3 research outputs found

    Counting nodal domains on surfaces of revolution

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    We consider eigenfunctions of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on special surfaces of revolution. For this separable system, the nodal domains of the (real) eigenfunctions form a checker-board pattern, and their number νn\nu_n is proportional to the product of the angular and the "surface" quantum numbers. Arranging the wave functions by increasing values of the Laplace-Beltrami spectrum, we obtain the nodal sequence, whose statistical properties we study. In particular we investigate the distribution of the normalized counts νnn\frac{\nu_n}{n} for sequences of eigenfunctions with K≤n≤K+ΔKK \le n\le K + \Delta K where K,ΔK∈NK,\Delta K \in \mathbb{N}. We show that the distribution approaches a limit as K,ΔK→∞K,\Delta K\to\infty (the classical limit), and study the leading corrections in the semi-classical limit. With this information, we derive the central result of this work: the nodal sequence of a mirror-symmetric surface is sufficient to uniquely determine its shape (modulo scaling).Comment: 36 pages, 8 figure

    On the Nodal Count Statistics for Separable Systems in any Dimension

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    We consider the statistics of the number of nodal domains aka nodal counts for eigenfunctions of separable wave equations in arbitrary dimension. We give an explicit expression for the limiting distribution of normalised nodal counts and analyse some of its universal properties. Our results are illustrated by detailed discussion of simple examples and numerical nodal count distributions.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure