of the community gender perspectives cause anomalies in the perspective of the community. This confusion appears on the student's reaction when confronted with an uncommon scenario. This resulted in a loss to the other party in the form of negative labeling pinned to a particular gender and true with generalisation. (4) There is still discrimination and labelling against someone over behavior that he did or a generalization based on gender. Discrimination against a person's gender identity not only hampers the development of gender equality in the community but also potention of a person.
Keywords: Attitude, Gender Equality, Perspectiv
Message passing for the coloring problem: Gallager meets Alon and Kahale
Message passing algorithms are popular in many combinatorial optimization
problems. For example, experimental results show that {\em survey propagation}
(a certain message passing algorithm) is effective in finding proper
-colorings of random graphs in the near-threshold regime. In 1962 Gallager
introduced the concept of Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes, and suggested
a simple decoding algorithm based on message passing. In 1994 Alon and Kahale
exhibited a coloring algorithm and proved its usefulness for finding a
-coloring of graphs drawn from a certain planted-solution distribution over
-colorable graphs. In this work we show an interpretation of Alon and
Kahale's coloring algorithm in light of Gallager's decoding algorithm, thus
showing a connection between the two problems - coloring and decoding. This
also provides a rigorous evidence for the usefulness of the message passing
paradigm for the graph coloring problem. Our techniques can be applied to
several other combinatorial optimization problems and networking-related
issues.Comment: 11 page
Culinary tourism analysis at restaurants with tourism satisfaction mediation
Purpose: The study analyzes culinary tourism owned by restaurants in South Tangerang City to find out whether there is tourist satisfaction and what are the factors that can provide culinary tourists’ satisfaction. This research is also to find out, whether a restaurant in South Tangerang City has become a popular culinary destination.
Design/Methodology/Approach: Respondent data collected on tabulations, processed and analyzed by SEM Wrap PLS.
Findings: The results show a positive and significant relationship between service quality and tourist satisfaction, a positive and significant relationship between service quality and tourist loyalty through tourist satisfaction. The results also show a positive and significant relationship between tourist satisfaction and tourist loyalty.
Practical Implications: For entrepreneurs in the field of culinary tourism to develop strategies to increase the value of a culinary tourism service product. Providing benefits for the development of halal culinary tourism. Helping the South Tangerang City government in developing halal culinary tourism.
Originality/Value: The study provides a deeper understanding of the desires of culinary tourists to restaurants in South Tangerang City.peer-reviewe
PDP law and the university data ecosystem: understanding the context
Educational institutions -universities, colleges, schools, etc.- are among those who are regulated by the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) 2010. The data subjects include: students (obviously the main object here), staffs or employees, vendors, alumni, sponsors, as well as those applicants who have yet join the universities/schools.
The amount of personal data are potentially bulky: personal details, medical records, financial and scholarship records, academic records, student societies records, disciplinary records and even post-study information about the students. Given this situation, people who deal with students’ data in the educational institutions would need to ensure their handling of personal data is in line with the demands of the Act
Interview of Sonny Guild
Shackelford interviews Guild on his experiences in the mission field in Kenya. The interview was conducted in Searcy, AR
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