428 research outputs found

    Electroweak physics at the LHC

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    With the large integrated luminosities recorded at the LHC and the excellent understanding of the LHC detectors, it is possible to measure electroweak observables to the highest precision. A review of the measurement of the W boson mass by the ATLAS Collaboration as well as a new measurement of the electroweak mixing angle with the CMS detector are presented. Special emphasis is put on a discussion of the modelling uncertainties and the potential of the latest low-μ runs, recorded at the end of 2017 by both collaborations. In addition, the latest measurements of multi-boson final states as well as the electroweak production of single gauge bosons at 13TeV are summarised. The study of these processes can be used to constrain anomalous gauge couplings in an effective field theory approach, allowing to bridge tests of the electroweak sector of the Standard Models also to Higgs boson production

    Optimierung der in vivo Kristallisationsbedingungen heterolog exprimierter Proteine in Sf9 Insektenzellen und Charakterisierung der Kristalle

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    Neben der etablierten in vitro Kristallisation hat die in vivo Kristallisation in den letzten Jahren für immer mehr Aufsehen gesorgt. Ob es gelingen wird die in vivo Kristallisation als alternative Methode in der Forschung zu verankern ist noch nicht abschließend geklärt. Vieles deutet aber darauf hin, dass die in vivo Kristallisation ein großes Potential hat

    SILLVR: Streaming Interlibrary Loan Video Resources

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    This paper is an overview of SILLVR (Streaming Interlibrary Loan Video Resources), an innovative, collaborative pilot project that facilitates interlibrary loan (ILL) for streaming video. Conceived of by Auraria Library staff, SILLVR leverages partnerships with streaming video vendors and the Colorado Alliance for Research Libraries to enable library-to-library borrowing of streaming video media. This paper begins by briefly investigating the history and landscape of interlibrary loan, the loaning of electronic and “new” media, as well as how libraries collaboratively work towards increased ILL access and how this work supports equity. The second half of the paper details the creation of SILLVR, from its conception to the partnerships it has engendered and the workflows that will make it a reality

    Transmembrane fluoride transport: direct measurement and selectivity studies

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    Fluoride has been overlooked as a target in the development of synthetic anion transporters despite natural fluoride transport channels being recently discovered. In this paper we report the direct measurement of fluoride bilayer transport facilitated by a series of strapped calix[4]pyrroles and show that these compounds facilitate transport via an electrogenic mechanism (determined using valinomycin and monensin coupled transport assays and an additional osmotic response assay). An HPTS transport assay was used to quantify this electrogenic process and assess the interference of naturally occurring fatty acids with the transport process and Cl- over H+/OH- transport selectivity

    Structured recursive separator decompositions for planar graphs in linear time (Extended Abstract)

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    Given a triangulated planar graph G on n vertices and an integer r < n, an r-division of G with few holes is a decomposition of G into O(n/r) regions of size at most r such that each region contains at most a constant number of faces that are not faces of G (also called holes), and such that, for each region, the total number of vertices on these faces is O( √ r). We provide an algorithm for computing r-divisions with few holes in linear time. In fact, our algorithm computes a structure, called decomposition tree, which represents a recursive decomposition of G that includes r-divisions for essentially all values of r. In particular, given an exponentially increasing sequence r = (r1, r2, ...), our algorithm can produce a recursive r-division with few holes in linear time. r-divisions with few holes have been used in efficient algorithms to compute shortest paths, minimum cuts, and maximum flows. Our linear-time algorithm improves upon the decomposition algorithm used in the state-of-the-art algorithm for minimum st-cut (Italiano, Nussbaum, Sankowski, and Wulff-Nilsen, STOC 2011), removing one of the bottlenecks in the overall running time of their algorithm (analogously for minimum cut in planar and bounded-genus graphs)

    Electrophysiological findings during re-do procedures after single-shot pulmonary vein isolation for atrial fibrillation with pulsed field ablation

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    Background: Pulsed field ablation (PFA) is a novel ablation technology recently adopted in the treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF). Currently, little is known about the durability of PFA ablation lesions. Methods: We investigated patients who underwent redo-ablation due to recurrent AF/atrial-flutter or tachycardia (AFL/AT) following PVI with PFA. We report electrophysiological findings and ablation strategy during redo-ablation. Results: Of 447 patients undergoing index PVI with PFA, 14 patients (age: 61.9±10.8 years; 7 (50.0%) males; left atrial volume index (n=10): 39.4±14.6 mL/m2) were referred for redo-ablation. Initial indication was paroxysmal-AF in 7 patients, persistent-AF in 6 and long-standing-persistent-AF in one patient. Mean time-to-recurrence was 4.9±1.9 months. Three patients received additional posterior-wall-isolation during index PFA. Twelve (85.7%) patients suffered AF recurrence and 5/12 had concomitant AFL. In the remaining 2 patients, one had a (box-dependent) AFL, and one had an atypical AT. No patients had all PVs reconnected. Reconnection in zero, one, two or three PVs was found in 35.7%, 21.4%, 14.3%, and 28.6% of patients, respectively. All 7 patients with zero or one reconnection with AF recurrence received additional/repeat posterior-wall-isolation during re-ablation, while in the others, PVs were re-isolated. Patients with only AFL/AT had no reconnection of PVs, and the substrate was successfully ablated. Conclusions: Durable PVI (all PV’s isolated) was observed in over one-third of patients at re-do. The predominant recurrent arrhythmia following PVI-only was AF. Concomitant (35.7%) or isolated (14.3%) AFL/AT recurrence was observed in 50% of patients.</p

    Structural Descriptors of gp120 V3 Loop for the Prediction of HIV-1 Coreceptor Usage

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    HIV-1 cell entry commonly uses, in addition to CD4, one of the chemokine receptors CCR5 or CXCR4 as coreceptor. Knowledge of coreceptor usage is critical for monitoring disease progression as well as for supporting therapy with the novel drug class of coreceptor antagonists. Predictive methods for inferring coreceptor usage based on the third hypervariable (V3) loop region of the viral gene coding for the envelope protein gp120 can provide us with these monitoring facilities while avoiding expensive phenotypic tests. All simple heuristics (such as the 11/25 rule) as well as statistical learning methods proposed to date predict coreceptor usage based on sequence features of the V3 loop exclusively. Here, we show, based on a recently resolved structure of gp120 with an untruncated V3 loop, that using structural information on the V3 loop in combination with sequence features of V3 variants improves prediction of coreceptor usage. In particular, we propose a distance-based descriptor of the spatial arrangement of physicochemical properties that increases discriminative performance. For a fixed specificity of 0.95, a sensitivity of 0.77 was achieved, improving further to 0.80 when combined with a sequence-based representation using amino acid indicators. This compares favorably with the sensitivities of 0.62 for the traditional 11/25 rule and 0.73 for a prediction based on sequence information as input to a support vector machine and constitutes a statistically significant improvement. A detailed analysis and interpretation of structural features important for classification shows the relevance of several specific hydrogen-bond donor sites and aliphatic side chains to coreceptor specificity towards CCR5 or CXCR4. Furthermore, an analysis of side chain orientation of the specificity-determining residues suggests a major role of one side of the V3 loop in the selection of the coreceptor. The proposed method constitutes the first approach to an improved prediction of coreceptor usage based on an original integration of structural bioinformatics methods with statistical learning