627 research outputs found

    Techniques of Translating Thesis Abstracts of Economics Department Students in Medan State University

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    The study deals with the techniques of translation on thesis abstracts inEconomics Department. The objectives of study were to identify the types oftranslation techniques, to find out the most dominant type of translationtechniques used, and to describe the reasons of the translation techniques used intranslating thesis abstract. The study used descriptive qualitative design.Nazir(1998: 34) states that descriptive qualitative is a method of research thatmakes the description of the situation of events or occurrences clearer. It isunderstood that descriptive qualitative is a method of research which provides thedescription of situation, events or occurrences, so this method is an intention toaccumulate the basic data. Qualitative research involves analysis of data such aswords and phrases written in abstracts. The data were taken from twentytranslated thesis abstracts of Economic Department. The findings show that therewere eight techniques of eighteen techniques used in thesis abstracts. The mostdominant type of translation techniques was established equivalent due to thetranslator intention to avoid misunderstanding by using the dictionaries andparticular equivalent known by target language. It is recommended that in doingany translation, the most essential thing is to keep the meaning or the message ofthe source language remains the same when it is being translated into the targetlanguage

    Penelitian Pengaruh Penggunaan Riklim Politilen Terhadap Sifat Ketahanan Pukul Dan Kekerasan

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    The aim of this research is to know further about the influence ot polyethylene reclaim to the characteristic of impact resistance and high density polyethylene (HDPE) compound.The research is done by making HDPE compound with the addition of polyethylene reclaim with various procentage of quantity.In fact the addition on of HDPE reclaim into pure HDPE doesn\u27t influence the hardness of the compound produced, but it influence the impact resistance to signification phase P 0,05 by linear aquation Y = 10,26 + 0,0887.The compound hardness is approximately 63,2 – 64,0 shore D, and impact resistance is approximately 10,83 – 18,91 kgcm/cm in various variation

    Kontribusi Pendapatan Perempuan Buruh Tani Pisang terhadap Pendapatan Keluarga di Kecamatan Padang Tiji Kabupaten Pidie

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    . The study entitled "Women\u27s Contribution of the Banana Worker Women\u27s Family Income in the District of Padang Tiji, Pidie." There are two problems in this study, that is: 1) How much money can women earn as a peasant in the women of farm workers\u27 family in the District of Padang Tiji, Pidie? and 2) How large is the revenue contribution of women of farm workers in the banana farming to monthly household income in the district of Padang Tiji, Pidie? The aim of this study is 1) To know much money can women earn as a peasant in the women farm workers\u27 family in the District of Padang Tiji, Pidie and 2) To determine how is the revenue contribution of women farm workers in the banana farming to monthly household income in the district of Padang Tiji, Pidie. The population of this study were 282 women farm worker women, with a total sample of 28 respondents or 10 % of the total population. The results showed that: 1) The average income of farm workers women of banana farm in the district of Padang Tiji is about Rp.787.500,- while 2) The contribution income of farm workers women banana farming is one of the biggest income besides husband\u27s income in a family, which is in line with the level of the percentage income of women up to 30 % of total family income

    Analisa Prestasi Kerja Turbin Uap pada Beban yang Bervariasi

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    . Kebutuhan konsumen akan daya listrik bervariasi dari waktu ke waktu yang menyebabkan beban mekanis yang dipikul oleh poros Turbin turut bervariasi pula. Perubahan pada beban mekanis ini menyebabkan Perubahan langsung pada kerja yang dilakukan oleh poros Turbin.Pengurangan atau penambahan beban dari beban rancangan akan menurunkan unjuk kerja suatu Turbin yang dalam hal ini dilihat dari nilai konsumsi kalor per daya yang dihasilkan terminal generatornya atau Heat Rate Turbin pada variasi titik pembebanan tertentu.Dengan mengetahui prestasi kerja Turbin pada beban yang bervariasi maka kita dapat mengetahui batas-batas (range) beban yang masih dapat dipikul oleh suatu Turbin uap dengan Heat Rate Turbin yang cukup rendah.Pada kondisi normal Turbin unit 1 - 4 UBP Suralaya memiliki unjuk kerja yang baik pada beban operasi puncak 400 MW atau lebih, dimana pada beban tersebut konsumsi kalor turbin atau Heat Rate Turbin cukup rendah berkisar antara 1833,278 – 1871,901 Kcal/kWh. Heat Rate tertinggi terjadi bila turbin dioperasikan pada beban rendah 260 MW dengan nilai Heat Rate mencapai 1958,554 Kcal/kWh

    Strategi Penguatan Perempuan dalam Pembangunan Perekonomian Subsektor Perikanan Aceh (Studi Kasus Agroindustri Perikanan di Desa Meunasah Keudee Kecamatan Mesjid Raya Kabupaten Aceh Besar)

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    . After Tsunami 2004, many local and International NGOs came to help Aceh community in rehabilitation and reconstruction processes in order to relief economic condition of the community. In the rehabilitation processes of coast community, NGO gave more attention to gender equity in their program, especially in the program aimed to increase knowledge and skill through the training of small scale enterprise and giving fund for their business. In 2010, the rehabilitation and reconstruction processed was finished. How is the women role in economic sector? This research aimed to: (1) Describe the women role in fishery subsector before and after tsunami, (2) Analyze factors which caused the change of woman role in fishery subsector after tsunami, (3) Formulate the strategy to reinforce woman role in economic activity of fishery subsector. This research was a case study in Meunasah Keudee Village, Mesjid Raya Subdistrict, Aceh Besar District by using a qualitative approach. The results showed that there were a movement in a role of men and women in fishery agroindustry. Many factors caused this movement: internal factors which are: (a) the increasing awareness of self potential, (b) the increasing of cosmopolitness in women activity after tsunami, (c) the movement of status and women role in their family (widow's case); external factors which are: (a) NGO's assistances and guidances in women economic activity, (b) the increasement of family needs, (c) the movement of reference group. Strategy to enhance women role are: (1) increasement of women education through training which includes gender issues in economic assitances to the community; (2) reformation of local or traditional institution which neglect women role; (3) advocate the men to give the same place and role to the women to involve on desicion making processes in the family, economic activity and public sphere

    Perancangan Pemusnahan Rekam Medis Rawat Jalan di Puskesmas Sering Medan Tahun 2018

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    Puskesmas adalah Fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan yang menyelenggarakan upaya kesehatan masyarakat dan upaya kesehatan perseorangan tingkat pertama dengan lebih mengutamakan upaya promotif dan preventive, untuk mencapai derajat kesehatan masyarakat yang setinggi-tingginya di wilayah kerjanya (RI NO.75 Tahun 2014). Rekam medis berdasarkan Permenkes RI No.269/Menkes/Per/III/2008 merupakan berkas yang berisikan catatan dan dokumen tentang identitas pasien, pemeriksaan, pengobatan, tindakan, dan pelayanan lain yang telah dberikan kepada pasien. Berkas rekam medis pada rak penyimpanan tidak selamanya akan disimpan. Hal ini dikarenakan jumlah rekam medis terus bertambah sehingga ruang penyimpanan akan penuh dan tidak mencukupi lagi untuk rekam medis rekam medis yang baru. Pemusnahan rekam medis merupakan salah satu upaya yang dilakukan oleh pihak puskesmas dengan tujuan mengurangi penumpukan berkas rekam medis diruang penyimpanan.Berkas rekam medis rawat jalan disimpan selama 2 tahun. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskripsi kualitatif. Penelitian kualitatif merupakan penelitian yang digunakan untuk menyelidiki, menemukan, menggambarkan. Puskesmas sering sudah melakukan pemusnahan terhadap berkas rekam medis dari tahun 1990 sampai dengan tahun 2015 dengan cara dibakar tanpa mengikuti proses yang sesuai dengan permenkes. Pemusnahan seharusnya dilakukan sesuai dengan prosedur PerMenkes.  Perlu adanya petugas khusus tamatan  rekam medis untuk mengelola rekam medis yang ada di puskesmas

    Dampak Peningkatan Upah Minimum Provinsi terhadap Inflasi dan Pasar Kerja di Provinsi Aceh

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    . This research was conducted in the Province of Aceh. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors that affect inflation, the provincial minimum wage, labor supply and labor demand in the Province during the period from 1998 to 2012. The data used in this study is secondary data time series obtained from the Central Statistics Agency of Aceh, Department of Labor and Population Mobility Aceh, Department of Trade and Industry Aceh and Aceh Pertamina. The model used is the model of simultaneous equations by the method of 2SLS (Two Stage Least Square) is used to analyze the function of each equation in this study. The results showed that the provincial minimum wage impact on inflation and the increase in labor supply and the impact on the demand for labor in the province. Economically, the regression results indicate that for each of the variables that affect inflation, the provincial minimum wage, labor supply and demand in the province of Aceh has not been all in accordance with the sign the expected coefficients and variables in each equation only population significant effect on labor supply, whereas the other variables did not significantly affect the endogenous variables. However, simultaneous testing for functionality inflation equation has no real effect, whereas the function of the provincial minimum wage equations, labor supply and labor demand in the province has a real impact
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