158 research outputs found
Rules and Policies Related with Good Governance When Corona Virus 2019 (COVID19) Pandemic
The policy made by the government in relation to COVID 19, became a quite heated discussion among the community. In fact, many observers are questioning the policy. At present, the government is faced with two choices, namely maintaining the lives of citizens or maintaining the economy. Policies taken by the government must be based on the principle of good governance. The principle of good governance is an important principle in making policy. One of the principles in good governance is the principle of community participation. Through this research, we will see how community participation is related to policies made by the government, moreover, public awareness is still lacking related to government policies to deal with this pandemic. Keywords: Government, principle, community participation Abstrak Kebijakan yang dibuat oleh pemerintah terkait dengan COVID 19, menjadi pembahasan yang cukup hangat dikalangan masyarakat. Bahkan, para pengamat banyak yang mempersoalkan kebijakan tersebut. Saat ini, pemerintah dihadapkan dengan dua pilihan, yaitu mempertahankan nyawa warga negara atau mempertahankan perekonomian. Kebijakan yang diambil oleh pemerintah, harus didasari oleh prinsip good governance. Prinsip good governance ini menjadi prinsip yang penting dalam mengambil kebijakan. Salah satu prinsip yang ada di good governance adalah prinsip partisipasi masyarakat. Melalui penelitian ini, kita akan melihat bagaimana partisipasi masyarakat terkait kebijakan yang dibuat oleh pemerintah, terlebih lagi, kesadaran masyarakat yang masih kurang terkait dengan kebijakan pemerintah untuk menangani pandemi ini. Keywords: Pemerintah, Prinsip, Partisipasi Masyaraka
Synchronization In Enforcement Of The Transportation Of Online Motorcycle Taxi Passengers (Ojek Online)
Abstract Of the several regulatory products that have been enacted there are overlaps and even there are asynchronies between the regulations with one another. This can be seen from the enactment of the Minister of Transportation Regulation No. PM 18 in 2020 and Jakarta Governor Regulation No 33 in 2020. In the governor regulation, large-scale social limitation is regulated. According to the governor's regulation, one of the restricted sectors is the two-wheeled vehicle transportation sector where passenger transportation by motorcycle taxi is only applied to goods. On the contrary in the regulation, online motorbike transportation can be for passengers as long as they follow the health protocol. This has caused confusion in the community and also for law enforcement officials. Keywords: Synchronization, Disharmony, inconsistency, transportation Abstrak Dari beberapa produk peraturan yang sudah diberlakukan saat bencana terdapat tumpang tindih bahkan terdapat ketidaksinkronan antara peraturan satu dengan yang lain. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari diberlakukannya Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan No. PM 18 tahun 2020 dan Peraturan Gubernur Jakarta No 33 tahun 2020. Menurut peraturan gubernur, salah satu sektor yang dibatasi saat Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) adalah sektor transportasi kendaraan roda dua dimana pengangkutan penumpang dengan motorcycle taxi hanya diberlakukan untuk barang saja. Sebaliknya dalam permenhub, angkutan ojek online boleh untuk penumpang asalkan mengikuti protokol kesehatan. Hal ini menimbulkan kebingungan di masyarakat dan juga bagi aparatur penegak hukum. Kata Kunci: Sinkronisasi, Disharmonisasi, Inkonsistensi, Transportas
Government Efforts In Disaster Emergency Capacity
AbstractIn this study, it will be explained about several matters relating to the actions of the government in its capacity as a body that has the authority as a supervisor, especially in the event of a disaster emergency. In this study regarding government oversight also has several objectives. Studies on disaster management are no longer considered to be the domination of the exact science of concentration, but rather to physical development as a means of disaster management. [1]On the other hand, the discussion this time has also spread or spread to other branches of social science such as sociology and anthropology. When we discuss aspects of disaster management from the perspective of social science it will be more inclined or lead to a behavioralism framework than an individual or someone in translating a disaster which later will also be a factor where the government can determine attitudes related to how to behave or take appropriate supervisory action. . The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Whereas information or supporting data will be taken from various sources both in legal factors and related journals and data collected by observing, documenting and searching for reliable sources.Keywords : Authority, authority, supervisor, disaster management.[1] Wasisto Raharjo Jati, "Analysis of Disaster Management Based on Cultural Theory Perspectives", Gadjah Mada University Journal of FISIPOL Department of Politics and Government, Volume 4 No. 4, June 2013
The Role of Oversight of The House of Representatives In Facing Covid-19 Pandemic
Abstract The emergence of Pandemic COVID 19 in Indonesia that suddenly and significantly increased to make the Indonesian government decided that this pandemic is an emergency disaster set in Presidential Decree No. 12 of 2020. Because of this, the government made a quick move to deal with this problem, especially by the House of Representatives who have important functions in government supervision. The House of Representatives must focus on supervising government policies that have been established or that will be formed and certainly suspend the function of legislation that is not related to the context of handling COVID 19 which has not been able to run effectively and efficiently. In this regard, the Government, especially the House of Representatives, emphasized that it should be able to prioritize supervision in protecting the community to face an emergency disaster.Keywords : Surveillance, government, Pandemi
Kebijakan Penguatan Kewajiban Alih Pengetahuan Tenaga Kerja Asing
This study aims to find out the policy of transfer of knowledge of foreign workers in Indonesia. In addition, to know the policy of transfer of knowledge on the labor legislation law has guaranteed the implementation of knowledge transfer in the framework of the protection of Indonesian labor force. Research method in this research is legal research (legal research), that is by using library research data (library research), using statutory approach approach (statutory approach). The results showed that the transfer of knowledge has been regulated in the legislation in Indonesia. But the arrangement is still very general and sectoral. Keywords: Transfer of Knowledge, Manpower, Polic
Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) Kesehatan Sebagai Pelayanan Publik
Abstract The purpose of this research is to find out how the role of the health insurance provider (BPJS) as a form of public service in Indonesia. Research is a normative study with a comparative approach. The research results show that public services or public services can be defined as all forms of services, both in the way of goods and services which in principle are the responsibility and are carried out by government agencies at the central, regional and in the environment of state-owned enterprises or business entities Regional Owned. One of them is the Social Security Organizing Agency is a legal entity to organize social security programs to ensure all people can meet the basic needs of a decent life. BPJS is held based on the principles of humanity, benefits, and social justice for all Indonesian people with the aim of realizing the fulfillment of the basic needs of a decent life for every Indonesian people who have become basic human rights. Keywords: Social Security Organizing Agency, Health, Public Services Abstract Penelitian ini bertujuan utnuk mengetahui bagaimanakah peran badan penyelenggara jaminan sosial (BPJS) kesehatan sebagai salah satu bentuk pelayanan publik di Indonesia. Penelitian merupakan penelitian normatif dengan pendekatan perbandingan. Hasil penelitian menujukan bahwa Pelayanan publik atau pelayanan umum dapat didefinisikan sebagai segala bentuk jasa pelayanan, baik dalam bentuk barang maupun jasa yang pada prinsipnya menjadi tanggung jawab dan dilaksanakan oleh Instansi Pemerintah di Pusat, di Daerah, dan di lingkungan Badan Usaha Milik Negara atau Badan Usaha Milik Daerah. Salah satunya adalah Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial merupakan sebuah badan hukum untuk menyelenggarakan program jaminan sosial untuk menjamin seluruh rakyat agar dapat memenuhi kebutuhan dasar hidup yang layak. BPJS diselenggarakan berdasarkan asas kemanusiaan, manfaat, dan keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia dengan tujuan untuk mewujudkan pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar hidup yang layak bagi setiap rakyat Indonesia yang sudah menjadi hak dasar manusia. Kata Kunci: Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial, Kesehatan, Pelayanan Publik
Rekrutmen Program Pemagangan ke Jepang: Suatu Tinjauan Program Pemerintah Daerah
Apprenticeships can be carried out inside or outside the territory of Indonesia. In Indonesia there are several apprenticeship programs abroad. Apprenticeship abroad is regulated more specifically in the Regulation of the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia Number PER. 08 / MEN / V / 2008 concerning Procedures for Licensing and Implementation of Overseas Internships. This study aims to know the recruitment of apprenticeship programs to Japan: a review of government programs. This research is normative legal research. The results of the study found that apprenticeship abroad has been regulated more specifically in the Regulation of the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia Number PER. 08 / MEN / V / 2008 concerning Procedures for Licensing and Implementation of Overseas Internships. The regulation is a mandate and guidance on apprenticeship activities abroad.Keywords: Internship, Japan, Government, Employment AbstrakPemagangan dapat dilaksanakan di dalam maupun di luar wilayah Indonesia. Di Indonesia ada beberapa program pemagangan di luar negeri. Pemagangan di luar negeri diatur lebih spesifik dalam Peraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Republik Indonesia Nomor PER. 08/MEN/V/2008 tentang Tata Cara Perizinan dan Penyelenggaraan Pemagangan di Luar Negeri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengatahui rekrutmen program pemagangan ke Jepang: suatu tinjauan program pemerintah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif. Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa Pemagangan di luar negeri telah diatur lebih spesifik dalam Peraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Republik Indonesia Nomor PER. 08/MEN/V/2008 tentang Tata Cara Perizinan dan Penyelenggaraan Pemagangan di Luar Negeri. Peraturan tersebut sebagai mandat dan panduan kegiatan pemagangan diluar negeri.Kata Kunci: Magang, Jepang, Pemerintah, Ketenagakerjaa
Manajemen Kaderisasi Guru Al Qur’an di Madrasah Aliyah Al Urwatul Wutsqo Bulurejo Diwek Jombang
The Qur'an is a guide for every human being, including the Muslim population in Indonesia. However, not a few people who do not understand the Qur'an. The contributing factor is the number of teachers of the Qur'an that is not comparable with the number of Muslim population in Indonesia. The solution, needs a breakthrough in the field of procurement of Qur'an teachers in large numbers. The process can be pursued through the Qur'an teacher regeneration program. MA-UW is an educational institution, among the programs that are launched is the regeneration of the Qur'an teacher. This research focuses on three aspects, namely: Planning the regeneration of the Qur'an teacher in MA-UW (2) Implementation of the regeneration of the Qur'an teacher in MA-UW? (3) Evaluation of the regeneration of the Qur'an teacher in MA-UW? To solve problems and find answers to the three problems above, this study uses a qualitative approach with asingle case study approach. The results of this study found that: 1. Planning the regeneration of the Qur'an teacher at MA al Urwatul Wutsqo: a. Prepare books as a reference for regeneration material b. Prepare students to be recruited c. Formation of teaching practice groups d. Providing teaching places at the elementary / junior high school level and MI / MTs level. 2. Implementation of regeneration: a. Cadre implementation starts from class 1 (one). b. Cadre implementation is carried out during school hours. c. Granting trainer certificates for those who have graduated. d. Teaching practice in elementary / junior high and MI / MTs. 3. Evaluation of regeneration: a. Post-regeneration evaluation in schools, simulations, written tests, teaching practices in elementary / junior high schools & MI / MTs. b. Post practice evaluation: Written report and periodic monitoring
Analisa Karakteristik dan Sifat Mekanik Scaffold Rekonstruksi Mandibula dari Material Bhipasis Calsium Phospate dengan Penguat Cangkang Kerang Srimping dan Gelatin Menggunakan Metode Functionally Graded Material
Biomaterial adalah material dasar untuk pembuatan implant untuk memperbaiki atau mengganti bagian tulang yang rusak akibat terkena penyakit, kecelakaan atau trauma. Kasus kerusakan tulang diakibatkan penyakit khususnya tumor dibagian mandibula secara statistik pada mandibula 60%. Tumor mandibula berpotensi menimbulkan gangguan atau rusaknya tulang dan perlu dilakukan reseksi untuk mengambilan bagian yang terinfeksi. Akibat reseksi perlu dilakukan rekonstruksi mandibula dengan menggunakan scaffold yang hilang secara perlahan-lahan (biodegerable) dan tergantikan sel-sel osteoblas yang menempel pada material untuk pembentuk tulang. Pembuatan scaffold rekonstruksi mandibula dari material biphasis calsium phospate dengan penguat cangkang kerang srimping dan gelatin menggunakan metode functionally graded material dapat meningkatkan kekuatan mekanis. Proses sintering menggunakan mesin pulsa electric current sintering. Prototype scaffold dengan memvariasikan komposisi kandungan material, penguat, tekanan, temperatur dan ketebalan. Pengujian scaffolds mulai uji ketangguhan retak, SEM, struktur Kristal, dan porositas. Hasil yang diperoleh setelah dilakukan pengujian ketangguhan retak dengan dengan 3 titik tekuk dengan retak tepi tunggal menggunakan mesin Instron 4204. Hasil yang optimal dimiliki oleh tipe Scaffolds 2/K dengan gaya tekan 6 kN, ketebelan penguat 1 mm, dan temperatur sintering 800oC sebesar 824 Pa. Kekuatan tekuk ini melebihi kekuatan scaffolds kommersil yaitu sebesar 805 Pa. Pada struktur kristal terbentuk semi kristal pada scaffold berpenguat cangkang kerang dan gelatin pada tempertaur sintering 800oC memiliki sifat sulit teruarai atau terdegradable. Hasil uji SEM untuk penguat gelatin memiliki pori-pori yang besar dan porositas yang tinggi dengan diameter porous 200 300 m. Pengguat cangkang kerang pada pori-pori lebih kecil dan porisitas rendah diameter porous 80 150 m. Pada uji porositas yang paling optimal pada scaffolds tipe 2/G dengan ketebalan pengguat 0,5 mm pada temperature sintering 900oC. Scaffold berpenguat cangkang kerang srimping memiliki kekutan tekuk yang tinggi tetapi porositas rendah, sebaliknya berpenguat gelatin memiliki porositas tinggi tetapi kekuatan tekuk rendah
Asas-Asas Umum Pemerintahan yang Baik dalam Pelayanan Publik
Abstract AAUPB (Asas asas umum pemerintahan yang Baik) has a long journey from the beginning of its birth in the Netherlands to its application in Indonesia today. AAUPB at first was only in the theoretical realm and then entered into law until AAUPB got a very important position in Law No. 30 of 2014. Initially, AAUPB was intended as a means of legal protection or rechtsbescherming and was even used as an instrument to increase legal protection or rechtsbescherming for citizens from government actions. AAUPB is then used as the basis for judgments in the judiciary and administrative efforts, as well as an unwritten legal norm for government actions The history of the development of AUPB in Indonesia can be seen from the development of the AUPB principle in various laws and regulations, the practice of implementing the AUPB in court decisions or jurisprudence and doctrine. The development of the AUPB principle arrangement had found an increasingly strong momentum when the Government Administration Act was passed in 2014. As a result of the adoption of the concept of the welfare state, the state must fulfill the welfare of the community, one of which is through public services. With the AAUPB, it is expected that the government as a public service provider, can accept the AAUPB as a legal norm that must be used as the basis by the civil service provider in carrying out its authority, as well as a means for citizens to sue deviant public service providers. Keywords: General principles of good governance, public service. Abstrak Asas-asas umum pemerintahan yang baik (selanjutnya disebut AAUPB) lahir dari praktik penyelenggaraan negara dan pemerintahan sehingga bukan produk formal suatu lembaga negara seperti undang-undang. Asas-asas umum pemerintahan yang baik dapat dipahami sebagai asas-asas umum yang dijadikan sebagai dasar dan tata cara dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan yang layak, yang dengan cara demikian penyelenggaraan pemerintahan itu menjadi baik, sopan, adil, dan terhormat, bebas dari kezaliman, pelanggaran peraturan, tindakan penyalahgunaan wewenang dan tindakan sewenang-wenang. Sejarah perkembangan AUPB di Indonesia dapat dilihat dari perkembangan prinsip AUPB dalam berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan, praktik penerapan AUPB dalam putusan pengadilan atau yurisprudensi serta doktrin. Perkembangan pengaturan prinsip AUPB menemukan momentumnya yang semakin kuat, tatkala UU Administrasi Pemerintahan disahkan pada tahun 2014. Sebagai akibat dari dianutnya konsepsi welfare state maka negara memiliki kewajiban untuk memenuhi kesejahteraan masyarakat salah satunya melalui pelayanan publik. Dengan adanya AAUPB diharapkan pemerintah sebagai pemberi pelayanan publik dapat menerima AAUPB sebagai norma hukum yang harus dijadikan dasar oleh penyelenggara pelayanan publik dalam menjalankan kewenangannya, sekaligus sarana bagi warga negara untuk menggugat penyelenggara pelayanan publik yang menyimpang. Kata Kunci : Asas-asas umum pemerintahan yang baik, Pelayanan Publi
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