1,372 research outputs found
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Gender and participation in mathematics and further mathematics A-levels: a literature review for the Further Mathematics Support Programme
In preparing this report I have considered evidence from over 60 documents that relate to
raising girls’ participation in mathematics. These include published research papers and
reports compiled by expert bodies that present an evidence base. Although research
specifically addressing Further Mathematics A-level is rare, the last ten years have seen
considerable efforts to synthesise and update knowledge from different research
perspectives about the relationship between gender and participation. For this reason, the
review process started with papers from 2008 onwards
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Wider school effects of engaging with the Further Mathematics Support Programme to introduce Further Mathematics: Final Report
Case studies were conducted in four 11-18 schools where Further Mathematics (FM) A-level has recently been introduced with some input from the Further Mathematics Support Programme (FMSP). The aim was to probe teachers’ accounts of the range of effects of that introduction beyond the targeted FM students, so as to inform policy makers, other schools and teachers, potential students and their parents. Interviews with Heads of Departments and A-level teachers investigated any reported impact on teachers, structures, pedagogy and students at four points as the new course(s) developed. Intervening lesson observations served to elucidate and challenge the researchers’ understanding
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Teaching A-level Mathematics in Early Career: Report for the Further Mathematics Support Programme.
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Beginner mathematics teachers learning to teach and assess advanced problem solving
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Schools’ Strategies for Promoting Girls’ Participation in Mathematics
Fewer girls than boys in England participate in post-compulsory mathematics. Previous studies have shown the significance to girls of their mathematics lessons and teachers, of cultural constructions of gender and mathematics, of career perceptions A multiple case-study project investigated institutions with unusually high participation by girls in mathematics. Focus groups and lesson observations were used to explore school pedagogy and culture. Common factors were: early preparation for demanding mathematics, a departmental ethos which encouraged student-teacher interactions in and out of lessons, teachers who explicitly and repeatedly confirmed that girls would succeed at mathematics A-level, appreciation of mathematics as opening doors to many careers
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Gender and Participation in Mathematics and Further Mathematics: Final Report for the Further Mathematics Support Programme
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Gender and Participation in Mathematics and Further Mathematics: Interim Report for the Further Mathematics Support Programme
Interactive installation in Tom Heath gallery, QUT Art Museum , George St., Brisbane, Australia, November 2000 - February 200
Dairy Farmer's Valuation of Market Security Offered by Milk Marketing Cooperatives
Dairy farmers often rank the benefit from a secure market as a major reason for belonging to a milk-marketing cooperative. This paper proposes a technique for valuing this decreased market risk through development of a willingness-to-pay measure.Agribusiness, Livestock Production/Industries, Marketing,
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