7,470 research outputs found

    Gene therapy:the potential applicability of gene transfer technology to the human germline

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    The theoretical possibility of applying gene transfer methodologies to the human germline is explored. Transgenic methods for genetically manipulating embryos may in principle be applied to humans. In particular, microinjection of retroviral vector appears to hold the greatest promise, with transgenic primates already obtained from this approach. Sperm-mediated gene transfer offers potentially the easiest route to the human germline, however the requisite methodology is presently underdeveloped. Nuclear transfer (cloning) offers an alternative approach to germline genetic modification, however there are major health concerns associated with current nuclear transfer methods. It is concluded that human germline gene therapy remains for all practical purposes a future possibility that must await significant and important advances in gene transfer technology

    Factors influencing the inclusion of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in undergraduate medical education

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    Objective To investigate the views and practices of UK medical schools regarding the inclusion (or exclusion) of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in undergraduate medical curricula. Design Survey (by email) of UK medical schools offering MBBS (or equivalent) degrees. Results The overall response rate was 58.1% (18/31). All respondents indicated that their curricula included CAM elements. However, the quantity of CAM within curricula varied widely between medical schools, as did the methods by which CAM education was delivered. General Medical Council requirements were the strongest factor influencing the inclusion of CAM, although medical student preferences were also important. Respondents were generally satisfied with the extent of CAM provision within their curricula, while a wide range of views on the appropriateness of CAM in the medical curriculum were held by faculty members. Conclusions It may be useful for the General Medical Council to clarify the extent to which CAM should be incorporated into the curriculum. Current CAM education appears to exist primarily as a means of educating future doctors on the modalities that their patients may use or request. However, some forms of pedagogy arguably risk students assimilating CAM advocacy in an uncritical fashion

    Why homeopathy is unethical

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    The use of genes for performance enhancement: doping or therapy?

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    Recent biotechnological advances have permitted the manipulation of genetic sequences to treat several diseases in a process called gene therapy. However, the advance of gene therapy has opened the door to the possibility of using genetic manipulation (GM) to enhance athletic performance. In such ‘gene doping’, exogenous genetic sequences are inserted into a specific tissue, altering cellular gene activity or leading to the expression of a protein product. The exogenous genes most likely to be utilized for gene doping include erythropoietin (EPO), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), insulin-like growth factor type 1 (IGF-1), myostatin antagonists, and endorphin. However, many other genes could also be used, such as those involved in glucose metabolic pathways. Because gene doping would be very difficult to detect, it is inherently very attractive for those involved in sports who are prepared to cheat. Moreover, the field of gene therapy is constantly and rapidly progressing, and this is likely to generate many new possibilities for gene doping. Thus, as part of the general fight against all forms of doping, it will be necessary to develop and continually improve means of detecting exogenous gene sequences (or their products) in athletes. Nevertheless, some bioethicists have argued for a liberal approach to gene doping

    Stem cell clinics in the UK:a web-based study

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    Aim: Explore the nature and extent of web-based promotion of stem cell treatments marketed by clinics in the UK. Materials & methods: Web-based analysis of clinics in the UK using predefined variables, with analysis of eligible clinics according to preset criteria of ethical relevance. Results: A majority (79%) of UK clinics were judged to be problematic. Information was found to be lacking, misleading or otherwise problematic in several respects, including a lack of information on risks of adverse effects, unjustifiably optimistic depictions of therapeutic effectiveness, and questionable presentational approaches such as the use of celebrity patient testimonials. Conclusion: In a majority of cases, commercial clinics in the UK portray stem cell therapies on their websites in ethically questionable ways

    Quantized Friction across Ionic Liquid Thin Films

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    Ionic liquids, salts in the liquid state under ambient conditions, are of great interest as precision lubricants. Ionic liquids form layered structures at surfaces, yet it is not clear how this nano-structure relates to their lubrication properties. We measured the friction force between atomically smooth solid surfaces across ionic liquid films of controlled thickness in terms of the number of ion layers. Multiple friction-load regimes emerge, each corresponding to a different number of ion layers in the film. In contrast to molecular liquids, the friction coefficients differ for each layer due to their varying composition

    Cocaine surface contamination and the medico-legal implications of its transfer

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    AbstractThe question posed by this research involves how frequently one can expect to contact cocaine in day-to-day living experiences where drug use may not normally be suspected. Issues concerning contamination are germane to medico-legal investigators who evaluate the significance of drug test results in (1) questioned deaths, (2) public health concerns, (3) drugs crimes, and (4) drug use toxicological tests potentially caused by external contamination, such as hair, sweat, and skin swabs. Previous surface studies focus mainly on currency drug contamination; few have addressed other common surfaces.Public surfaces handled by a large number of people, such as building entrance door handles, bank currency dispensing machines, food store shopping carts, and service station fuel pumps within the New Haven, Connecticut metropolitan area were tested. Socio-economically, the distribution of items tested ranged from working-class to upper-middle class areas. Results were obtained using the Securetec Drugwipe IIÂź which is an immunological, on-site test device. Precautions were taken to avoid carry-over and other potential contamination from handling including single-use latex gloves which were pre-tested as a negative control immediately before swabbing. Analysis was performed according to the manufacturer’s instructions and in the laboratory to standardize conditions. Drugwipe IIÂź limit of detection (LOD) is ∌50ng.Test results revealed 78% positive for cocaine substances as follows: fuel pump buttons for credit card authorization, 100% positive (n=10 individual locations); ATM machines for currency withdrawal, 100% positive (n=10 individual locations); grocery store shopping carts, 70% positive; academic building entrance doors, 30% positive (n=10); and shopping mall entrance/exit doors, 100% positive (n=5).Forensic scientists and medico-legal investigators responsible for interpreting surface test results are cautioned to consider contamination before ascribing drug activity to a specific individual. For legal proceedings these results are indicative but not conclusive because immunological tests are considered presumptive and may react with the parent substance (cocaine), related compounds (benzoylecgonine, ecgonine methyl ester, ecgonine, nor-ecgonine, and cocaethylene) and immunologically similar materials

    A Hierarchical Method Based on Active Shape Models and Directed Hough Transform for Segmentation of Noisy Biomedical Images; Application in Segmentation of Pelvic X-ray Images

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    Background Traumatic pelvic injuries are often associated with severe, life-threatening hemorrhage, and immediate medical treatment is therefore vital. However, patient prognosis depends heavily on the type, location and severity of the bone fracture, and the complexity of the pelvic structure presents diagnostic challenges. Automated fracture detection from initial patient X-ray images can assist physicians in rapid diagnosis and treatment, and a first and crucial step of such a method is to segment key bone structures within the pelvis; these structures can then be analyzed for specific fracture characteristics. Active Shape Model has been applied for this task in other bone structures but requires manual initialization by the user. This paper describes a algorithm for automatic initialization and segmentation of key pelvic structures - the iliac crests, pelvic ring, left and right pubis and femurs - using a hierarchical approach that combines directed Hough transform and Active Shape Models. Results Performance of the automated algorithm is compared with results obtained via manual initialization. An error measures is calculated based on the shapes detected with each method and the gold standard shapes. ANOVA results on these error measures show that the automated algorithm performs at least as well as the manual method. Visual inspection by two radiologists and one trauma surgeon also indicates generally accurate performance. Conclusion The hierarchical algorithm described in this paper automatically detects and segments key structures from pelvic X-rays. Unlike various other x-ray segmentation methods, it does not require manual initialization or input. Moreover, it handles the inconsistencies between x-ray images in a clinical environment and performs successfully in the presence of fracture. This method and the segmentation results provide a valuable base for future work in fracture detection

    Physiological Arousal and Self-Reported Valence for Erotica Images Correlate with Sexual Policy Preferences

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    Individuals do not always accurately report the forces driving their policy preferences. Such inaccuracy may result from the fact that true justifications are socially undesirable or less persuasive than competing justifications or are unavailable in conscious awareness. Because of the delicate nature of these issues, people may be particularly likely to misstate the reasons for preferences on gay marriage, abortion, abstinence-only education, and premarital sex. Advocates on both sides typically justify their preferences in terms of preserving social order, maintaining moral values, or protecting civil liberties, not in terms of their own sexual preferences. Though these are the stated reasons, in empirical tests we find that psychophysiological response to sexual images also may be a significant driver of policy attitudes.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation [BCS-0826828]

    Bridging the university-school divide - Horizontal expertise and the two-worlds pitfall

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    Research on teacher learning consistently documents the disjuncture between the practices beginning teachers encounter in university teacher preparation courses and those they reencounter in the K-12 classrooms in which they learn to teach. As preservice teachers enter teaching, they gravitate toward conventional K-12 practices, dismissing those endorsed by the university as impractical. In this article, the authors delineate the concept of horizontal expertise and document how its production and use can address this “two-worlds pitfall.” Drawing on the authors\u27 work creating a cross-institutional collaborative, they identify three processes central to the production of horizontal expertise in teacher education: the exchange of tools, the negotiation of social languages, and argumentation. They then trace its use across the university and school settings to show how horizontal expertise can rescript mentoring and expand dialogic practices in the university. The authors conclude by identifying the challenges of developing horizontal expertise in teacher educatio
