62 research outputs found
A variational approach to the quasistatic limit of viscous dynamic evolutions in finite dimension
In this paper we study the vanishing inertia and viscosity limit of a second
order system set in an Euclidean space, driven by a possibly nonconvex
time-dependent potential satisfying very general assumptions. By means of a
variational approach, we show that the solutions of the singularly perturbed
problem converge to a curve of stationary points of the energy and characterize
the behavior of the limit evolution at jump times. At those times, the left and
right limits of the evolution are connected by a finite number of heteroclinic
solutions to the unscaled equation
Multiscale analysis of singularly perturbed finite dimensional gradient flows: the minimizing movement approach
We perform a convergence analysis of a discrete-in-time minimization scheme
approximating a finite dimensional singularly perturbed gradient flow. We allow
for different scalings between the viscosity parameter and the
time scale . When the ratio diverges, we
rigorously prove the convergence of this scheme to a (discontinuous) Balanced
Viscosity solution of the quasistatic evolution problem obtained as formal
limit, when , of the gradient flow. We also characterize the
limit evolution corresponding to an asymptotically finite ratio between the
scales, which is of a different kind. In this case, a discrete interfacial
energy is optimized at jump times
Delayed loss of stability in singularly perturbed finite-dimensional gradient flows
In this paper we study the singular vanishing-viscosity limit of a gradient
flow in a finite dimensional Hilbert space, focusing on the so-called delayed
loss of stability of stationary solutions. We find a class of time-dependent
energy functionals and initial conditions for which we can explicitly calculate
the first discontinuity time of the limit. For our class of functionals,
coincides with the blow-up time of the solutions of the linearized system
around the equilibrium, and is in particular strictly greater than the time
where strict local minimality with respect to the driving energy gets
lost. Moreover, we show that, in a right neighborhood of , rescaled
solutions of the singularly perturbed problem converge to heteroclinic
solutions of the gradient flow. Our results complement the previous ones by
Zanini, where the situation we consider was excluded by assuming the so-called
transversality conditions, and the limit evolution consisted of strict local
minimizers of the energy up to a negligible set of times
Functionals defined on piecewise rigid functions: Integral representation and -convergence
We analyze integral representation and -convergence properties of
functionals defined on \emph{piecewise rigid functions}, i.e., functions which
are piecewise affine on a Caccioppoli partition where the derivative in each
component is constant and lies in a set without rank-one connections. Such
functionals account for interfacial energies in the variational modeling of
materials which locally show a rigid behavior. Our results are based on
localization techniques for -convergence and a careful adaption of the
global method for relaxation (Bouchitt\'e et al. 1998, 2001) to this new
setting, under rather general assumptions. They constitute a first step towards
the investigation of lower semicontinuity, relaxation, and homogenization for
free-discontinuity problems in spaces of (generalized) functions of bounded
Mean-Field Optimal Control
We introduce the concept of {\it mean-field optimal control} which is the
rigorous limit process connecting finite dimensional optimal control problems
with ODE constraints modeling multi-agent interactions to an infinite
dimensional optimal control problem with a constraint given by a PDE of
Vlasov-type, governing the dynamics of the probability distribution of
interacting agents. While in the classical mean-field theory one studies the
behavior of a large number of small individuals {\it freely interacting} with
each other, by simplifying the effect of all the other individuals on any given
individual by a single averaged effect, we address the situation where the
individuals are actually influenced also by an external {\it policy maker}, and
we propagate its effect for the number of individuals going to infinity. On
the one hand, from a modeling point of view, we take into account also that the
policy maker is constrained to act according to optimal strategies promoting
its most parsimonious interaction with the group of individuals. This will be
realized by considering cost functionals including -norm terms penalizing
a broadly distributed control of the group, while promoting its sparsity. On
the other hand, from the analysis point of view, and for the sake of
generality, we consider broader classes of convex control penalizations. In
order to develop this new concept of limit rigorously, we need to carefully
combine the classical concept of mean-field limit, connecting the finite
dimensional system of ODE describing the dynamics of each individual of the
group to the PDE describing the dynamics of the respective probability
distribution, with the well-known concept of -convergence to show that
optimal strategies for the finite dimensional problems converge to optimal
strategies of the infinite dimensional problem.Comment: 31 page
Mean-Field Pontryagin Maximum Principle
International audienceWe derive a Maximum Principle for optimal control problems with constraints given by the coupling of a system of ordinary differential equations and a partial differential equation of Vlasov-type with smooth interaction kernel. Such problems arise naturally as Gamma-limits of optimal control problems constrained by ordinary differential equations, modeling, for instance, external interventions on crowd dynamics by means of leaders. We obtain these first-order optimality conditions in the form of Hamiltonian flows in the Wasserstein space of probability measures with forward-backward boundary conditions with respect to the first and second marginals, respectively. In particular, we recover the equations and their solutions by means of a constructive procedure, which can be seen as the mean-field limit of the Pontryagin Maximum Principle applied to the optimal control problem for the discretized density, under a suitable scaling of the adjoint variables
Chirality transitions in frustrated -valued spin systems
We study the discrete-to-continuum limit of the helical XY -spin
system on the lattice . We scale the interaction parameters in
order to reduce the model to a spin chain in the vicinity of the
Landau-Lifschitz point and we prove that at the same energy scaling under which
the -model presents scalar chirality transitions, the cost of every
vectorial chirality transition is now zero. In addition we show that if the
energy of the system is modified penalizing the distance of the field
from a finite number of copies of , it is still possible to prove the
emergence of nontrivial (possibly trace dependent) chirality transitions
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