50 research outputs found
Automated Stellar Spectral Classification and Parameterization for the Masses
Stellar spectroscopic classification has been successfully automated by a
number of groups. Automated classification and parameterization work best when
applied to a homogeneous data set, and thus these techniques primarily have
been developed for and applied to large surveys. While most ongoing large
spectroscopic surveys target extragalactic objects, many stellar spectra have
been and will be obtained. We briefly summarize past work on automated
classification and parameterization, with emphasis on the work done in our
group. Accurate automated classification in the spectral type domain and
parameterization in the temperature domain have been relatively easy. Automated
parameterization in the metallicity domain, formally outside the MK system, has
also been effective. Due to the subtle effects on the spectrum, automated
classification in the luminosity domain has been somewhat more difficult, but
still successful. In order to extend the use of automated techniques beyond a
few surveys, we present our current efforts at building a web-based automated
stellar spectroscopic classification and parameterization machine. Our proposed
machinery would provide users with MK classifications as well as the
astrophysical parameters of effective temperature, surface gravity, mean
abundance, abundance anomalies, and microturbulence.Comment: 5 pages; to appear in The Garrison Festschrift conference proceeding
Reading the book: from "chemical anomalies" to "standard composition" of globular clusters
It is now commonly accepted that globular clusters (GCs) have undergone a
complex formation and that they host at least two stellar generations. This is
a recent paradigm and is founded on both photometric and spectroscopic
evidence. We concentrate on results based on high-resolution spectroscopy and
on how we moved from single to multiple stellar populations concept for GCs. We
underline that the peculiar chemical composition of GC stars is fundamental in
establishing the multiple populations scenario and briefly outline what can be
learned from observations. Finally, recent observational results on large
samples of stars in different evolutionary phases are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. To appear in the proceedings of "Reading the book
of globular clusters with the lens of stellar evolution", in the Memorie
della Societa Astronomica Italian
Neutron-Capture Nucleosynthesis in the First Stars
Recent studies suggest that metal-poor stars enhanced in carbon but
containing low levels of neutron-capture elements may have been among the first
to incorporate the nucleosynthesis products of the first generation of stars.
We have observed 16 stars with enhanced carbon or nitrogen using the MIKE
Spectrograph on the Magellan Telescopes at Las Campanas Observatory and the
Tull Spectrograph on the Smith Telescope at McDonald Observatory. We present
radial velocities, stellar parameters, and detailed abundance patterns for
these stars. Strontium, yttrium, zirconium, barium, europium, ytterbium, and
other heavy elements are detected. In four stars, these heavy elements appear
to have originated in some form of r-process nucleosynthesis. In one star, a
partial s-process origin is possible. The origin of the heavy elements in the
rest of the sample cannot be determined unambiguously. The presence of elements
heavier than the iron group offers further evidence that zero-metallicity
rapidly-rotating massive stars and pair instability supernovae did not
contribute substantial amounts of neutron-capture elements to the regions where
the stars in our sample formed. If the carbon- or nitrogen-enhanced metal-poor
stars with low levels of neutron-capture elements were enriched by products of
zero-metallicity supernovae only, then the presence of these heavy elements
indicates that at least one form of neutron-capture reaction operated in some
of the first stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal (36 pages, 26
A Detailed Study of Giants and Horizontal Branch Stars in M68: Atmospheric Parameters and Chemical Abundances
In this paper, we present a detailed high-resolution spectroscopic study of
post main sequence stars in the Globular Cluster M68. Our sample, which covers
a range of 4000 K in , and 3.5 dex in , is comprised of
members from the red giant, red horizontal, and blue horizontal branch, making
this the first high-resolution globular cluster study covering such a large
evolutionary and parameter space. Initially, atmospheric parameters were
determined using photometric as well as spectroscopic methods, both of which
resulted in unphysical and unexpected , , , and
[Fe/H] combinations. We therefore developed a hybrid approach that addresses
most of these problems, and yields atmospheric parameters that agree well with
other measurements in the literature. Furthermore, our derived stellar
metallicities are consistent across all evolutionary stages, with
[Fe/H] = 2.42 ( = 0.14) from 25 stars. Chemical
abundances obtained using our methodology also agree with previous studies and
bear all the hallmarks of globular clusters, such as a Na-O anti-correlation,
constant Ca abundances, and mild -process enrichment.Comment: Accepted to the Astronomical Journa
Chemical characterization of the globular cluster NGC 5634 associated to the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy
As part of our on-going project on the homogeneous chemical characterization
of multiple stellar populations in globular clusters (GCs), we studied NGC
5634, associated to the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy, using
high-resolution spectroscopy of red giant stars collected with FLAMES@VLT. We
present here the radial velocity distribution of the 45 observed stars, 43 of
which are member, the detailed chemical abundance of 22 species for the seven
stars observed with UVES-FLAMES, and the abundance of six elements for stars
observed with GIRAFFE. On our homogeneous UVES metallicity scale we derived a
low metallicity [Fe/H]=-1.867 +/-0.019 +/-0.065 dex (+/-statistical
+/-systematic error) with sigma=0.050 dex (7 stars). We found the normal
anti-correlations between light elements (Na and O, Mg and Al), signature of
multiple populations typical of massive and old GCs. We confirm the
associations of NGC 5634 to the Sgr dSph, from which the cluster was lost a few
Gyr ago, on the basis of its velocity and position and the abundance ratios of
alpha and neutron capture elements.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, 11 tables; accepted for publication on
Astronomy and Astrophysic