20 research outputs found

    Peluang Dan Cabaran Pendidikan Dalam Kalangan Masyarakat Luar Bandar : Satu Kajian Kes Isi Rumah Melayu Miskin Di Jajahan Bachok, Kelantan [HC445.6. S625 2009 f rb].

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    Kemiskinan merupakan masalah yang serius terutama dalam kalangan isi rumah Melayu di kawasan luar bandar. Masalah ini dipengaruhi oleh tahap pendidikan sesebuah keluarga. Poverty is a serious predicament especially among Malay householders in rural areas. This problem is influenced by the educational level of a particular family

    Penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat Dan Komunikasi Dalam Aktiviti Perniagaan Wanita Luar Bandar

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    Rural communities are always associated with deprivation in life. Although various developments are carried out in the rural areas, the problems faced are never able to be solved. Nowadays, exposure towards the development of information and communication technologies (ICT) among the rural communities could lead to opportunities that could be fully-benefited. Masyarakat luar bandar seringkali dikaitkan dengan keadaan hidup serba kekurangan. Walaupun terdapat pelbagai pembangunan dilaksanakan di luar bandar, namun masalah yang dihadapi tidak pernah dapat diselesaikan. Pada masa kini, pendedahan tentang perkembangan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi (TMK) dalam kalangan masyarakat luar bandar mampu membuka peluang untuk dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya

    Information and Communications Technology Development Products Towards Strengthening Rural Communities in Malaysia

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    This study aims to evaluate the extent of development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) ability to empower rural communities and enhance their economic productivity. ICT is a core catalyst for the development of a country to achieve developed nation status. However, rural communities are still exposed to the challenges and constraints in order to promote ICT development in rural areas. To address this issue, the government has established various objectives to ensure that rural communities are not marginalized. In an effort to take advantage of ICT development in rural areas, governments and agencies have developed various ICT-based products in rural areas. Programs such as Center of Telecenter, Rural Internet Centre (PID), Medan Info Desa, e-Village/e-Community, K-TRAK, PKIT and others are among the products introduced to the rural community. The purpose of the introduction of this product is to focus on the government’s efforts in ensuring the development of balanced urban and rural areas from different angles. Through ICT products, a rural community not just only follows the development of the ICT revolution, but to create a knowledgeable society and helps to boost the quality of life of rural communities. Thus, this paper will discuss ICT products developed in the rural areas of Malaysia, the purpose and prospects of the product development and the challenges faced during its implementation. Hopefully, the discussion and recommendations given could trigger the opportunity and space in making ICT as a driving force to economic development in rural areas.Key words: ICT products; Rural communities; The use of ICT; Economic catalys

    The Role of ICT in Breaking a Vicious Cycle of Poverty

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    Poverty reduction is a global effort to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The use of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) to identify the marginalized community has been determined. In Malaysia, government intervention through ICT is extended to rural women entrepreneurs to boost the economy, thus reducing poverty. Studies have identified the importance of ICT in helping rural women entrepreneurs in this poverty dilemma. A total of 186 online women entrepreneurs registered with Malaysian telecenter were selected as respondents in this study. The results show that 94 percent of respondents earn more than RM931 per month, Poverty Line Income (PLI) Malaysia, 2014. The results show that ICT users in business activities can improve households and self-success from poverty. From a social and economic perspective, the government's intervention in introducing ICT to rural women entrepreneurs has given them many opportunities to break the previous poverty cycle