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Chaos and chaotic fluid mixing
Very simple mathematical equations can give rise to surprisingly complicated, chaotic dynamics, with behavior that is sensitive to small deviations in the initial conditions. We illustrate this with a single recurrence equation that can be easily simulated, and with mixing in simple fluid flows
Analysing the Factors that Influence Social Media Adoption Among SME's in Developing Countries
Social media penetration is on the rise in developing countries and is an important channel of growth for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Many SMEs in developing countries use social media to connect their customers to their products and services. However, the factors that have led the existing SMEs in Africa to adopt or reject Social Media need to be clarified to understand the key contributing factors and influences at play. This paper adopts the learning-by-doing concept from economic theory to explore the factors that influence the adoption of social media. A primary survey follows this to examine the use of social media among firms in the commercial districts of Kenya and Nigeria. The preliminary surveys in both countries were combined into a single dataset to analyse the relationship between social media use and learning-by-doing.
The results show that while small SMEs are limited in their social media capacity, medium size firms tend to invest in their social media presence, and larger-size firms still rely on traditional marketing channels
Barriers to front propagation in ordered and disordered vortex flows
We present experiments on reactive front propagation in a two-dimensional (2D) vortex chain flow (both time-independent and time-periodic) and a 2D spatially disordered (time-independent) vortex-dominated flow. The flows are generated using magnetohydrodynamic forcing techniques, and the fronts are produced using the excitable, ferroin-catalyzed Belousov-Zhabotinsky chemical reaction. In both of these flows, front propagation is dominated by the presence of burning invariant manifolds (BIMs) that act as barriers, similar to invariant manifolds that dominate the transport of passive impurities. Convergence of the fronts onto these BIMs is shown experimentally for all of the flows studied. The BIMs are also shown to collapse onto the invariant manifolds for passive transport in the limit of large flow velocities. For the disordered flow, the measured BIMs are compared to those predicted using a measured velocity field and a three-dimensional set of ordinary differential equations that describe the dynamics of front propagation in advection-reaction-diffusion systems
Frozen reaction fronts in steady flows: a burning-invariant-manifold perspective
The dynamics of fronts, such as chemical reaction fronts, propagating in
two-dimensional fluid flows can be remarkably rich and varied. For
time-invariant flows, the front dynamics may simplify, settling in to a steady
state in which the reacted domain is static, and the front appears "frozen".
Our central result is that these frozen fronts in the two-dimensional fluid are
composed of segments of burning invariant manifolds---invariant manifolds of
front-element dynamics in -space, where is the front
orientation. Burning invariant manifolds (BIMs) have been identified previously
as important local barriers to front propagation in fluid flows. The relevance
of BIMs for frozen fronts rests in their ability, under appropriate conditions,
to form global barriers, separating reacted domains from nonreacted domains for
all time. The second main result of this paper is an understanding of
bifurcations that lead from a nonfrozen state to a frozen state, as well as
bifurcations that change the topological structure of the frozen front. Though
the primary results of this study apply to general fluid flows, our analysis
focuses on a chain of vortices in a channel flow with an imposed wind. For this
system, we present both experimental and numerical studies that support the
theoretical analysis developed here.Comment: 21 pages, 30 figure
Periodicity of joint co-tiles in
An old theorem of Newman asserts that any tiling of by a finite
set is periodic. Few years ago Bhattacharya proved the periodic tiling
conjecture in . Namely, he proved that for a finite subset of
, if there exists such that then there exists a periodic such
that . The recent refutation of the periodic tiling
conjecture in high dimensions due to Greenfeld and Tao motivates finding
different generalizations of Newman's theorem and of Bhattacharya's theorem
that hold in arbitrary dimension . In this paper, we formulate and prove
such generalizations. We do so by studying the structure of joint co-tiles in
. Our generalization of Newman's theorem states that for any , any joint co-tile for independent tiles is periodic. For a
-tuple of finite subsets of that satisfy a certain
technical condition that we call property , we prove that any joint
co-tile decomposes into disjoint -periodic sets. Consequently, we show
that for a -tuple of finite subsets of that satisfy
property , the existence of a joint co-tile implies the existence of
periodic joint co-tile. Conversely, we prove that if a finite subset in
admits a periodic co-tile , then there exist
additional tiles that together with are independent and admit as a
joint co-tile, and additional tiles that together with satisfy the
property . Combined, our results give a new necessary and sufficient
condition for a subset of to tile periodically. We also discuss
tilings and joint tilings in other countable abelian groups.Comment: Minor update
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