510 research outputs found
Non-equilibrium raft-like membrane domains under continuous recycling
We present a model for the kinetics of spontaneous membrane domain (raft)
assembly that includes the effect of membrane recycling ubiquitous in living
cells. We show that the domains have a broad power-law distribution with an
average radius that scales with the 1/4 power of the domain lifetime when the
line tension at the domain edges is large. For biologically reasonable
recycling and diffusion rates the average domain radius is in the tens of nm
range, consistent with observations. This represents one possible link between
signaling (involving rafts) and traffic (recycling) in cells. Finally, we
present evidence that suggests that the average raft size may be the same for
all scale-free recycling schemes.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure
Identification of Amino Acid Sequences with Good Folding Properties in an Off-Lattice Model
Folding properties of a two-dimensional toy protein model containing only two
amino-acid types, hydrophobic and hydrophilic, respectively, are analyzed. An
efficient Monte Carlo procedure is employed to ensure that the ground states
are found. The thermodynamic properties are found to be strongly sequence
dependent in contrast to the kinetic ones. Hence, criteria for good folders are
defined entirely in terms of thermodynamic fluctuations. With these criteria
sequence patterns that fold well are isolated. For 300 chains with 20 randomly
chosen binary residues approximately 10% meet these criteria. Also, an analysis
is performed by means of statistical and artificial neural network methods from
which it is concluded that the folding properties can be predicted to a certain
degree given the binary numbers characterizing the sequences.Comment: 15 pages, 8 Postscript figures. Minor change
A New Monte Carlo Algorithm for Protein Folding
We demonstrate that the recently proposed pruned-enriched Rosenbluth method
(P. Grassberger, Phys. Rev. E 56 (1997) 3682) leads to extremely efficient
algorithms for the folding of simple model proteins. We test them on several
models for lattice heteropolymers, and compare to published Monte Carlo
studies. In all cases our algorithms are faster than all previous ones, and in
several cases we find new minimal energy states. In addition to ground states,
our algorithms give estimates for the partition sum at finite temperatures.Comment: 4 pages, Latex incl. 3 eps-figs., submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.,
revised version with changes in the tex
Modeling study on the validity of a possibly simplified representation of proteins
The folding characteristics of sequences reduced with a possibly simplified
representation of five types of residues are shown to be similar to their
original ones with the natural set of residues (20 types or 20 letters). The
reduced sequences have a good foldability and fold to the same native structure
of their optimized original ones. A large ground state gap for the native
structure shows the thermodynamic stability of the reduced sequences. The
general validity of such a five-letter reduction is further studied via the
correlation between the reduced sequences and the original ones. As a
comparison, a reduction with two letters is found not to reproduce the native
structure of the original sequences due to its homopolymeric features.Comment: 6 pages with 4 figure
Dynamical chaos and power spectra in toy models of heteropolymers and proteins
The dynamical chaos in Lennard-Jones toy models of heteropolymers is studied
by molecular dynamics simulations. It is shown that two nearby trajectories
quickly diverge from each other if the heteropolymer corresponds to a random
sequence. For good folders, on the other hand, two nearby trajectories may
initially move apart but eventually they come together. Thus good folders are
intrinsically non-chaotic. A choice of a distance of the initial conformation
from the native state affects the way in which a separation between the twin
trajectories behaves in time. This observation allows one to determine the size
of a folding funnel in good folders. We study the energy landscapes of the toy
models by determining the power spectra and fractal characteristics of the
dependence of the potential energy on time. For good folders, folding and
unfolding trajectories have distinctly different correlated behaviors at low
frequencies.Comment: 8 pages, 9 EPS figures, Phys. Rev. E (in press
Statics, metastable states and barriers in protein folding: A replica variational approach
Protein folding is analyzed using a replica variational formalism to
investigate some free energy landscape characteristics relevant for dynamics. A
random contact interaction model that satisfies the minimum frustration
principle is used to describe the coil-globule transition (characterized by
T_CG), glass transitions (by T_A and T_K) and folding transition (by T_F).
Trapping on the free energy landscape is characterized by two characteristic
temperatures, one dynamic, T_A the other static, T_K (T_A> T_K), which are
similar to those found in mean field theories of the Potts glass. 1)Above T_A,
the free energy landscape is monotonous and polymer is melted both dynamically
and statically. 2)Between T_A and T_K, the melted phase is still dominant
thermodynamically, but frozen metastable states, exponentially large in number,
appear. 3)A few lowest minima become thermodynamically dominant below T_K,
where the polymer is totally frozen. In the temperature range between T_A and
T_K, barriers between metastable states are shown to grow with decreasing
temperature suggesting super-Arrhenius behavior in a sufficiently large system.
Due to evolutionary constraints on fast folding, the folding temperature T_F is
expected to be higher than T_K, but may or may not be higher than T_A. Diverse
scenarios of the folding kinetics are discussed based on phase diagrams that
take into account the dynamical transition, as well as the static ones.Comment: 41 pages, LaTeX, 9 EPS figure
Coarse grained description of the protein folding
We consider two- and three-dimensional lattice models of proteins which were
characterized previously. We coarse grain their folding dynamics by reducing it
to transitions between effective states. We consider two methods of selection
of the effective states. The first method is based on the steepest descent
mapping of states to underlying local energy minima and the other involves an
additional projection to maximally compact conformations. Both methods generate
connectivity patterns that allow to distinguish between the good and bad
folders. Connectivity graphs corresponding to the folding funnel have few loops
and are thus tree-like. The Arrhenius law for the median folding time of a
16-monomer sequence is established and the corresponding barrier is related to
easily identifiable kinetic trap states.Comment: REVTeX, 9 pages, 15 EPS figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.
Flat histogram simulation of lattice polymer systems
We demonstrate the use of a new algorithm called the Flat Histogram sampling
algorithm for the simulation of lattice polymer systems. Thermodynamics
properties, such as average energy or entropy and other physical quantities
such as end-to-end distance or radius of gyration can be easily calculated
using this method. Ground-state energy can also be determined. We also explore
the accuracy and limitations of this method.
Key words: Monte Carlo algorithms, flat histogram sampling, HP model, lattice
polymer systemsComment: 7 RevTeX two-column page
Folding in two-dimenensional off-lattice models of proteins
Model off-lattice sequences in two dimensions are constructed so that their
native states are close to an on-lattice target. The Hamiltonian involves the
Lennard-Jones and harmonic interactions. The native states of these sequences
are determined with a high degree of certainty through Monte Carlo processes.
The sequences are characterized thermodynamically and kinetically. It is shown
that the rank-ordering-based scheme of the assignment of contact energies
typically fails in off-lattice models even though it generates high stability
of on-lattice sequences. Similar to the on-lattice case, Go-like modeling, in
which the interaction potentials are restricted to the native contacts in a
target shape, gives rise to good folding properties. Involving other contacts
deteriorates these properties.Comment: REVTeX, 9 pages, 8 EPS figure
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