359 research outputs found

    Optimasi Pemanfaatan Tanaman Transgenik

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    Human effort on improving agricultural crops has been expanding very rapidly, and recently by using gene transformation technology it was possible to introduce genes from biologically unrelated organisms into plant genomes. Gene transformation technology, known as transgenic technology, has been successfully introduced gene encoding insecticidal compound from bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis into several crops, for example. Introducing new technology is offering several advantages but also brings several disadvantages however since the technology isImportant for maintaining increase of crop production, it was necessary to optimize utilization of transgenic technology

    How to be a good teacher

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    This paper discusses the qualities of good teachers in relation classroom teaching. The paper highlighted how to become a good teacher. It also offers suggestions how good teachers can be produced .It concludes that a good teacher or one, who want to be, should have all the general attributes and qualities of a good professional classroom teacher so that they can excel and have good and effective performance in the classroom

    Sosialisasi Upaya Menyeragamkan Pertunasan Bibit Bawang Putih (Allium sativum L.) di Kecamatan Bojong, Kabupaten Tegal

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    Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is one of horticulture plant for spices. Planting material is an important factor of garlic production but it has a problem such as tuber dormancy period that takes 4 months. There’s necessary to use some techniques to break the dormancy for the growth uniformity. This socialization is how important to uniforming the garlic seed growth. Participants were followed by garlic farmers in Tuwel and Rembul villages and field extension officers (PPL) in Bojong District. Several factor that affect the unformity of the seed growth are the dormancy hasn’t broken and low calcium (Ca) absorption. The storage (7 oC) for 2 months after harvesting can increase the emergence of shots (dormancy rupture) and increase the seed growth rate by 85,4%. Low Ca absorpstion can be resolved by appling calcite lime (CaCO3). Preparation of planting material can be done by soaking the garlic seeds overnight or by immersing the plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) treatment for 10-15 minutes


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    [ELIMINATION OF Pineapple Mealybug Wilt-associated Virus (PMWaV) FROM PINEAPPLE PLANT BY HOT WATER TREATMENT]. Mealybug wilt of pineapple (MWP) is a devastating disease found in all the major pineapple growing regions. Closterovirus particles can be detected in both MWP symptomatic and asymptomatic pineapple. Rogue of symptomatic plants is the simplest method of controlling MWP disease, but this method is less effective as PMWaV might remains at asymptomatic plants. Use of pesticide to control mealybug and ants is not efficient and high cost. The research was conducted to develop elimination method for PMWaV-free plant by hot water treatment. PMWaV infected plant parts (leave, stem, crown) were exposed to two hot water treatments, consisting of 35 ÂșC for 24 hour as pre-treatment and immediately followed by hot water treatment either 56 ÂșC for 60 minute or 58 ÂșC for 40 minute in a water bath. The infected plant without hot water treatment served as the positive control, and healthy plant without hot water treatment as the negative control. PMWaV infection could be eliminated from propagative material through hot water treatment 58 ÂșC 40 minute in a water bath without decrease propagative material viability

    Penciri Fisiko Kimia Umbi Bawang Merah Yang Unggul Sebagai Bahan Baku Bawang Goreng

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    Bawang merah goreng merupakan produk olahan bawang dengan pangsa pasar yang stabil. Saat ini belum ada kriteria mutu baku bawang goreng berdasarkan keinginan konsumen. Pemahaman mutu yang valid diperlukan dalam pengembangan produk terstandar, termasuk pemilihan bahan baku. Bawang goreng tanpa salut, berwarna coklat cerah, utuh, rasa gurih, aroma wangi khas bawang goreng, tidak tengik dan tidak pahit merupakan kriteria yang diinginkan oleh konsumen. Penelitian terhadap 6 varietas unggul bawang merah, yaitu Bima Brebes, Bauji, Super Philip, Rubaru, Tajuk dan Batu Ijo, menunjukkan bahwa penciri fisiko kimia umbi yang unggul sebagai bahan baku bawang merah goreng adalah bobot umbi besar, kadar karbohidrat sedang, kadar total asam amino sedang, dan kadar piruvat tinggi. Varietas Batu Ijo, disamping produktivitasnya tinggi juga menghasilkan bawang goreng dengan krtieria mutu unggul, dibanding 5 varietas lain, termasuk varietas Rubaru atau lebih dikenal sebagai varietas “Sumenep” yang selama ini dikenal sebagai bahan baku bawang goreng

    Keragaman genetik stroberi (Fragaria x ananassa Duch) berdasarkan marka morfologi dan molekuler

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    The development of new superior varieties will be more efficient if it is based on accurate information about the genetic diversity and population structure of available breeding resources, so that the combination of the most potential parents in the breeding program that will be carried out can be identified. Indonesia still lacks information of strawberry diversity. The aim of this research is to study strawberry genetics based on morphological and molecular markers in order to develop strawberry varieties efficiently. Genetic relationship analysis was carried out on 20 genotypes of strawberries collected by Indonesian Instruments Standardization Testing Center for Citrus and Subtropical Fruits (BPSI Jestro), based on morphological characteristic and molecular Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Morphologycal markers analysis showed that there were two groups of strawberry genotypes using Gower dissimilarity coefficient value of 0.0936–0.5977. The result of molecular marker analysis was also separated into two groups by dissimilarity coefficient value of 0,1321-0,5566. Combination of morphologycal and molecular analysis was carried out and also showed two groups by disimilarity coefficient of 0,1657–0,5264. The information obtained on morphological characteristics and genetic distances can be used as a basic consideration in parental selection for strawberry breeding program. Pengembangan varietas unggul baru akan lebih efisien bila didasarkan pada informasi yang akurat tentang keragaman genetik dan struktur populasi sumber genetik yang tersedia, sehingga dapat diketahui kombinasi tetua yang paling potensial dalam program pemuliaan yang akan dilakukan. Namun, informasi tentang keragaman genotipe-genotipe stroberi di Indonesia masih terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari keragaman genetik stroberi berdasarkan marka morfologi dan molekuler dalam rangka pengembangan varietas stoberi yang efisien. Analisis kekerabatan genetik dilakukan pada 20 genotipe stroberi koleksi Balai Pengujian Standar Instrumen Tanaman Jeruk dan Buah Subtropika (BPSI Jestro), berdasarkan karakter morfologi dan molekuler dengan metode Random Amplified Polymorhpic DNA (RAPD). Pengamatan pada 41 karakter morfologi menunjukkan terdapat 34 karakter yang beragam dan 7 karakter yang seragam. Hasil analisis menggunakan marka morfologi menunjukkan bahwa 20 genotipe stroberi terbagi menjadi dua kelompok dengan nilai koefisien ketidakmiripan Gower 0,0936–0,5977. Hasil analisis menggunakan marka molekuler juga terbagi menjadi dua kelompok dengan nilai koefisien ketidakmiripan sebesar 0,1321-0,5566. Analisis gabungan morfologi dan molekuler yang dilakukan juga membagi ke 20 genotipe menjadi dua kelompok dengan koefisien ketidakmiripan 0,1657–0,5264. Informasi karakter morfologi dan jarak genetik yang diperoleh dapat dijadikan sebagai dasar pertimbangan dalam pemilihan tetua pada kegiatan pemuliaan tanaman stroberi

    Identifikasi Spesies Cabai Rawit (Capsicum Spp.) Berdasarkan Daya Silang dan Karakter Morfologi

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    The chili consists of several species, five of which have been cultivated, namely C. annuum, C. chinense, C. frutescens, C. baccatum, and C. pubescens. The classifications of these species are based on: 1) morphological characters, especially floral morphology, 2) crossability between species, and 3) fertile hybrids between species. Species C. baccatum and C. pubescens can be easily identified and distinguished from one another, because there are obvious differences in the two species. However the species C. annuum, C. chinense, and C. frutescens has many common characteristics, so it is difficult to distinguish morphologically. The purpose of this study was to identify capsicum species based on crossability and morphological characters. The crossability experiment was done in housing area TDP 2 Ciampea Bogor from January to December 2013 and the morphological characteristics at Leuwikopo experimental station, IPB. The morphological characters experiment was arranged in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Data were collected on successful crosses, seed viability of successful crosses and morphological characters based on descriptor for capsicum IPGRI. The percentage of successful crosses involving IPBC10 and IPBC145 (C. annuum) as female parents and 20 genotypes as male parents ranged between 0-90%; and using IPBC295 (C. frutescens) as female parent was 40%. Genotypes which had successful results equals 40% were alleged as C. frutescens species (IPBC61, IPBC139, IPBC63, IPBC163, IPBC289, IPBC288, IPBC294 and IPBC285). Principal component and of clusters analysis suggests that there are two species groups, i.e. C. annuum and C. frutescens

    Pengembangan Marka Molekuler Yang Berasosiasi Dengan Kekuatan Dinding Sel Penyusun Saluran Getah Kuning Pada Manggis

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    Salah satu masalah utama dalam peningkatan kualitas buah manggis ialah pencemaran buah oleh getah kuning akibat pecahnya sel penyusun saluran getah kuning. Seleksi buah manggis untuk mendapatkan buah bebas getah kuning dapat dibantu dengan memanfaatkan marka molekuler terpaut karakter kekuatan dinding sel penyusun saluran getah kuning. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Pusat Kajian Hortikultura Tropik (PKHT), Institut Pertanian Bogor Jawa Barat, pada Bulan Mei 2012 sampai dengan April 2013. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan marka molekuler yang berasosiasi dengan sifat kekuatan dinding sel penyusun saluran getah kuning pada manggis. Sebanyak 39 aksesi Garcinia mangostana L. koleksi Balai Penelitian Tanaman Buah Tropika, Sumatera Barat dan hasil koleksi dari Desa Leuwiliang, Jawa Barat digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Dua pasang primerdikembangkan dari sekuen gen kekuatan dinding sel manggis dengan teknik tersarang (nested PCR). Amplifikasi DNA dilakukan dengan teknik PCR standar. Hasil amplifikasi DNA menunjukkan satu pita DNA berukuran ± 260 pb yang polimorf antara tanaman dengan buah tercemar getah kuning dan tidak tercemar getah kuning. Pita tersebut berasosiasi dengan sifat kekuatan dinding sel penyusun saluran getah kuning
