103,277 research outputs found
Motivation of high school chemistry
Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston Universit
Consumer protection in the Kenyan financial sector: A case for a Twin Peaks model of financial regulation
Magister Legum - LLMThe dynamic character of the financial services industry necessitates frequent appraisal of the
regulation of the sector. The main objectives for regulation of the financial sector include
financial stability, promotion of competition and protection of the consumers. In ensuring
consumer protection, there is need to balance this with all the other objectives to ensure optimal
protection in the entire financial sector. This can be difficult as it is mostly dependent on the
regulatory framework in the financial sector for the basic reason that most of the failures are
associated with regulation. Key to the challenges is that consumer protection is served by
measures that ensure proper conduct on the part of the service providers. Interests of the
providers of the financial services may thus not be sufficiently aligned with those of the
consumers of the products.
There are three common models of financial regulation. They are the sectoral model, unified or
integrated model and the Twin Peaks model. The financial sector in Kenya follows a sectoral model. It is a hodgepodge of institutional and functional regulation. There are five (5)
government agencies that regulate specific segments of the financial sector with each of the
regulators being established to operate independently within the permits of an Act of Parliament.
This is without mentioning the many other segments that have no specific regulators
Abelian Conjectures of Stark Type in Z_p Extensions of Totally Real Fields
We study the behaviour of the Stark conjecture for an abelian extension K/k
of totally real number fields as K varies in a cyclotomic Z_p-tower. We
consider possible strengthenings of the natural norm-coherence in the tower of
putative solution of the complex conjecture and,especially, the consequences
for the analogous p-adic conjecture. More precisely, under two principal
assumptions - (i) that these solutions are given by exterior powers of
norm-coherent sequences of global (or p-semilocal) units and (ii) that p splits
in k - we show how the values of p-adic twisted zeta-functions for K/k are
determined at any integer by a group-ring-valued regulator formed from the
appropriate Coates-Wiles homomorphisms.Comment: 38 page
Consolidation, Scale Economics and Technological Change in Japanese Banking
The paper examines the technological structure of the Japanese banking sector before the onset of the banking crisis and structural reforms of the 90s in order to shade light on the logic of the recent trend to consolidation in the industry. While diseconomies of scale are shown to be pervasive in the large banks, defying the rationale for consolidation, the paper presents evidence of an underlying technological progress that operates to significantly increase the industry’s efficient minimum size, generating economies at larger banks, thus justifying the ongoing trend in consolidation. The results suggest that, to the extent that consumers can benefit from lower costs of bank production, policies that promote a more concentrated banking structure might be consistent with public interest.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/57258/1/wp878 .pd
A study of the reaction times of non-athletes and intramural athletes.
Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston Universit
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