694 research outputs found
Probability distribution functions in turbulent convection
Results of an extensive investigation of probability distribution functions (pdfs) for Rayleigh-Benard convection, in hard turbulence regime, are presented. It is shown that the pdfs exhibit a high degree of internal universality. In certain cases this universality is established within two Kolmogorov scales of a boundary. A discussion of the factors leading to the universality is presented
Approximate and exact numerical integration of the gas dynamic equations
A highly accurate approximation and a rapidly convergent numerical procedure are developed for two dimensional steady supersonic flow over an airfoil. Examples are given for a symmetric airfoil over a range of Mach numbers. Several interesting features are found in the calculation of the tail shock and the flow behind the airfoil
Skin Segmentation based Elastic Bunch Graph Matching for efficient multiple Face Recognition
This paper is aimed at developing and combining different algorithms for face
detection and face recognition to generate an efficient mechanism that can
detect and recognize the facial regions of input image. For the detection of
face from complex region, skin segmentation isolates the face-like regions in a
complex image and following operations of morphology and template matching
rejects false matches to extract facial region. For the recognition of the
face, the image database is now converted into a database of facial segments.
Hence, implementing the technique of Elastic Bunch Graph matching (EBGM) after
skin segmentation generates Face Bunch Graphs that acutely represents the
features of an individual face enhances the quality of the training set. This
increases the matching probability significantly.Comment: 10 Pages Advances in Computer Science, Engineering Applications, May,
An investigation of chaotic Kolmogorov flows
A two dimensional flow governed by the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with a steady spatially periodic forcing (known as the Kolmogorov flow) is numerically simulated. The behavior of the flow and its transition states as the Reynolds number (Re) varies is investigated in detail, as well as a number of the flow features. A sequence of bifurcations is shown to take place in the flow as Re varied. Two main regimes of the flow were observed: small and large scale structure regimes corresponding to different ranges of Re. Each of the regimes includes a number of quasiperiodic, chaotic, and relaminarization windows. In addition, each range contains a chaotic window with non-ergodic chaotic attractors. Spatially disordered, but temporally steady states were discovered in large scale structure regime. Features of the diverse cases are displayed in terms of the temporal power spectrum, Poincare sections and, where possible, Lyapunov exponents and Kaplan-Yorke dimension
Forecasting confined spatiotemporal chaos with genetic algorithms
A technique to forecast spatiotemporal time series is presented. it uses a
Proper Ortogonal or Karhunen-Lo\`{e}ve Decomposition to encode large
spatiotemporal data sets in a few time-series, and Genetic Algorithms to
efficiently extract dynamical rules from the data. The method works very well
for confined systems displaying spatiotemporal chaos, as exemplified here by
forecasting the evolution of the onedimensional complex Ginzburg-Landau
equation in a finite domain.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
PIV-based dynamic model of EHD volume force produced by a surface dielectric barrier discharge
In this paper, an experimental measurement of the f low produced by a surface DBD plasma actuator has been conducted. One original aspect of these measurements by particle image velocimetry is the high acquisition rate for a PIV system (20 kHz). By using these highly- resolved flow measurements, the fluid flow velocity is used to estimate the spatial and temporal evolution of the EHD volume force. A reduced order model of this force has been constructed by proper orthogonal decomposition. Based on the analy sis of the time-resolved expansion coefficients and their associated spatial modes, it is shown that the volume force can be reconstructed by using a limited number of POD mode s (6 modes). This spatial and temporal filtering of the force fields remains faithful to t he original data and it will help in view of an implementation of such a source term in a numerical solver. The resulting dynamic model shows an alternation of positive and negative volume forc es. The strong positive EHD force developing in the glow regime of the DBD plasma discharge is v isualized in a time-resolved manner. This positive force is immediately followed by a strong negative volume force probably caused by the local flow deceleration
Modeling of Transitional Channel Flow Using Balanced Proper Orthogonal Decomposition
We study reduced-order models of three-dimensional perturbations in
linearized channel flow using balanced proper orthogonal decomposition (BPOD).
The models are obtained from three-dimensional simulations in physical space as
opposed to the traditional single-wavenumber approach, and are therefore better
able to capture the effects of localized disturbances or localized actuators.
In order to assess the performance of the models, we consider the impulse
response and frequency response, and variation of the Reynolds number as a
model parameter. We show that the BPOD procedure yields models that capture the
transient growth well at a low order, whereas standard POD does not capture the
growth unless a considerably larger number of modes is included, and even then
can be inaccurate. In the case of a localized actuator, we show that POD modes
which are not energetically significant can be very important for capturing the
energy growth. In addition, a comparison of the subspaces resulting from the
two methods suggests that the use of a non-orthogonal projection with adjoint
modes is most likely the main reason for the superior performance of BPOD. We
also demonstrate that for single-wavenumber perturbations, low-order BPOD
models reproduce the dominant eigenvalues of the full system better than POD
models of the same order. These features indicate that the simple, yet accurate
BPOD models are a good candidate for developing model-based controllers for
channel flow.Comment: 35 pages, 20 figure
Extended Heat-Fluctuation Theorems for a System with Deterministic and Stochastic Forces
Heat fluctuations over a time \tau in a non-equilibrium stationary state and
in a transient state are studied for a simple system with deterministic and
stochastic components: a Brownian particle dragged through a fluid by a
harmonic potential which is moved with constant velocity. Using a Langevin
equation, we find the exact Fourier transform of the distribution of these
fluctuations for all \tau. By a saddle-point method we obtain analytical
results for the inverse Fourier transform, which, for not too small \tau, agree
very well with numerical results from a sampling method as well as from the
fast Fourier transform algorithm. Due to the interaction of the deterministic
part of the motion of the particle in the mechanical potential with the
stochastic part of the motion caused by the fluid, the conventional heat
fluctuation theorem is, for infinite and for finite \tau, replaced by an
extended fluctuation theorem that differs noticeably and measurably from it. In
particular, for large fluctuations, the ratio of the probability for absorption
of heat (by the particle from the fluid) to the probability to supply heat (by
the particle to the fluid) is much larger here than in the conventional
fluctuation theorem.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures. Figures are now in color, Eq. (67) was corrected
and a footnote was added on the d-dimensional cas
Turbulent spectrum of the Earth's ozone field
The Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) database is subjected to an
analysis in terms of the Karhunen-Loeve (KL) empirical eigenfunctions. The
concentration variance spectrum is transformed into a wavenumber spectrum, . In terms of wavenumber is shown to be in the
inverse cascade regime, in the enstrophy cascade regime with the
spectral {\it knee} at the wavenumber of barotropic instability.The spectrum is
related to known geophysical phenomena and shown to be consistent with physical
dimensional reasoning for the problem. The appropriate Reynolds number for the
phenomena is .Comment: RevTeX file, 4 pages, 4 postscript figures available upon request
from Richard Everson <[email protected]
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