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L'espacement de la lecture: Althusser, Derrida, and the theory of reading
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Denise Riley's socialized biology
This essay surveys the work of Denise Riley (b. 1948) from roughly 1975-1985, paying close attention to the formal textures of her prose and poetry alongside the political and personal contexts that occasioned these writings and the ways in which Riley intervened in them. The aim is twofold: firstly, to provide an adequate account of the interconnections between Riley's prose, poetry, and political work, which has not been done adequately to date; secondly, to situate this portrait in terms of the social stakes of literary, anti-capitalist, and feminist politics and pedagogies. Read together, her early prose and poetry trace what she calls a "socialized biology" at the heart of poetic and political language. Riley's work provides strategies for interrupting the traditional view of poetry as pre-political moral training
The present study applies, along general lines, the methodology used in Ramey&Ramey (1995), and Kroft, Lloyd-Ellis (2002), respectively, to analyze the dependencies between growth, volatility and innovation in the case of the EU-27 and CEEC (new member states from Central and Eastern Europe) countries, respectively. Unlike the above-mentioned papers, which use human capital as proxy for innovation, we use as indicator of innovation the Summary Innovation Index(SII), proposed by the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS). Using the EVIEWS econometric software, we estimate regressions of the GDP growth rate on its total volatility, as well as on its partial volatilities, split with respect to the phases of the economic cycle. We also estimate regressions of the innovation rate on the GDP growth rate volatilities, as well as regressions of the GDP growth rate on the rate of innovation and the split volatility of the GDP growth rate. We find positive dependencies of the GDP growth rate on its own volatility, as well as on the innovation rate. The sources of the data are EUROSTAT, the National Statistical Institute of Romania (INS), and the European Innovation Scoreboard.growth, volatility, innovation
Deploying Social Media Tools for Political Awareness Creation Among Mass Communication Students in the University of Jos
The world continues to experience changes in all spheres of human engagement and daily survival. Top on the list are those changes that come with technological advancement is the advent as well as the rapidly increasing deployment of social media tools. Humans have found and are still finding ways to keep up with the changes that daily saturate the digital world. The Nigerian political environment is not left out as it tries to move from analogue to digital operations. Social media usage is one prominent resultant effect of the advanced digital world. It is against this backdrop that this study sought to find out possible benefits of Deploying Social Media Tool for Political Awareness Creation among Mass Communication Students of the University of Jos. The study sampled 271 respondents who were students of Mass Communication in the University of Jos. The findings, conclusions and recommendations from this study are quite revealing, as they all speak to the continuing relevance and importance of social media usage as veritable tools for the creation of political awareness
Development Communication and Governance in Nigeria: The Press for National Integration-A Functional Approach
In the light of the ever evolving instruments of Development Communicationviz-a-viz the quest for national integration and democracy in subsaharan Africa,thispaper examines the role of communication mediaand news sources towards sustainable governance in an emerging democracy such as Nigeria. The article however analyzes and discusses the relationship between the press and governance, and the contributions of the press that leads to governance, development and national integration in Nigeria. Agenda-setting theory guides the analysis of the relationship of the press with governmentas regards governance as well as the role of the press in national unity and development. The paper discusses the Nigerian media landscape in brief, looks at some news sources in Nigeria/tribal priorities, and analyzes the role of the press in Nigeria through the Agenda-setting role and development communication in the area of governance. The paper concludes that development initiatives in a pluralistic andculturally-diverse country shouldbe holistic and realistic to facilitate the process of national integration in Nigeria
A Boomerang: How Nollywood Ravages Youthsâ Moral Fabric in A North-Central Nigeria Suburban Community
The intent of Nollywood films has usually and always been to correct societal ills such as greed, prostitution, ritual killing, ostentatious living, armed robbery, terrorism and criminality, among other forms of corruption. While productions and movies have been acted and created along those lines, it appears that that noble intention of correcting negatives is boomeranging as a great deal of the societal ills are daily being learnt and cultivated through and as a result of the consumption of such movies. Adopting the cultivation and agenda setting theories of the media, this study surveyed the responses of a number of young men and women resident in Farin Gada, a suburb of Jos, North Central Nigeria. Using simple random sampling technique and Krejcie/Morganâs Table of Sampling, this study investigated three hundred and eighty four (384) youths of Farin Gada. Findings reveal a boomeranging effect in terms of expected outcome from the watching of Nollywood movies
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