6,877 research outputs found
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi eksperimen yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui
ada tidaknya perbedaan hasil belajar yang signifikan antara: (1) siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan
model pembelajaran Synectics Mind Maps Cooperative Learning dan pembelajaran kooperatif; (2)
siswa yang memiliki kemampuan berpikir kreatif yang tinggi dan rendah; (3) siswa dengan
kemampuan berpikir kreatif tinggi yang dibelajarkan dengan model pembelajaran Synectics Mind
Maps Cooperative Learning dan pembelajaran kooperatif; (4) siswa dengan kemampuan berpikir
kreatif rendah yang dibelajarkan dengan model pembelajaran Synectics Mind Maps Cooperative
Learning dan pembelajaran kooperatif; dan (5) ada tidaknya interaksi antara model pembelajaran
(Synectics Mind Maps Cooperative Learning dan pembelajaran kooperatif ) dengan berpikir kreatif
(tinggi dan rendah) dalam pencapaian hasil belajar biologi Siswa kelas X SMAN 17 Makassar.
Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah nonequivalent control group design dengan rancangan
penelitian faktorial 2 x 2. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 17
Makassar berjumlah 7 rombel. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 60 orang terdiri atas dua kelas yang
dipilih secara random kelas yakni X IPA3 dan X IPA4. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa
terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar yang signifikan antara: (1) mahasiswa yang dibelajarkan dengan
model pembelajaran Synectics Mind Maps Cooperative Learning dan pembelajaran kooperatif
dengan nilai signifikansi 0,02<0,05; (2) siswa yang memiliki kemampuan berpikir kreatif yang tinggi
dan rendah kooperatif dengan nilai signifikansi 0,00<0,05 (3) tidak terdapat perbedaan siswa yang
berpikir kreatif tinggi yang dibelajarkan dengan model pembelajaran Synectics Mind Maps
Cooperative Learning dan pembelajaran kooperatif kooperatif; (4) siswa dengan berpikir kreatif
rendah dibelajarkan dengan model pembelajaran Synectics Mind Maps Cooperative Learning dan
pembelajaran kooperatif kooperatif memiliki perbedaan hasil belajar dengan nilai signifikansi
0,025<0,05; dan (5) tidak ada interaksi antara model pembelajaran (SM2CLdan kooperatif) denga
Studi Sumber Timbulan Sampah di Pasar Pa'baeng-baeng Makassar
Garbage is one issue that needs serious attention. Garbage from year to year continues to increase along with the growth rate of the total population. Garbage in Makassar has not been managed properly, this is due to embedded systems , both government and society. Market is one of the various systems , institutions , procedures , social relations and infrastructure where businesses selling goods, services and labor. Most market selling daily needs, like ingredient, groceries , clothes , electronic , services and others. Garbage results grading of vegetables and fruit had rotted collected while , then after the merchant closed , janitors will collect the trash and will be discharged to the Dumpster , then transported to the place of final disposal. This study aimed to analyze the volume , composition of waste generation, analyze the management system and operational waste and optimize waste management services particularly waste operational techniques. Waste management systems market pa'baeng - Baeng currently uses the waste collection system with a communal system directly . For waste transportation system is garbage from each source are collected in a container of temporary shelter
Learning Analysis Using Wordwall Web Based Game Methods to Increase Student Motivation at SMPN Sesean Toraja Utara
The problem in this research is the lack of student motivation to learn at school. This research aims to analyze the word wall web-based game method in increasing student motivation at SMPN 1 Sesean North Toraja. The type of research used in this research is descriptive qualitative research. The subjects in this research were all parties involved in implementing learning using the Wordwall web-based game method to increase student learning motivation at SMPN 1 North Toraja. The object of the research is increasing student motivation at SMPN 1 North Toraja. Data collection techniques are interviews, observation, questionnaires, and documentation. Data analysis techniques are carried out by collecting data, reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The results of the research include: (1) student questionnaire data regarding the implementation of learning, there were 65% or 14 students who said they did not agree with conventional learning methods, 22% or 5 students said they agreed, while 13% or 3 people who answered were doubtful and 4% or 1 person did not provide an answer. Teacher questionnaire data regarding the use of learning media found that 90% or at least 17 teachers admitted that they had never used IT-based media in the learning process and another 10% of teachers admitted that they had never used IT-based learning media; (2) the problems faced by teachers are not having the resources to use IT-based learning media, lack of facilities and infrastructure and there are still teachers who are comfortable with conventional learning; (3) from the interview results, 90% of students admitted that they were more motivated in learning if they used Wordwall Web-based games in learning and 100% of students admitted that their learning motivation had increased
Pemaknaan Demokrasi Di Era Reformasi (Opini Masyarakat Jawa Tengah Terhadap Demokrasi Saat Ini)
Political reform affects a lot of changes in the socio-political life of society, both in the political understanding and implementation. This study aims to understand how the understanding and implementation of democratic in Central Java at this time. The study used a descriptive approach to the analysis, and involves about 500 informants in Central Java. The conclusion of this study is that the substance of democracy and its implementation in the community is experiencing a change for a new form, where there is a clash of democratic values ​​which sided constructive and destructive. Democracy constructively interpreted by structuring the system of government, social and political systems, the creation of an atmosphere of equality, freedom of togetherness and involvement of people in decision-making, the use of political procedures that allow broad participation. Democratic forms of destructive behavior such intervention against state institutions, violate the rights of others, and are not tolerant of difference
The purpose of this service is to provide knowledge and skills to goat farmers about a good housingsystem in order to maintain the quality and quality of live cattle. The target of this service is the creation ofbreeders, aspects of production and management of their livestock businesses so that the welfare of farmerscan be improved.This service method is divided into two, namely the action review method, and the method of collaborationbetween the appropriate technology development team and the target community. The process of assistinggoat breeders Monitoring and evaluating activities to ensure that the assistance program has been running inaccordance with the goals and targets of service. Data and information collected through observation andinterviews with community service partners Community service partners are goat breeders in the DarulIstiqamah Maccopa Maros Islamic Boarding School
Pengembangan Bahan Ajar berbasis Komik Materi Pteridophyta pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi UIN Alauddin Makassar: (The Development of Comic-based Teaching Materials on Pteridophyta for Biology Education Students at UIN Alauddin Makassar)
Teaching material is a set of material referred to the national curriculum in order to achieve the competence standards. The purpose of this research is to obtain valid, practical and effective comic-based teaching materials on Pteridophyta for Biology Education students. This research applies the Research and Development method with ADDIE design: Anlysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. This research was conducted in the Department of Biology Education at the Tarbiyah and Teaching Faculty of the State Islamic University (UIN) Alauddin Makassar. The instruments used were student and lecturer questionnaires and diagnostic tests consist of multiple choice questions. According to the validation results, the comic-based teaching materials are categorised as valid with the average total of validity value Va = 4.45 (4 ≤ Va <5). Based on the student and lecturer questionnaire results, the practicality of the comic-based teaching materials is categorised as practical with an average value of Va = 4.33 (4aVa <5) and Va = 4.36 (4≤Va <5) respectively. According to the students’ test results, the efficacy of the comic-based teaching materials is categorised as “very good”, indicated by the students’ average score that reached 86.92.
Abstrak. Bahan ajar adalah seperangkat materi pelajaran yang mengacu pada kurikulum yang digunakan dalam rangka mencapai standar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar yang telah ditentukan. Tujuan dari dilakukannya penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendapatkan bahan ajar berbasis komik pada materi Pteridophyta pada mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi yang valid, praktis dan efektif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Development dengan desain ADDIE: Anlysis, Design, Develpment, Implementation and Evaluation. Penelitian ini dilaksankan di Jurusan Pendidikan Biologi Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin Makassar.Instumen yang digunakan berupa angket repson mahasiswa, dosen dan diagnostic test berupa pilihan ganda Berdasarkan hasil penilaian validator, tingkat kevalidan bahan ajar berbasis komik materi pteridophyta berada pada kategori valid dengan nilai rata-rata total kevalidan komik pembelajaran yaitu Va = 4.45 (4 ≤ Va < 5). Berdasarkan hasil penilaian respon mahasiswa maka tingkat kepraktisan bahan ajar berbasis komik materi pteridophyta berada pada kategori praktis dengan nilai rata-rata Va = 4.33 (4≤Va<5) dan nilai rata-rata total kevalidan angket respon Dosen terhadap komik pembelajaran yaitu Va = 4.36 (4≤Va<5). Berdasarkan hasil tes belajar mahasiswa tingkat keefektifan bahan ajar berbasis komik materi pteridophyta berada pada kategori sangat baik dengan nilai rata-rata hasil mahasiswa yaitu 86.92
Looking at the Self-innovation and Learning Models for the Internship Program Students during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study
This research explored the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic on the ability of self-innovation and adjustment of learning models for students. It focused on the internship program at one education program, in a public university in Jambi. Based on the research problems and objectives, this research used a generic qualitative approach. It explored the structure of consciousness as experienced from the first-person point of view. The central system of an experience is its intentionality, which is directed at something because it is an experience or about some object. An experience is required for an object based on its content or meaning (representing the object) along with the appropriate enabling conditions
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