17 research outputs found
Conoscopic holography
A new method for recording holograms using incoherent light is described. The method is based on optical propagation through birefringent crystals. Optical methods for the reconstruction of such a hologram are also presented
Acousto-electro-optic light modulation
The acousto-electro-optic effect is analyzed and demonstrated experimentally. The application of the acousto-electro-optic effect to light modulation and deflection is discussed
La conoscopie: un concept original pour la vision tridimentionnelle
peer reviewedLa conoscopie est une technique de saisie et de reproduction de la 3D encore peu connue. Elle permet néanmoins d'envisager des résultats intéressants dans de nombreux domaines d'application
Frequency multiplexed raster scheme of an optical neural network: shift invariant recognition
International audience