35 research outputs found

    Contamination and Characteristics of Visual Solid Waste in Coastal Ampalu District North Pariaman Pariaman City West Sumatra

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    This research was conducted in Agust 2015 at coastal Ampalu district NorthPariaman Pariaman City West Sumatra Province. T he purpose of this study was todetermine the level of contamination and the characteristics of solid waste. Thesurvey methode was applied in this research whicht are 2 station observation alongthe coast Ampalu then be calculated and weighed according to characteristic solidwaste.The results of research shaun that the solid waste in coastal Ampalu wascategorised in to lees contaminated (category B) and fairly contaminated (categoryC). Where the at station 1 lees contaminated, and then Station 2 is relative fairlycontaminated of visually, that generally solid waste consisted of plastics, paper,rubber, foam, jute sacks, leaves, and small pieces of wood. All Solid wasteindetyfield originated from land base waste

    Comparative Study on Characteristics of Solid Waste Black Water in Strait Meranti Islands

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    The amount of solid waste at station 1 to station more than 2 type of solid waste in the Black Water Strait of each station is almost the same, where the Black Water Strait is dominated by the type of waste plastic and small pieces of wood. In Black Water Strait encountered type of waste that generally consist of plastics, paper, rubber, foam, jute sacks, leaves, and small pieces of wood. From this we can conclude that the solid waste at both stations originate from the same source ie domestic waste. The strong tidal currents provide a direct influence on the amount of solid waste that are found in every point of the study and vice versa if the lower the pressure, the current is the entry-level waste into gear tends to be decreased

    Relationship of Oil Content with Epipelic Diatoms Abudance in Intertidal Sediment in the Water of Tanjung Buton Siak District Riau Province

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    A study on the effect of oil content on the epipelic diatom abundance weredone in march 2016 at Tanjung Buton intertidal. Three station were estabelishedare three replicades in calloting water as well as sediment sample. The analysis,identification and quantification of oil content and diatom abundance were carriedout in Marine Chemistry Laboratory and Marine Biology Laboratory, Faculty ofFisheries and Marine Science, University of Riau in Pekanbaru. It showed that oilcontent large apparentle the highest station 2 (1.224,10 ppm) and the lowest wasat station 1 (150,30 ppm). The highest abundance epipelic diatom of was found atstation 3 (15.752,33 Ind/cm2) and the lowest abundance was found at station 2(8.893,09 Ind/cm2). Epipelic diatom that were found in the water around theTanjung Buton Siak District Riau Province composing of 19 spesies. Rhizosoleniasp was the species with the highest abundance in all station. The epipelic diatomabundance was found to be during at different zone was in upper zone (15.313,65Ind/cm2), middle zone (13.638,73 Ind/cm2) and lower zone (11.325,72 Ind/cm2).Relationships between oil content with epipelic diatom abundance in TanjungButon Waters were y = -3,963x + 15.486, R2 = 0,400, r = 0,632. The oil contentand epipelic diatom abundance was negative correlation, which means in creasingof oil content will cause a decrease the abundance of epipelic diatom at TanjungButon waters

    Analysis Structure Of Epilithic Diatoms Community In Coastal Waters Of Dumai Riau Province

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    This research was conducted in June 2015 in the coastal waters of Dumai RiauProvince. This study observed the variety, abundance and community structure ofepilithic diatoms contained in coastal waters and to inform about the ecology of aquaticenvironment. The epilithic diatoms sample were collected in the field and identified inthe Marine Biological Laboratory of Marine Science Department, Faculty of Fisheriesand Marine Sciences, University of Riau. The number of genus recorded were 8 genera,namely Cymatopleura, Dactyliosolen, Leptocylindrus, Nitzschia, Rhabdonema,Rhizosolenia, Thallassiothrix and Triceratium. Epilithic diatoms genus found in eachstation was Rhabdonema. The genus can be bound or attached to rocks because it has acosmopolitan nature in which not susceptible to flow. The values of diversity index (H'), dominance (D) and diversity (E) indicated that the condition of coastal waters Dumaiunder pressure and moderate pollution levels, no diatoms dominated, uniformitybalanced and no competition of food and places. Based on the calculation of theabundance of diatom ANOVA test did not differ significantly between stations

    Zonation Study And Density Of Mangrove Forest In East Moro Village Of Moro District Of Karimun Regency Riau Islands

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    The study was held in June-July 2014 in the east Moro Village coast. The method used was a survey method, where the data was obtained directly from the field. Observations on mangrove vegetation was done through transect line method and sample plots. The results indicated that the zoning of mangrove in Moro was complete. The study showed the existence of mangrove vegetation types from 15 species and 10 families. Mangrove vegetation comprised of R. apiculata, R. mucronata, R. stylosa, Avicennia lanata, Bruguiera gymnorhiza, Ceriops tagal, C. decandra, Sonneratia alba, Xylocarpus granatum, Lumnitzera littorea, Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea, Pandanus tectorius, Nypa fruticans, Scaevola taccada and Acrostichum speciosum. Parameter that observed from each zone is the shape of mangrove forest substrat, mangrove vegetation types and trees community. The density and zonation at each station were divided into three zones: front zone, middle zone and the rear zone, starting from the outermost point of mangrove species growth to the point of transition between sea and land. It was found that the most dominant mangrove was Rhizophora apiculata

    The Structure Community of Planktonic Diatom with Nitrate and Phosphate Concentrations in Sei Undan Estuarine Sub District of Reteh District of Indragiri Hilir

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    Research on the structure community of planktonic diatom with nitrate andphosphate concentrations in sei undan estuarine sub district of Reteh district ofIndragiri Hilir was conducted on May 2013. The aims of this study was todetermine the community structure of planktonic diatom which includes index ofdiversity, index of dominan and index of uniformity and was to determine therelationship between the nitrate and phosphate consentration with the abundanceof diatom. Sample were taken at 4 station each station was divided into 3sampling points. The identification result of sampel obtained 7 species of centricdiatoms anda 1 species of pennate diatom. The highest abundance of diatom wasfound in station 2 (7.846,95 ind/L) and the lowest was found in station 4 (2.615,65ind/L). The highest individual abundance was shown by Nitzschia pungens andLeptocylindrus minimus. It was indicated that dominan species in the waters.Based on index of diversity, index of dominan and index of unifornity the areawas categorized as mesotrofic area