8 research outputs found

    Perilaku Dan Musuh Alami Kupu Endemik Sulawesi Papilio Blumei: Acuan Dalam Konservasi

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    Papilio blumei is an endemic butterfly of Sulawesi and especially in Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park. This research was to observed of the behaviour and natural enemies of P. blumei in Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park. The behaviour of the insect were mating, foraging, competiting, ovipositing and mud-puddling. Life table was used for analysis of mortality factors, therefore the number of mortality was analyzed by key-factors formulation. The result indicated that mating strategies is patrolling. Foraging activity of the sixth instar was the highest compared to the other instars and the lowest one activity of the prapupa stadium of P. blumei. Nectar host plants for the imago of butterfly were Sarcosephalum latifolius and Eugenia sp. There was Scudderia sp. as an interspesific competitor for larval P. blumei. The intraspesific competitor of the imago stage was male of P. blumei. Female P. blumei laid eggs on abaxial leaf E.hupehensis and the eggs hatched after six days. The larva of P. blumei has a overheating behaviour and the adults has a mud puddling. The natural enemies of P.blumei is Trichogramma sp., with k value = 0.381, Pteromalus sp., with k value = 0.125 and Formica sp., with k value = 0.096

    Aktivitas Ngengat Scirpophaga Incertulas di Wilayah Kabupaten Klaten

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    The activities of Scirpophaga incertulas adult from Klaten Regency were studied from April to November 2010. The purposes of this study were to observe the activity of moth after adult emergence, their flying activity, and eggs oviposition. Two hundred pupae were collected from the field, then incubated in the laboratory and observed every hour for 72 hours. Flying activity was observed every hour by counting the number of moths that were found in the light traps. This observation was replicated three times during the dark; from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. Oviposition activity of moths was observed by infesting twenty females of insect on the rice plants planted in the polybag and covered with plastic sheet. This oviposition activity was also observed every hour during the dark; from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. in order to get the number of egg-laying moths. The results showed that the emergence of S. incertulas moth was mainly from 2:00 to 4:00 a.m., the flying activity was detected mostly from 6:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m., and the moths ovipositing activity was mainly occured from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. In addition, we found that the intensity of light affected the number of moths coming into the light trap. The light exposed from the 23 Watt lamp (1,500 lumen) was twice more effective in attracting the moths than the 11 Watt lamp (700 lumen).Penelitian aktivitas ngengat Scirpophaga incertulas telah dilakukan di Kabupaten Klaten dari April s.d. November 2010. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang aktivitas kemunculan ngengat, aktivitas terbang dan peletakan telur. Dua ratus pupa yang diperoleh dari lapang diinkubasikan di laboratorium dan diamati sampai muncul ngengat. Jumlah ngengat yang muncul diamati setiap jam selama 72 jam. Aktivitas terbang diamati setiap jam dengan menghitung jumlah ngengat yang terperangkap pada lampu perangkap selama 12 jam dari pukul 18.00 s.d. 06.00 dengan tiga kali ulangan. Aktivitas peletakan telur diamati dengan menginfestasikan dua puluh ngengat betina pada tanaman padi di polibag yang disungkup plastik. Pengamatan aktivitas peletakan telur dilakukan setiap jam dengan mencatat jumlah ngengat yang bertelur selama 12 jam dari pukul 18.00 s.d. 06.00. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa kemunculan ngengat S. incertulas paling banyak dijumpai dari pukul 02.00 s.d. 04.00, aktivitas terbang ngengat berlangsung dari pukul 18.00 s.d. 01.00 dan peletakan telur umumnya berlangsung dari pukul 19.00 s.d. 23.00. Kekuatan cahaya lampu perangkap berpengaruh terhadap kedatangan ngengat, cahaya lampu 23 watt (1.500 lumen) lebih banyak menarik kedatangan ngengat dibanding cahaya lampu 11 watt (700 lumen) dengan rasio 2:1

    Infectivity and Genetic Polymorphism of Anopheles Maculatus and An. Vagus in Diverse Endemicity Malaria Areas in The Kokap Sub-District of Kulon Progo

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    BACKGROUND: It is crucial to regularly monitor the infectivity and genetic polymorphism of Anopheles sp in endemic areas for early detection and accurate rapid response planning of indigenous malaria transmission. The Kokap Sub-District has the highest number of malaria cases in the Kulon Progo District. Its five villages showed diverse malaria endemicities. Anopheles maculatus was pointed out as the main vector and An. vagus as a suspect vector. The purpose of this investigation was to examine whether the populations of these two species were different with regard to infectivity and genetic polymorphism in villages that were high endemic (HEV) and low endemic (LEV). SUBJECT AND METHODS: A cross-sectional observational study was performed in one HEV (Hargotirto) dan one LEV (Hargomulyo) on An. maculatus sp and An. vagus sp parous mosquitoes. The mosquitoes of both villages were collected simultaneously using the resting collection method, five times each, during October-December 2013. The collections were conducted in three houses by two collectors per house (one inside and one outside) in 50 minute intervels from 18.00PM to 06.00AM. Mosquitoes that meet the inclusion criteria were examined using the Multiplex-PCR method to detect the existence of Plasmodium and the Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method to identify mosquito DNA polymorphism. RESULTS: The PCR test results of DNA samples of An. maculatus (25 HEV and 7 LEV) and An. vagus (18 HEV and 20 LEV) of the two villages showed that only the HEV sample was Plasmodium sp positive with 28% An. maculatus and 17% An. vagus infectivities (OR=6.08; CI95%: 0.31-120.4; p=0.043). The RAPD-PCR test results of DNA samples of An. maculatus (5 per village) and An. vagus (5 per village) of the two villages showed identical degrees of DNA polymorphism. CONCLUSION: The endemicity of the two villages was related to Anopheles sp infectivity. Although no Plasmodium sp positive anophelines were found in the LEV vector surveillance is nonetheless necessary considering the same levels of DNA polymorphism. Keywords: Anopheles sp, infectivity, endemicity, genetic polymorphis

    Monitoring Resistensi Populasi Plutella Xylostella, L Terhadap Residu Emamektin Benzoat Di Sentra Produksi Tanaman Kubis Propinsi Jawa Tengah (Monitoring the Resistance of Plutella Xylostella, L Population Against Emamektin Benzoate Residues)

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    The objectives of this research to know the susceptible of P. xylostella population against emamectin benzoate insecticide, to monitor the resistance development of P. xylostella against insecticides by determine of a diagnostic concentration, to determine the resistance mechanism of P. xylostella population. P. xylostella was collected from central of Java areas from August 2011 up to September 2012. The data from bioassay test was analized using Probit analysis to obtain LC50 value. The suseptibility test of the insect resulted show that Puasan population (Ngablak) FR value was 3.97 and it was higher than the Selo population (Cepogo). The concentration of 2443.99 ppb as selected diagnostic consentration. The test result of diagnostic concentration validation indicated that the value of calculated c2 of all the tested population was lower than the value of c2table. Therefore the diagnostic concentration of 2443.99 ppb can be used monitoring device of susceptible P, xylostella population. The resistance mechanism of the P. xylostella to the insecticide resulted from the increase in the detoxification rate in the insect body by MFO enzyme, but non-specific esterase enzyme activity did not reflect the esterase activity

    NMR metabolite profiling analysis of pigmented rice resistance to rice ear bug

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    Rice ear bugs or Leptocorisa oratorius F. are major rice pests reported to reduce the rice yields severely. The present study aimed to screen local pigmented cultivars for resistance to rice ear bugs and perform metabolomics analysis to identify the metabolites responsible for the resistance character. For screening, eight cultivars including both black and red varieties were used. Rice ear bugs used for bioassay were collected from the field. The assay results showed that two cultivars of black rice and one cultivar of red rice exhibited high resistance characters as per the Standard Evaluation System guidelines for rice. Metabolite profiling of rice seeds was performed at the milky stage using 500 Mhz NMR JEOL, followed by multivariate analysis with SIMCA ver 14. Metabolite profiling identified nine out of 15 metabolites, which were significantly different between the most resistant and susceptible cultivars. In the red rice, hydroxy-L-proline, threonine and formic acid and for black rice, valine, glutamate, α-glucose, β-glucose, galactinol and raffinose were identified as potential metabolites conferring the resistance character. This study identified the most resistant cultivars which can be used in the future to support the development of a novel line of cultivar resistant to rice ear bug. © 2021 World Research Association. All rights reserved

    Hubungan Kepadatan dan Biting Behaviour Nyamuk Anopheles farauti Dengan Kasus Malaria di Ekosistem Pantai dan Rawa (Kabupaten Biak Numfor dan Asmat)

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    Population density and bitting behaviour of insect vectors are several of the factors that influence the number of cases of malaria. This study aims to determine the relationship between population density and bitting behaviour Anopheles farauti which is a vector of malaria in coastal ecosystems (Biak Numfor Regency) and swamp ecosystems (Asmat Regency) with malaria cases. The method used is human landing collection conducted at 18:00 to 6:00 a.m. inside and outside the house. The results showed that the population density of An. farauti in coastal ecosystems is relatively lower than the swamp ecosystems. Man bitting rate in coastal ecosystems is 4 and 4.66, at 95.52 and 42.38 in swamp ecosystem. An. farauti on two ecosystems research are eksofilik. Population density and bitting behaviour An. farauti in coastal ecosystems and swamp ecosystems are not positively correlated with the number of malaria cases

    Diversity of Vanda Tricolor Lindl. (Orchidaceae) Flower-visiting Insects in the Turgo Hill of Mount Merapi National Park, YOGYAKARTA, Indonesia

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    Vanda tricolor is an orchid species native to the Mount Merapi National Park, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The study of interaction flower-visiting insect is important to support in situ conservation program. The purpose of this research wasto study the diversity of Vanda tricolor Lind. flower-visiting insects and their roles in The Turgo Hill of Mount Merapi National Park. Flower-visiting insect was captured in the morning (08.00-10.00 AM), daytime (00.00-02.00 PM) and afternoon (04.00-06.00 PM). Data were taken four times in November 2011 during the flowering season. Insect samples were preserved by dried and wet phase. Sample identification was done in the Entomology Laboratory, Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada. The results indicated that Vanda tricolor flowers were visited by insects from three orders, six families, and eleven species in the morning; four orders, six families, and nine species in the daytime; and two orders, three families, and five species in the afternoon with various role. In this research, we also observed pollination activity potential by Xylocopa latipes (Hymenoptera: Apidae). There were 14 V. tricolor flower-visiting insects from four orders and nine families. There were no significant differences between the insect diversity of the morning and daytime, while in the afternoon there was a decline in the diversity of the insects