12 research outputs found

    The Effect of Bacillus subtilis on Bioethanol Production from Ambon Banana (Musa paradisiaca var. sapientum Linn) Peels by Using Fermentation Process

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    Abstract -The breakthrough to optimize Indonesia's energy is by utilizing abundant renewable energy sources. Its geographic location has the potential to become a country with the largest renewable energy source in the world. The potential energy that comes from vegetables is called bioethanol. Bioethanol is an organic fuel produced by bioethanol fermentation. It can be an alternative material for making sanitary products amid the increasing spread ofCOVID-19 in Indonesia.So the authors try to innovate how to use Ambon Banana (Musa paradisiaca var. sapientum Linn) peels to become bioethanol. This research aimed to investigate the effect of Bacillus subtilis in the fermentation of bioethanol production from Ambon banana peels. The methods used were pretreatment, hydrolysis, fermentation, and distillation. Bacillus subtilis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae ratio (10: 5 and 5: 5) use for obtaining high ethanol yields, as well as variations in pH 2 and 6 in the fermentation starter. The variable were designed by using Factorial Design. The result shows the yeast ratio of B. subtilis and S. cerevisiae (10: 5) resulted the highest concentration of bioethanol (6%) in 6 days. In acidic conditions (pH 2), the bacteria don’t grow optimally. The higher concentration of bioethanol (6%) was reached  in pH 6.The research supports the Government Program Reducing the dependency of fossil fuels and innovation to produce sanitary product from bioethanol.Abstract -The breakthrough to optimize Indonesia's energy is by utilizing abundant renewable energy sources. Its geographic location has the potential to become a country with the largest renewable energy source in the world. The potential energy that comes from vegetables is called bioethanol. Bioethanol is an organic fuel produced by bioethanol fermentation. It can be an alternative material for making sanitary products amid the increasing spread ofCOVID-19 in Indonesia.So the authors try to innovate how to use Ambon Banana (Musa paradisiaca var. sapientum Linn) peels to become bioethanol. This research aimed to investigate the effect of Bacillus subtilis in the fermentation of bioethanol production from Ambon banana peels. The methods used were pretreatment, hydrolysis, fermentation, and distillation. Bacillus subtilis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae ratio (10: 5 and 5: 5) use for obtaining high ethanol yields, as well as variations in pH 2 and 6 in the fermentation starter. The variable were designed by using Factorial Design. The result shows the yeast ratio of B. subtilis and S. cerevisiae (10: 5) resulted the highest concentration of bioethanol (6%) in 6 days. In acidic conditions (pH 2), the bacteria don’t grow optimally. The higher concentration of bioethanol (6%) was reached  in pH 6.The research supports the Government Program Reducing the dependency of fossil fuels and innovation to produce sanitary product from bioethanol

    The Effect of the Addition Combination of Chicken Eggshell Adsorbents (Gallus gallus domesticus) and Siwalan Fiber (Borassus flabellifer) on the Adsorption Process of Used Cooking Oil

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    Cooking oil is a daily necessity. Repeated use of oil with high heating temperatures (200-250°C) can result in oxidation and polymerization processes in the oil. Cooking oil purification is carried out by the adsorption method which utilizes cellulose content in coconut coir and CaCO3 in eggshell so that it can meet SNI 3741:2013. In this study, the adsorption process was carried out using siwalan coir adsorbents activated by 9% ZnCl2 and eggshell adsorbents which were activated using a 600oC furnace for 3 hours. This study was handled using a factorial 23 experimental design and it was found that the adsorption spin time variable was the influential variable. The results of this study were per SNI 3741:2013 with an FFA concentration of 0.3049% and a peroxide value of 2 mekO2/kg with a mass of adsorbent for siwalan coir and shells of 2: 10 gram, the optimum time was 69 minutes. Analysis of the findings of the optimization sample which has a specific gravity of 0.91 gram/cm3, a clear yellow color, and a moisture content of 0.083%


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    Modification of cassava starch was produced by oxidation using ozone treatment. The oxidized starch is used in the paper processing in the pulp and paper industries.  The aim of this research was to determine the effect of reaction conditions (pH and temperature) in produced oxidized starch. The oxidative reaction of cassava starch was using ozone as an oxidator while the operating condition was at temperatures of 30, 35, 40 and 45 oC in atmospheric pressure. The fixed variables were weight of cassava starch 80 grams, and volume of aquadest 200 ml. The change variables are reaction time (15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes) and pH solution (6, 7, 8 and 9). The product of oxidized starch was analyzed for carboxyl group according to JEFA method, swelling power according to Leach method and solubility according to Kainuma method. The result of this research shows with an increasing of pH reaction and reaction time, the carboxyl group and solubility increased, but swelling power decreased. The best condition was obtained at the pH of 9 with 60 minutes of reaction time


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    Budidaya sayur-sayuran merupakan salah satu peluang bisnis bagi petani, karena komoditi sayur-sayuran dapat diusahakan dan dilakukan oleh sebagian besar rumah tangga petani baik untuk konsumsi keluarga maupun untuk dijual. Desa Samiran merupakan salah satu desa yang berada di antara kaki Gunung Merapi dan Merbabu di Kabupaten Boyolali. Saat ini Desa Samiran terus melakukan upaya pembangunan masyarakat melalui pengembangan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat desa. Permasalahan yang terjadi pada Desa Samiran adalah kegiatan budidaya sayur-sayuranmasih dilakukan terbatas dilahan-lahan pertanian yang umumnya berada di lereng-lereng gunung. Sedangkan lahan pekarangan disekitar rumah mereka hanya dibiarkan terbengkalai.Hal ini sebagai akibat karena, minimnya pengetahuan dan keterbatasan dalam hal penguasaan teknologi, mengakibatkan kurang berdayanya masyarakat tani dalam mengusahakan dan mengembangkan lahan pekarangan rumah sebagai tempat bertanamam tanaman sayur-mayur.Akibatnya, lahan pertanian menjadi sakit dan semakin miskin hara serta produktivitasnya semakin rendah. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat petani di dalam pengelolaan lahan pekarangan khususnya untuk kegiatan pertanian sayur-mayur yang nantinya dapat membantu di dalam peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat

    Pemanfaatan pati mocaf pada edible coating polifenol dengan ekstrak alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica) sebagai pengawet pada buah anggur (Vitis vinifera)

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    Buah anggur merupakan buah favorit untuk dikonsumsi karena memiliki manfaat bagi kesehatan. Apabila penanganan pasca panen pada buah anggur kurang optimum maka akan menyebabkan kerugian karena memiliki kerentanan terjadinya pembusukan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut penanganan pasca panen harus diperhatikan agar tidak terjadi kerugian. Edible coating polifenol merupakan metode inovasi yang berfungsi untuk penanganan pasca panen buah serta dampaknya tidak mencemari alam dan baik bagi kesehatan. Salah satu bahan yang dapat diaplikasikan menjadi edible coating adalah pati mocaf dengan penambahan ekstrak alang-alang. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap faktorial yaitu konsentrasi pati mocaf (T) 5% ; 10% ; 15% dan konsentrasi ekstrak akar alang-alang (A) 8% ; 10% ; 20%, dengan tahapan kerja yaitu mengekstrasi alang-alang, pembuatan edible coating, dan pelapisan edible coating polifenol pada buah anggur merah. Analisis produk meliputi kadar air, vitamin C, antioksidan dan uji organoleptik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pati mocaf 5% dan ekstrak alang-alang 20% memberikan hasil terbaik dengan kadar air 6,7%, vitamin C 26,7% dan disukai panelis dengan nilai antioksidan sebesar 72,82 % inhibisi dalam menangkal radikal bebas

    Response surface methodology for synthesis of bio-jet fuel from waste cooking oil using agitated ozone treatment

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    Development of bio-jet fuel has gained much attention in the few years due to the carbon emission problem. Waste cooking oil (WCO) is an alternative raw material to produce medium chain of methyl ester which has similar properties with bio jet fuel. This research aims to investigate the Response Surface Methodology for synthesis of bio-jet fuel from waste cooking oil using agitated ozone treatment. In this study, bio jet fuel was produced using ozonolysis method with agitated ozone generator. The effect of reaction time, ozonolysis concentration and ozonolysis flow rate were optimized using response surface methodology (RSM) based on a central composite design (CCD). The optimum conditions obtained from RSM were 3% of ozonolysis concentration, 10 L/min of ozonolysis flow rate and 10 min of reaction time. Under this condition, the properties of bio-jet fuel met with the commercial standard of bio-jet fuel which are the density and %FFA conversation were 0.863 g/mL and 2.95%, respectively

    Formulation and Physical Properties of Citronella Oil Emulsion on Differences in Emulsifiers With The Addition of Maltodextrin

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    Various studies have shown that citronella oil is a fatty oil that is efficacious for reducing microbial activity in food. Emulsions are preparations containing two immiscible substances, usually water and oil, where the liquid which when dispersed becomes small particles in another liquid. The combination of maltodextrin and citronella oil requires an emulsifying agent. Methyl cellulose and gum arabic have been widely used with maltodextrin because they can increase the stability of the emulsion formed. Apart from being an emulsifier, the addition of methyl cellulose and gum arabic aims to strengthen the resulting coating layer. This study using response surface methodology (RSM) for the formulation of thin layer emulsion-based edible coating materials, studies the characteristics and stability of the thin layer emulsion system on edible coating materials, and studies the effect of storage temperature on the stability of the thin layer emulsion system on edible coating materials by observing the physical properties of the emulsion which includes the type emulsion, droplet size, and creaming index on sedimentation volume for 1 month of storage on variations of emulsifier methyl cellulose and Arabic gum and addition of maltodextrin. The results of observations based on tests on the type of emulsion, droplet size, and creaming index on the sedimentation volume for 1 month of storage on variations in emulsifier methyl cellulose and Arabic gum and the addition of maltodextrin showed that there was a significant difference


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       The service activity of this Used Soap Cooking Training aims to develop and improve human resources, especially mothers who join the PKK group in the village of Undip Vocational School who collaborate with Kominfo, namely Kangkung Village, Mranggen District, Demak Regency. The development and application of soap making technology from used cooking oil seeks to improve the knowledge and skills of PKK members. The problem solving patterns that will be developed are generally divided into several stages, including: socialization, preparation and training / practice of soap making and monitoring. The training activity which was held to coincide on Mother's Day on December 22, 2019 sought to increase women's empowerment and it was hoped that mothers could obtain provisions in filling their free time after carrying out their duties as housewives to gain knowledge that could support household needs, especially in the family. community environment. With this training, it is expected that mothers are very skilled in utilizing used cooking oil to make soap to meet personal needs and can be developed into a home industry so that it will improve economic problemsThe service activity of this Used Soap Cooking Training aims to develop and improve human resources, especially mothers who join the PKK group in the village of Undip Vocational School who collaborate with Kominfo, namely Kangkung Village, Mranggen District, Demak Regency. The development and application of soap making technology from used cooking oil seeks to improve the knowledge and skills of PKK members. The problem solving patterns that will be developed are generally divided into several stages, including: socialization, preparation and training / practice of soap making and monitoring. The training activity which was held to coincide on Mother's Day on December 22, 2019 sought to increase women's empowerment and it was hoped that mothers could obtain provisions in filling their free time after carrying out their duties as housewives to gain knowledge that could support household needs, especially in the family, community environment. With this training, it is expected that mothers are very skilled in utilizing used cooking oil to make soap to meet personal needs and can be developed into a home industry so that it will improve economic problems

    Peningkatan Produktivitas UMKM Minuman Kesehatan “Bozza” di Kabupaten Kendal melalui Pengembangan dan Aplikasi Teknologi Tepat Guna Alat Presto Hidrotermal Subkritis

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    UMKM ”Bozza” merupakan salah satu UMKM di Desa Meteseh Kecamatan Boja Kabupaten Kendal dengan produksi berupa minuman kesehatan dan jamu dalam bentuk ekstrak dan serbuk instan, salah satunya adalah sari jahe instan. Proses produksi sari jahe instan UMKM ini masih bersifat konvensional, mulai dari pemarutan, pemerasan, kristalisasi, penggilingan, pengayakan hingga pengemasannya. Demikian juga pada proses produksi minuman ekstrak masih terkendala pasturisasi dan sterilisasi dengan cara perebusan konvensional sehingga tidak ada kontrol maupun kendali suhu yang mengakibatkan kualitas dan higienitasnya tidak terjamin. Oleh karena itu, adanya solusi dengan menerapkembangkan teknologi berbasis riset agar dapat berkembang lebih baik. Aplikasi alat berbasis riset berupa alat presto dengan konsep hidrotermal subkritis yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan kualitas produktivitas rempah-rempah. Melalui alat ini, senyawa bioaktif gingerol, shogaol, paradol dan zingeron dari jahe akan meningkat sehingga memiliki efek farmakologi seperti: meningkatkan imunitas, antikanker, antioksidan, antikarsinogenik dan antiosteoporosis. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah meningkatkan produktivitas UKM minuman rempah melalui pengembangan aplikasi teknologi tepat guna, berupa alat presto dengan konsep hidrotermal subkritis. Kegiatan PUPS dilakukan secara terintegrasi, sinergis, dan melembaga antara Sekolah Vokasi UNDIP dan SMK Negeri 3 Kendal serta mitra UMKM Bozza


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    Produced water is contaminated water that is extracted together with the oil in oil production operations. Produced water is a mixture of organic and inorganic material. To remove dispersed oil in produced water can use membrane technology, especially microfiltration membrane. The use of membrane filtration in produced water process can be cause fouling in membrane. Fouling is a process resulting in loss of performance of a membrane due to deposition of suspended or dissolved. One of way to treat fouling in membrane is cleaning process. This research investigates the use of microfiltration membrane in produced water treatment and its cleaning process. The purposes of this research are to determine microfiltration membrane cleaning effect of produced water using NaOH as cleaning solution, to determine concentration effect of chemical cleaning agent in membrane cleaning process as well as to determine cleaning period effect of membrane cleaning process. This research used NaOH as cleaning solution. It will be determined the effectiveness of cleaning used NaOH solution. Concentration variables are: 0.1%, 0.3% and 0.5%. Moreover the cleaning period variables are 15 minutes and 30 minutes. Analysis procedure was done by determine the recovery flux permeat of process. According to the results previously analyzed, the following conclusions can be stated: NaOH gives satisfied effectiveness in microfiltration membrane cleaning process. In this research, we use NaOH as cleaning agent for removing the organic fouling caused by produced water. The NaOH concentration as cleaning agent which increases the flux highest is 0.1% NaOH and cleaning period 15 minutes. In this condition, the flux increase about 66.66% in first cleaning and 35.27% in second cleaning