23 research outputs found

    Panduan Pengarusutamaan Gender dalam Siklus Pengelolaan Program

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    Naskah ini berisi konsep-konsep dasar, langkah-langkah utama, dan perangkat-perangkat dalam pengarusutamaan gender dalam siklus pengelolaan program. Naskah ini dimaksudkan sebagai salah satu bahan rujukan bagi Kemitraan-Partnership for Governance Reform, secara khusus bagi Program Forest Governance Program phase 2 (FGP -2) dan secara umum bagi Direktorat Sustainable Environmental Governance (SEG) dan Sustainable Development Governance (SDG), serta bagi organisasi-organisasi masyarakat sipil yang merupakan mitra kerja FGP-2 dan program Kemitraan lain yang terkait

    Strategi Perempuan Adat Pendatang dalam Merespon Sistem Budaya Padi sebagai Sumber Penghidupan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelusuri dan memperoleh informasi mengenai strategi perempuan pendatang dalam merespon sistem budaya padi sebagai sumber penghidupan, juga untuk menemukan bentuk-bentuk perjuangan perempuan pendatang dalam berurusan dengan serangkaian adat istiadat dan adaptasi budaya baru dalam kehidupan mereka sebagai perempuan adat. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah perempuan adat pendatang yang memutuskan untuk tinggal dan menetap di Kasepuhan Ciptagelar akibat menikah dengan laki-laki asal Ciptagelar. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif perspektif feminis, teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam dan studi data sekunder, analisis data dilakukan dengan cara coding dan pengklasifikasian data sesuai tema-tema hingga penarikan kesimpulan, lalu interpretasi data menggunakan teori feminist political ecology. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa para perempuan adat pendatang melakukan beragam strategi sebagai perjuangan dalam pemenuhan penghidupan mereka, seperti: meleburkan diri mereka terhadap masyarakat yang mereka datangi dengan cara taat pada aturan adat dan aktif berkegiatan di Imah Gede sebagaimana yang dilakukan para perempuan non pendatang, melakukan pertanian non padi untuk menopang perekonomian keluarga, dan memanfaatkan peluang mata pencaharian dari tamu yang berkunjung dan menginap di rumah mereka

    Janus Faced of Women's Parliament Family Line: Representation of Women in Politics and Party Oligarchy

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    The implementation of affirmative quota policies by political structures, especially political parties as one of the elements of the political infrastructure, has provided the widest possible opportunity for women to be directly involved in the political process, such as becoming members of parliament to carry out over sight, budgeting, and legislative functions: the making and policymaking and political decisions. This research examines how women in the family path of the 2019’s election results, on the one hand, their faces are seen as political representatives of women in parliament, but on the other hand, they are also seen as representatives of the interests of party oligarchy in parliament. We explored the filling of affirmative quotas for female parliamentary candidates from the family line by political parties which allowed us to identify women parliamentarians from the family line as having two faces, namely as women's political representatives as well as party political representatives. In a stronger party oligarchy, we argue that filling the affirmative quota of female parliamentary candidates from the family line apart from being urged by the affirmative quota policy for 30%women's political representation, is also motivated by the interests of party oligarchy. We adopt the thoughts of Anne Phillips (1991) about the politics of presence which sees that women's representation in parliament starts from the number, not from the policies they produce


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    Sebagai salah satu kelompok etnik tertua di Indonesia yang berasal dari wilayah Sulawesi Selatan, suku Bugis dikatakan sebagai kelompok etnik yang sangat beradab; memiliki nilai-nilai budaya mendalam yang sangat dibanggakan karena telah berkembang pesat jauh sebelum kolonialisasi dan Islam masuk ke Indonesia. Namun, dibalik peradaban suku Bugis yang sangat dibanggakan ini, terkubur berbagai nilai filosofis mendasar dalam konsep siri’ yang memiliki potensi menimbulkan ketimpangan dan ketidakadilan gender. Artikel ini menggunakan penelitian-penelitian terdahulu untuk menelusuri bagaimana perempuan Bugis dibentuk oleh tradisi, ritual dan norma budaya siri’ melalui proses budaya yang sistematis pada setiap fase kehidupan mereka

    The Geography of Community Supported Agriculture

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    Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is considered an initiative that supports a more just and sustainable food system by creating a direct and mutual relationship between local farmers and consumers. Through an agreed mechanism, CSA supports farmers’ livelihoods as they have provided healthy food for consumers. This study contributes to the geographic mapping of CSA studies in Scopus-indexed social science journals and related articles. It traces the emergence and development of diverse CSA models, its political economy context, and the pattern of research themes across geographic areas. The findings reveal that the urban middle class in industrial countries can encourage farmers to produce healthy food and apply more sustainable farming systems. The findings also show that key factors of CSA emergence and development are the growing urban middle class with health, just, and environmental awareness; the availability of farmers who are willing to implement a more sustainable farming practice, and the platform or agreement that links them. The CSA practices across geographic areas differ as they are shaped by the political and economic context and the availability of opportunities. The limitation of this study is the lack of literature on CSA from non-western or non-industrialized countries. Therefore, this study suggests further research agenda on the following topics: exploration of CSAs in non-industrial and non-western countries; intangible value of CSA; diverse perspectives on CSA research; multidisciplinary research on CSA, processes and enabling conditions for CSA and CSA people; and potencies of CSA to solve in diverse social and environmental problems

    Unlocking the Performance of Female Managers in a Global Cosmetics Company through the Lens of Gender at Work Framework

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    Despite the growth and dynamism within the cosmetics industry, gender disparities in senior leadership persist, raising critical questions about how an ecosystem and various forces can impact the performance and professional advancement of female leaders. This qualitative case study explores the dynamics of female managerial performance within a global cosmetics company, focusing on two subsidiaries in countries with lower gender equality indices, namely India and Indonesia. Using the modified Gender at Work Framework developed by Rao et al. (2016), the research analysed the multifaceted factors influencing the performance of female managers within this industry. By navigating the intertwined areas of company policies, resources, organisation norms, and self-consciousness, the study aims to unearth nuanced insights into female managers' challenges and opportunities in these settings. Four themes are emerging: (1) Gender Equality at work, (2) Ownership of Performance and Career, (3) Digital Capability and innovation, and (4) Support system. Other findings of this study concern the various parties and the different environments that may foster the performance of female managers. This research contributes to the broader context of gender in the workplace, shedding light on strategies to enhance the performance and advancement of female managers within the cosmetics industry, particularly in regions where gender disparities persist

    Strategy of Livelihood among Persons Having Social Stigma in Sexual Orientation

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    The dilemma of bisexual identity not only brings existential problems for their identity but also their livelihood. This article focused on the pandemic time and showed the challenges and strategies of Christian bisexual groups to maintain their livelihoods before and after the pandemic. This article aimed to expose the strategy of livelihood among the persons having social stigma in sexual orientation in a heteronormative hegemonic system such as Indonesia. Applying a qualitative method with a case study of two Christian bisexuals, this study showed two main findings: first, gender and bisexual orientation have an impact on rejection, oppression, and job transfer in the period before and after the pandemic due to unequal power relations in heteronormative structures. These power relations also lead to the neglect of non-heteronormative contributions to the informal sector in a heteronormative economic structure. Secondly, bisexual individuals developed a particular resilience strategy during a pandemic, one of which is by utilizing informal networks with non-heteronormative groups. Another finding is the influence of religion which simultaneously provides support and oppression to the livelihoods of non-heteronormative groups

    Strategy of Livelihood among Persons Having Social Stigma in Sexual Orientation

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    This article aimed to expose the strategy of livelihood among the persons having social stigma in sexual orientation among heteronormative hegemonic system as Indonesia. This article focused on the pandemic time and showed the challenges and strategies of Christian bisexual groups to maintain their livelihoods before and after the pandemic. This study used a qualitative analysis with a case study of two Christian bisexuals. Data were collected by in-depth interviews through offline and online interviews. Data were analyzed with the perspective of Mary Virginia Lee Badgett's feminist economic theory, which included non-heteronormative people in her proposed feminist economic model. This study showed two main findings: first, gender and bisexual orientation have an impact on rejection, oppression, and job transfer in the period before and after the pandemic due to unequal power relations in heteronormative structures. These power relations also lead to the neglect of non-heteronormative contributions to the informal sector in a heteronormative economic structure. Secondly, bisexual individuals developed a particular resilience strategy during a pandemic, one of which is by utilizing informal networks with non-heteronormative groups. Another finding is the influence of religion which simultaneously provides support and oppression to the livelihoods of non-heteronormative groups