36 research outputs found

    Model Perilaku Kesehatan Keluarga Penerima Jamkesmas

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    To prevent the worse health condition especially for poor society because of monetary crises since 1997, the government launched Public Health Assurance or Jamkesmas (Jaminan Kesehatan Masyarakat). This program gave health service freely to the poor society at the choosen health service places. However, the advantages of this program were still low. It was around 39.8% (Public Health Department, 2011). Beside, based on monitoring, poor society behavior didn\u27t support this program also. They showed unhealthy behavior. The goal of this research was to develope health behavior model of Jamkesmas recipients in Kediri City East Java, also the factors which influenced them. This research was Observation Research with crosssectional design. There were 270 respondents taken by using two stage cluster sampling technique. The data were gathered by valid and reliable questionnaire. After that, the data were analyzed descriptively by using binnary logistic regression statistic analysis to test model feasibility and regression coefficient. The results of research showed that ost of Jamkesmas recipients had unhealthy behavior, many sick complaints and worries, ut they didn\u27t go to the health services which were refered. This research also found that ck complaint level (need) was influenced by dwelling ownership status, family status, he th value and knowledge about disease and Jamkesmas at predisposing factors, also sp ding money for food at enabling factor, and health behavior practice. Health behavior practice of Jamkesi s recipients and their family were influenced by education level, health value at predispo ng factor and spending money for cigarette and perception toward health service at abling factor. As well as health service utilization was influenced by worry level of t e sickness that they felt and spending money for food

    Visual Schedule Towards the Decline of Behavioral Problems in Feeding Activities and Defecation in Children with Autism

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    Introduction: Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder in children that is characterized by the disruption and delays in cognitive, language, behavior, communication and social interaction. One of the ways for children with autism is the visual schedule. Visual schedule is a learning method in the form of information in a visual form that communicates a series of activities. This study aimed to determine the effects of a visual schedule to decrease problem behaviors when feeding activity and defecation in children with autism in the Foundation Board of Christian Education Wetan Jawi (YBPK) Kediri. Method: Research design was One Group Pre Post Test Design, with a population of 30 respondents, used the purposive sampling technique obtained a sample of 16 respondents. When the reseachon April 16 Until Mei 17, 2014. Results: The results showed obtained Asymp significant p = 0.011 <0.05 with Wilcoxon statistical test, which means that HO was rejected and H1 accepted schedule. It means there were visual effects on reducing behavioral problems in feeding activity and defecation in children with autism in the Foundation Board of Christian Education Wetan Jawi (YBPK) Kediri in 2014. Discussion: The Visual schedules can be applied in the treatment of autistic children who have behavior problems, because these techniques can provide influence on autistic children to be able to decrease behavior problems

    The Effect of Provider Perception About Satisfaction of Capitation System

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    Capitation funds distributed by BPJS to health services is providers of health care in FKTP receive regular income per participant, per period of time for which the service has been determined. From the initial survey results were done, there are some respondents who are not satisfied with the capitation system. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of provider perception about satisfaction of capitation system.The design study is a quantitative research using a "cross sectional". The sampling technique used Total Sampilng by sample as much 35 providers. Data analysis technique using linear regression. The results showed that 17.6% provider had an excellent perception about capitation system and 82.4% had agood enoughperception, as many as 70.6% provider were satisfied and 29.4% were not satisfied with capitation system. Results of analysis using linear regersi showed that p-value = 0.000 <α = 0.05, so H0 is rejected, meaning that perception significantly affect satisfaction. Provider satisfaction in this case is Health Facilities of First Level need to be considered because it will impact provision of services to patients, which indirectly will give satisfaction to patients BPJS with services provided by doctors, dentists and clinics or to system on the Agency Organizer Social Security Health in Kediri Cit

    Pendidikan Keperawatan Gerontik

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    Pengaruh Pola Makan dan Merokok Terhadap Kejadian Gastritis Pada Lansia

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    Gastritis merupakan gangguan kesehatan terkait dengan proses pencernaan terutama lambung. Gastritis biasanya timbul akibat pola makan tidak teratur sehingga lambung menjadi sensitif. Populasi dalam penelitihan adalah semua lansia di wilayah kerja puskesmas Menganti Gresik berjumlah 98 lansia yang mengalami gastritis. Teknik sampling mengunakan random sampling, sampel penelitihan berjumlah 49 orang lansia di wilayah kerja puskesmas Menganti Gresik. Variabel penelitian independen adalah pola makan (dengan indikator jenis makanan; freuensi dan kebiasaan makan) dan merokok sedangkan variabel dependen adalah kejadian gastritis. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan mengunakan Kuesioner dan wawancara. Data dianalisis dengan mengunakan uji statistik regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar (72%) lansia memiliki pola makan tidak teratur dan hampir seluruh (86%) lansia merupakan peerokok berat. hasil analisis data dengan uji regresi logistik, menunjukkan ada hubungan antara pola makan dengan kejadian gastritis (p =0,006), dan antara pola makan dengan merokok (p =0,033). Disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh antara pola makan dan rokok dengan kejadian gastritis pada lansia. Disarankan kepada masyarakat lansia untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang pola makan teratur dan menghentikan kebiasaan merokok untuk mencegah terjadinya gastritis


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    Institution Of Social Security (BPJS) is an institution of social security in the public service, there's also a lack, thereby affecting the quality of service to the community. The purpose of this study was to analyze loyalty based on satisfaction level of participants Institution OfSocial Security Non Recipients in PuclicHealth Center Ngletih Kediri.The study design used is quantitative analytical research by cross sectional. The population as many as 258 respondents. By using simple random sampling obtained a sample of 157 respondents. The independent variable is the satisfaction while the dependent variable is loyalty.The result showed 97 respondents (61.8%) patients were not satisfied and 85 respondents (54.1%) patients were not loyal to the value of p = 0.000 &lt;α = 0,05 so that H0 rejected, which means there is influence loyalty to the Agency Participant satisfaction levels Social Security Recipients Non Dues in PuclicHealth Center Ngletih Kediri. With Exp (B) of 64.834, then the patient is loyal effect 64 times greater than patients who were not satisfied.By providing services that appropriate with patient satisfaction indicators will directly be able to create a loyal patients, so they do not easily move to the other treatment.Keywords: Satisfaction, Loyalty, participants BPJS Non Recipient Fees, Outpatien


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    Standar pelayanan minimal rekam medis dapat mendukung peningkatan mutu pelayanan di rumah sakit, yaitu dengan melakukan pengisian berkas rekam medis secara cepat dan tepat waktu serta penyediaan rekam medis sesuai dengan respon time yang telah ditetapkan dalam Permenkes 129 tahun 2008. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan implementasi standar pelayanan minimal rekam medik terhadap kepuasan pasien di Poli Kandungan RSIA Puri Galeri Bersalin. Desain penelitian ini adalah asosiatif dengan pendekatan crossectional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 98 pasien rawat jalan poli kandungan yang diambil dengan teknik simple random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar responden di Poli Kandungan RSIA Puri Galeri Bersalin mendapatkan layanan respon time penyediaan dokumen rekam medik melebihi standar pelayanan minimal 10 menit. Sebagian besar responden mendapatkan layanan respon time kelengkapan/ keterisian dokumen rekam medik melebihi standar pelayanan minimal 24 jam. Sedangkan untuk variabel kepuasan terhadap pelayanan rekam medik sebagian besar pada kategori rendah. Hasil analisa regresi menunjukkan ada pengaruh implementasi standar pelayanan minimal respon time penyediaan dokumen rekam medik dan respon time keterisian dokumen rekam medik terhadap kepuasan pasien

    Analysis of Laboratory Management Implementation and the Level of Accuracy of the Examination Results in Hiv/aids Community Health Centers in the Tulungagung District

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    The community health Centers is the first-level health facilities (FKTP), which is responsible for health community districts (Kemenkes, 2016). The dynamics of the health problems facing the community is very diverse from various aspects can be seen overall demen Bio Social Sepiritual Neorologis. The type of research used in this research is observational analysis is a method of research conducted with the observations of behaviour, to create a picture of a State specific populations that are systematic and accurate. Observational research is research that explores how and why the quality management is correlated against the results, then do the analisia dynamics of the correlation between the factors that affect the accuracy of those results. In this study using a research korelasional that can be interpreted as a process of systematic investigation to find out the relationship between two or more variables (Sulistyaningsih). Statistics Regression test on logistics, obtained significant value of 0.00 (value p), valued at p = α = 0.05 0.00 &lt; → HO is rejected, meaning that there is a correlation, laboratory management implementation and the level of accuracy of the inspection results HI Classification indicates the value of the overall percentage of 97.4%, which means that the accuracy of these studies amounted to 97.4%. This is because nearly all Clinics and Ngunut Campurdarat shows results as SOP by 25% (29 respondents), 18.97% of clinics Ngantru results (22 respondents). Meanwhile Clinics Simo 15.52% result (18 respondents) the results as SOP and 9.48% (11 respondents) the results is not appropriate