51 research outputs found
Visualizing an Alternating Series
The author explores the convergence of an alternating series using a visual approach. Ideas for engaging students are provided along with a formal convergence proof
Proof Without Words : The Sum of the First n Odd Integers is a Perfect Square
In this proof without words, we prove wordlessly the identity 1+3+5+...+(2n-1)=n^2
The inside outs of AdS(3)/CFT(2): Exact AdS wormholes with entangled CFT duals
We present the complete family of solutions of 3D gravity (Lambda<0) with two
asymptotically AdS exterior regions. The solutions are constructed from data at
the two boundaries, which correspond to two independent and arbitrary stress
tensors T_R, \bar T_R, and T_L, \bar T_L. The two exteriors are smoothly joined
on to an interior region through a regular horizon. We find CFT duals of these
geometries which are entangled states of two CFT's. We compute correlators
between general operators at the two boundaries and find perfect agreement
between CFT and bulk calculations. We calculate and match the CFT entanglement
entropy (EE) with the holographic EE which involves geodesics passing through
the wormhole. We also compute a holographic, non-equilibrium entropy for the
CFT using properties of the regular horizon. The construction of the bulk
solutions here uses an exact version of Brown-Henneaux type diffeomorphisms
which are asymptotically nontrivial and transform the CFT states by two
independent unitary operators on the two sides. Our solutions provide an
infinite family of explicit examples of the ER=EPR relation of Maldacena and
Susskind [arXiv:1306.0533].Comment: 27 pages + 10 pages of Appendix and references; (v2) title changed
for clarity, typos fixed, references adde
Higher-point conformal blocks and entanglement entropy in heavy states
We consider conformal blocks of two heavy operators and an arbitrary number
of light operators in a (1+1)-d CFT with large central charge. Using the
monodromy method, these higher-point conformal blocks are shown to factorize
into products of 4-point conformal blocks in the heavy-light limit for a class
of OPE channels. This result is reproduced by considering suitable worldline
configurations in the bulk conical defect geometry. We apply the CFT results to
calculate the entanglement entropy of an arbitrary number of disjoint intervals
for heavy states. The corresponding holographic entanglement entropy calculated
via the minimal area prescription precisely matches these results from CFT.
Along the way, we briefly illustrate the relation of these conformal blocks to
Riemann surfaces and their associated moduli space.Comment: 41 pages, 10 figures. (Published version; typos corrected and
references added.
Dynamical entanglement entropy with angular momentum and U(1) charge
We consider time-dependent entanglement entropy (EE) for a 1+1 dimensional
CFT in the presence of angular momentum and U(1) charge. The EE saturates,
irrespective of the initial state, to the grand canonical entropy after a time
large compared with the length of the entangling interval. We reproduce the CFT
results from an AdS dual consisting of a spinning BTZ black hole and a flat
U(1) connection. The apparent discrepancy that the holographic EE does not a
priori depend on the U(1) charge while the CFT EE does, is resolved by the
charge-dependent shift between the bulk and boundary stress tensors. We show
that for small entangling intervals, the entanglement entropy obeys the first
law of thermodynamics, as conjectured recently. The saturation of the EE in the
field theory is shown to follow from a version of quantum ergodicity; the
derivation indicates that it should hold for conformal as well as massive
theories in any number of dimensions.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures; (v2) many comments added for better clarity;
typos fixed; references adde
Thermalization with chemical potentials, and higher spin black holes
We study the long time behaviour of local observables following a quantum
quench in 1+1 dimensional conformal field theories possessing additional
conserved charges besides the energy. We show that the expectation value of an
arbitrary string of {\it local} observables supported on a finite interval
exponentially approaches an equilibrium value. The equilibrium is characterized
by a temperature and chemical potentials defined in terms of the quenched
state. For an infinite number of commuting conserved charges, the equilibrium
ensemble is a generalized Gibbs ensemble (GGE). We compute the thermalization
rate in a systematic perturbation in the chemical potentials, using a new
technique to sum over an infinite number of Feynman diagrams. The above
technique also allows us to compute relaxation times for thermal Green's
functions in the presence of an arbitrary number of chemical potentials. In the
context of a higher spin (hs[\lambda]) holography, the partition function of
the final equilibrium GGE is known to agree with that of a higher spin black
hole. The thermalization rate from the CFT computed in our paper agrees with
the quasinormal frequency of a scalar field in this black hole.Comment: 22 pages (+ 8 pages of appendix & refs), 4 figures; (v2) references
added, notational simplification introduced in equations (63)-(65
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