3 research outputs found
The Toric Approach to F-theory Model Building
We describe the theoretical motivation for F-theory as a non-perturbative generalization of string theory. The four complex-dimensional compactification spaces of F-theory, called elliptically-fibered Calabi-Yau manifolds, consist of the six compact dimensions of string theory, plus a two-dimensional fiber that describes the string coupling field as a function of position on the string theory manifold. The methods of toric geometry are developed and applied to construct examples of elliptically-fibered Calabi-Yau manifolds. We analyze in detail models in which the fiber is free of singularities as a test bed for a more general analysis
Plasma emission characteristics in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of silicon with mid-infrared, multi-millijoule, nanosecond laser pulses from a Ho:YLF excitation source
We characterized the plasma emission produced by the interaction of multi-millijoule, 40 ns duration, mid-infrared laser pulses with a silicon surface. The laser pulses were produced by a Q-switched Ho:YLF master oscillator power amplifier system. Using spectral measurements and a framing camera, we observed a spatial separation of the plasma plume, increased emission signal with low white-light generation, and a drop in the time- and space-averaged apparent plasma density with increasing pump energy. Our results can be explained by continuous heating of the plasma by the pump pulse due to the more efficient inverse bremsstrahlung absorption at longer wavelengths. (C) 2019 Optical Society of America1
A laser parameter study on enhancing proton generation from microtube foil targets
The interaction of an intense laser with a solid foil target can drive [Formula: see text] TV/m electric fields, accelerating ions to MeV energies. In this study, we experimentally observe that structured targets can dramatically enhance proton acceleration in the target normal sheath acceleration regime. At the Texas Petawatt Laser facility, we compared proton acceleration from a [Formula: see text] flat Ag foil, to a fixed microtube structure 3D printed on the front side of the same foil type. A pulse length (140-450 fs) and intensity ((4-10) [Formula: see text] W/cm[Formula: see text]) study found an optimum laser configuration (140 fs, 4 [Formula: see text] W/cm[Formula: see text]), in which microtube targets increase the proton cutoff energy by 50% and the yield of highly energetic protons ([Formula: see text] MeV) by a factor of 8[Formula: see text]. When the laser intensity reaches [Formula: see text] W/cm[Formula: see text], the prepulse shutters the microtubes with an overcritical plasma, damping their performance. 2D particle-in-cell simulations are performed, with and without the preplasma profile imported, to better understand the coupling of laser energy to the microtube targets. The simulations are in qualitative agreement with the experimental results, and show that the prepulse is necessary to account for when the laser intensity is sufficiently high