28 research outputs found

    Optimal Column-Based Low-Rank Matrix Reconstruction

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    We prove that for any real-valued matrix XRm×nX \in \R^{m \times n}, and positive integers rkr \ge k, there is a subset of rr columns of XX such that projecting XX onto their span gives a r+1rk+1\sqrt{\frac{r+1}{r-k+1}}-approximation to best rank-kk approximation of XX in Frobenius norm. We show that the trade-off we achieve between the number of columns and the approximation ratio is optimal up to lower order terms. Furthermore, there is a deterministic algorithm to find such a subset of columns that runs in O(rnmωlogm)O(r n m^{\omega} \log m) arithmetic operations where ω\omega is the exponent of matrix multiplication. We also give a faster randomized algorithm that runs in O(rnm2)O(r n m^2) arithmetic operations.Comment: 8 page

    How to Round Subspaces: A New Spectral Clustering Algorithm

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    A basic problem in spectral clustering is the following. If a solution obtained from the spectral relaxation is close to an integral solution, is it possible to find this integral solution even though they might be in completely different basis? In this paper, we propose a new spectral clustering algorithm. It can recover a kk-partition such that the subspace corresponding to the span of its indicator vectors is O(opt)O(\sqrt{opt}) close to the original subspace in spectral norm with optopt being the minimum possible (opt1opt \le 1 always). Moreover our algorithm does not impose any restriction on the cluster sizes. Previously, no algorithm was known which could find a kk-partition closer than o(kopt)o(k \cdot opt). We present two applications for our algorithm. First one finds a disjoint union of bounded degree expanders which approximate a given graph in spectral norm. The second one is for approximating the sparsest kk-partition in a graph where each cluster have expansion at most ϕk\phi_k provided ϕkO(λk+1)\phi_k \le O(\lambda_{k+1}) where λk+1\lambda_{k+1} is the (k+1)st(k+1)^{st} eigenvalue of Laplacian matrix. This significantly improves upon the previous algorithms, which required ϕkO(λk+1/k)\phi_k \le O(\lambda_{k+1}/k).Comment: Appeared in SODA 201

    Improved Inapproximability Results for Maximum k-Colorable Subgraph

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    We study the maximization version of the fundamental graph coloring problem. Here the goal is to color the vertices of a k-colorable graph with k colors so that a maximum fraction of edges are properly colored (i.e. their endpoints receive different colors). A random k-coloring properly colors an expected fraction 1-1/k of edges. We prove that given a graph promised to be k-colorable, it is NP-hard to find a k-coloring that properly colors more than a fraction ~1-O(1/k} of edges. Previously, only a hardness factor of 1-O(1/k^2) was known. Our result pins down the correct asymptotic dependence of the approximation factor on k. Along the way, we prove that approximating the Maximum 3-colorable subgraph problem within a factor greater than 32/33 is NP-hard. Using semidefinite programming, it is known that one can do better than a random coloring and properly color a fraction 1-1/k +2 ln k/k^2 of edges in polynomial time. We show that, assuming the 2-to-1 conjecture, it is hard to properly color (using k colors) more than a fraction 1-1/k + O(ln k/ k^2) of edges of a k-colorable graph.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    Approximating Non-Uniform Sparsest Cut via Generalized Spectra

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    We give an approximation algorithm for non-uniform sparsest cut with the following guarantee: For any ϵ,δ(0,1)\epsilon,\delta \in (0,1), given cost and demand graphs with edge weights C,DC, D respectively, we can find a set TVT\subseteq V with C(T,VT)D(T,VT)\frac{C(T,V\setminus T)}{D(T,V\setminus T)} at most 1+ϵδ\frac{1+\epsilon}{\delta} times the optimal non-uniform sparsest cut value, in time 2^{r/(\delta\epsilon)}\poly(n) provided λrΦ/(1δ)\lambda_r \ge \Phi^*/(1-\delta). Here λr\lambda_r is the rr'th smallest generalized eigenvalue of the Laplacian matrices of cost and demand graphs; C(T,VT)C(T,V\setminus T) (resp. D(T,VT)D(T,V\setminus T)) is the weight of edges crossing the (T,VT)(T,V\setminus T) cut in cost (resp. demand) graph and Φ\Phi^* is the sparsity of the optimal cut. In words, we show that the non-uniform sparsest cut problem is easy when the generalized spectrum grows moderately fast. To the best of our knowledge, there were no results based on higher order spectra for non-uniform sparsest cut prior to this work. Even for uniform sparsest cut, the quantitative aspects of our result are somewhat stronger than previous methods. Similar results hold for other expansion measures like edge expansion, normalized cut, and conductance, with the rr'th smallest eigenvalue of the normalized Laplacian playing the role of λr\lambda_r in the latter two cases. Our proof is based on an l1-embedding of vectors from a semi-definite program from the Lasserre hierarchy. The embedded vectors are then rounded to a cut using standard threshold rounding. We hope that the ideas connecting 1\ell_1-embeddings to Lasserre SDPs will find other applications. Another aspect of the analysis is the adaptation of the column selection paradigm from our earlier work on rounding Lasserre SDPs [GS11] to pick a set of edges rather than vertices. This feature is important in order to extend the algorithms to non-uniform sparsest cut.Comment: 16 page

    Faster SDP hierarchy solvers for local rounding algorithms

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    Convex relaxations based on different hierarchies of linear/semi-definite programs have been used recently to devise approximation algorithms for various optimization problems. The approximation guarantee of these algorithms improves with the number of {\em rounds} rr in the hierarchy, though the complexity of solving (or even writing down the solution for) the rr'th level program grows as nΩ(r)n^{\Omega(r)} where nn is the input size. In this work, we observe that many of these algorithms are based on {\em local} rounding procedures that only use a small part of the SDP solution (of size nO(1)2O(r)n^{O(1)} 2^{O(r)} instead of nΩ(r)n^{\Omega(r)}). We give an algorithm to find the requisite portion in time polynomial in its size. The challenge in achieving this is that the required portion of the solution is not fixed a priori but depends on other parts of the solution, sometimes in a complicated iterative manner. Our solver leads to nO(1)2O(r)n^{O(1)} 2^{O(r)} time algorithms to obtain the same guarantees in many cases as the earlier nO(r)n^{O(r)} time algorithms based on rr rounds of the Lasserre hierarchy. In particular, guarantees based on O(logn)O(\log n) rounds can be realized in polynomial time. We develop and describe our algorithm in a fairly general abstract framework. The main technical tool in our work, which might be of independent interest in convex optimization, is an efficient ellipsoid algorithm based separation oracle for convex programs that can output a {\em certificate of infeasibility with restricted support}. This is used in a recursive manner to find a sequence of consistent points in nested convex bodies that "fools" local rounding algorithms.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figure

    Towards a better approximation for sparsest cut?

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    We give a new (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation for sparsest cut problem on graphs where small sets expand significantly more than the sparsest cut (sets of size n/rn/r expand by a factor lognlogr\sqrt{\log n\log r} bigger, for some small rr; this condition holds for many natural graph families). We give two different algorithms. One involves Guruswami-Sinop rounding on the level-rr Lasserre relaxation. The other is combinatorial and involves a new notion called {\em Small Set Expander Flows} (inspired by the {\em expander flows} of ARV) which we show exists in the input graph. Both algorithms run in time 2O(r)poly(n)2^{O(r)} \mathrm{poly}(n). We also show similar approximation algorithms in graphs with genus gg with an analogous local expansion condition. This is the first algorithm we know of that achieves (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation on such general family of graphs

    The Hardness of Approximation of Euclidean k-means

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    The Euclidean kk-means problem is a classical problem that has been extensively studied in the theoretical computer science, machine learning and the computational geometry communities. In this problem, we are given a set of nn points in Euclidean space RdR^d, and the goal is to choose kk centers in RdR^d so that the sum of squared distances of each point to its nearest center is minimized. The best approximation algorithms for this problem include a polynomial time constant factor approximation for general kk and a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation which runs in time poly(n)2O(k/ϵ)poly(n) 2^{O(k/\epsilon)}. At the other extreme, the only known computational complexity result for this problem is NP-hardness [ADHP'09]. The main difficulty in obtaining hardness results stems from the Euclidean nature of the problem, and the fact that any point in RdR^d can be a potential center. This gap in understanding left open the intriguing possibility that the problem might admit a PTAS for all k,dk,d. In this paper we provide the first hardness of approximation for the Euclidean kk-means problem. Concretely, we show that there exists a constant ϵ>0\epsilon > 0 such that it is NP-hard to approximate the kk-means objective to within a factor of (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon). We show this via an efficient reduction from the vertex cover problem on triangle-free graphs: given a triangle-free graph, the goal is to choose the fewest number of vertices which are incident on all the edges. Additionally, we give a proof that the current best hardness results for vertex cover can be carried over to triangle-free graphs. To show this we transform GG, a known hard vertex cover instance, by taking a graph product with a suitably chosen graph HH, and showing that the size of the (normalized) maximum independent set is almost exactly preserved in the product graph using a spectral analysis, which might be of independent interest

    Spectrally Robust Graph Isomorphism

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    We initiate the study of spectral generalizations of the graph isomorphism problem. b) The Spectral Graph Dominance (SGD) problem: On input of two graphs G and H does there exist a permutation pi such that G preceq pi(H)? c) The Spectrally Robust Graph Isomorphism (kappa-SRGI) problem: On input of two graphs G and H, find the smallest number kappa over all permutations pi such that pi(H) preceq G preceq kappa c pi(H) for some c. SRGI is a natural formulation of the network alignment problem that has various applications, most notably in computational biology. G preceq c H means that for all vectors x we have x^T L_G x <= c x^T L_H x, where L_G is the Laplacian G. We prove NP-hardness for SGD. We also present a kappa^3-approximation algorithm for SRGI for the case when both G and H are bounded-degree trees. The algorithm runs in polynomial time when kappa is a constant