111 research outputs found

    Enhancement of the focal depth in anatomical photography

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    Limited depth of field is one of the crucial disadvantages of macro photography because some details of the imagined object are blurred. This paper presents the benefits of using an algorithm which enhances focal depth in the close-up views of anatomical structures. The applied technique was based on combining a set of images of the same object (temporal bone) taken on different focal planes. In effect, a single image was generated which presented all details sharply across the photographed object. The extended depth of field of the composite image was reconstructed by CombineZP Image Stacking Software

    Contribution of 3D printing technology for craniofacial surgery

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    This article summarizes technical aspects of preparing printable 3D anatomical models created from radiological data (CT, MRI) and discusses their usefulness in surgery of the human skull. Interdisciplinary approach to the capabilities of the 3D printers, and the materials used for manufacturing 3D objects oriented on replicating anatomical structures has created new possibilities for simulating and planning surgical procedures in clinical practice settings

    Fractal dimensions of the sagittal (interparietal) sutures in humans

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    Traditional studies of the cranial suture morphology have focused mostly on visual estimation and linear measurements, and thus on evaluating their complexity. This paper presents a new look on cranial sutures as curves, which can be analysed by fractal dimension. This new measure seems to be a much better method of expressing properties of sutural patterns than traditional methods. Our findings suggest that the fractal dimension of non-complicated interparietal sutures slightly exceeds the topological dimension of the line, that is 1.0, whereas the fractal dimension of complicated sutures may reach a value of 1.4 or even more. The difference between the minimum and maximum decimal fraction of the fractal dimension indicates a three-fold increase in complexity in the investigated sutures

    The morphological appearance of the palatine torus in the Cracovian skulls (XV-XVIII century)

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    The paper presents a morphological analysis of the palatine torus of the Cracovian skull dated from XV-XVIIIth century. The cranial collection analysed comprised 98 skulls with the hard palate preserved but only 27 male and 28 female skulls showed the palatine torus. The length, breadth and height of the palatine torus were measured, and a visual inspection of the position and form of the torus was performed. Our findings suggest that most typical of the skulls analysed is a medium-sized mound-shaped palatine torus in an antero-posterior position, which means that the torus occupies the palatal processes of the maxilla and the horizontal plates of the palatine bones along the mid-palatal suture. Mean parameters of the palatine torus were established as: length - 25.7 mm (male) and 28.3 mm (female), width - 10.8 mm (male) and 10.2 mm (female), height 2.7 (male) and 3.2 mm (female). There are no significant differences between mean values of the parameters of the palatine torus