11 research outputs found
\u3ci\u3eDendroctonus Valens\u3c/i\u3e and \u3ci\u3eHylastes Porculus\u3c/i\u3e (Coleoptera: Scolytidae): Vectors of Pathogenic Fungi (Ophiostomatales) Associated With Red Pine Decline Disease.
A study was conducted to determine whether Dendroctonus valens and Hylastes porculus could vector their commonly associated fungi to red pine. Field collected adult D. valens transmitted Leptographium terebrantis, Leptographium procerum and Ophiostoma ips into 45%, 30%, and 5%, respectively of the wounded red pine roots onto which they were caged. Field collected H. porculus transmitted L. terebrantis, L. procerum and O. ips into 55%, 40%, and 5%, respectively, of the wounded red pine roots onto which beetles were caged. None of the control roots, which were mechanically wounded only, were found to contain O. ips, whereas only one control root contained L. terebrantis and only one control root contained L. procerum. This work demonstrates that D. valens and H. porculus can vector their associated Leptographium fungi to red pine trees and that these organisms are likely involved in red pine decline disease
Effects of Feeding by Two Folivorous Arthropods on Susceptibility of Hybrid Poplar Clones to a Foliar Pathogen
We investigated variation in folivore-induced effects on subsequent plant suitability to a foliar pathogen. We used a leaf disk assay to expose three clones of hybrid poplar, NC11382, NE332 and NM6, to colonization by a leaf spot pathogen, Septoria musiva. Undamaged leaf disks of NE332 were the most resistant to S. musiva, followed by NM6 and NC11382, respectively. To test the effects of prior herbivory on subsequent susceptibility to this fungal pathogen, we inoculated S. musiva on leaf disks taken from leaves which had been exposed to feeding by Tetranychus mites or cottonwood leaf beetles. Prior activity by mites and cottonwood leaf beetle affected the subsequent susceptibility of clones NC 11382 and NE332 to S. musiva
Effects of Feeding by Two Folivorous Arthropods on Susceptibility of Hybrid Poplar Clones to a Foliar Pathogen
We investigated variation in folivore-induced effects on subsequent plant suitability to a foliar pathogen. We used a leaf disk assay to expose three clones of hybrid poplar, NC11382, NE332 and NM6, to colonization by a leaf spot pathogen, Septoria musiva. Undamaged leaf disks of NE332 were the most resistant to S. musiva, followed by NM6 and NC11382, respectively. To test the effects of prior herbivory on subsequent susceptibility to this fungal pathogen, we inoculated S. musiva on leaf disks taken from leaves which had been exposed to feeding by Tetranychus mites or cottonwood leaf beetles. Prior activity by mites and cottonwood leaf beetle affected the subsequent susceptibility of clones NC 11382 and NE332 to S. musiva
SARS-CoV-2 infects the human kidney and drives fibrosis in kidney organoids
This work was supported by grants of the German Research Foundation (DFG: KR 4073/11-1; SFBTRR219, 322900939; and CRU344, 428857858, and CRU5011 InteraKD 445703531), a grant of the European Research Council (ERC-StG 677448), the Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF NUM-COVID19, Organo-Strat 01KX2021), the Dutch Kidney Foundation (DKF) TASK FORCE consortium (CP1805), the Else Kroener Fresenius Foundation (2017_A144), and the ERA-CVD MENDAGE consortium (BMBF 01KL1907) all to R.K.; DFG (CRU 344, Z to I.G.C and CRU344 P2 to R.K.S.); and the BMBF eMed Consortium Fibromap (to V.G.P, R.K., R.K.S., and I.G.C.). R.K.S received support from the KWF Kankerbestrijding (11031/2017–1, Bas Mulder Award) and a grant by the ERC (deFiber; ERC-StG 757339). J.J. is supported by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO Veni grant no: 091 501 61 81 01 36) and the DKF (grant no. 19OK005). B.S. is supported by the DKF (grant: 14A3D104) and the NWO (VIDI grant: 016.156.363). R.P.V.R. and G.J.O. are supported by the NWO VICI (grant: 16.VICI.170.090). P.B. is supported by the BMBF (DEFEAT PANDEMIcs, 01KX2021), the Federal Ministry of Health (German Registry for COVID-19 Autopsies-DeRegCOVID, www.DeRegCOVID.ukaachen.de; ZMVI1-2520COR201), and the German Research Foundation (DFG; SFB/TRR219 Project-IDs 322900939 and 454024652). S.D. received DFG support (DJ100/1-1) as well as support from VGP and TBH (SFB1192). M.d.B,R.R., N.S., and A.A. are supported by an ERC Advanced Investigator grant (H2020-ERC-2017-ADV-788982-COLMIN) to N.S. A.A. is supported by the NWO (VI.Veni.192.094). We thank Saskia de Wildt, Jeanne Pertijs (Radboudumc, Department of Pharmacology), and Robert M. Verdijk (Erasmus Medical Center, Department of Pathology) for providing tissue controls (Erasmus MC Tissue Bank) and Christian Drosten (Charite´ Universitatsmedizin Berlin, Institute of € Virology) and Bart Haagmans (Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam) for providing the SARS-CoV-2 isolate. We thank Kioa L. Wijnsma (Department of Pediatric Nephrology, Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences, Amalia Children’s Hospital, Radboud University Medical Center) for support with statistical analysis regarding the COVID-19 patient cohort.Peer reviewedPublisher PD