121 research outputs found

    Atmospheric muons charge ratio analysis at the INO-ICAL detector

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    The proposed Iron Calorimeter (ICAL) detector at Indian Neutrino Observatory(INO) will be a large (50 kt) magnetized detector located 1270 m underground at Bodi West Hills in Tamilnadu. ICAL is capable of identifying the charge of the particles. In this paper its potential for the measurement of the muon charge ratio is explored by means of a detailed simulation-based study, first using the CORSIKA code and then comparing it with an analytical model (the "pika" model). The estimated muon charge ratio is in agreement with the existing experimental observations, its measure can be extended by INO-ICAL up to 10 TeV and up to 60 degrees

    Constraining the Effective Mass of Majorana Neutrino with Sterile Neutrino Mass for Inverted Ordering Spectrum

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    Inspired by the experimental anomalies in neutrino physics and recent oscillation data from short baseline and another neutrino experiment, the realization of one extra neutrino flavor seem to be favoring. This extra flavor may change the observable, ∣mββ∣|m_{\beta\beta}| of currently data taking and next-generation (ββ)0ν(\beta\beta)_{0\nu}-decay experiments aim to probe and possibly look the Inverted Ordering region(∣mββ∣≃10−2|m_{\beta\beta}| \simeq 10^{-2}eV) of parameter space. This observation would allow establishing physics beyond the standard model and phenomena like lepton number violation and Majorana nature of neutrino. The range of this observable (∣mββ∣|m_{\beta\beta}|) is not very well defined for both the ordering of mass spectrum(Normal Ordering and Inverted Ordering). Several attempts have been made for defining exactly the range for three active neutrino states. For contrasting this range, I have worked with an extra mass states, ν4\nu_{4} and its effect on the observable with various combination of CP violation Majorana phases by taking into account the updated data on the neutrino oscillation parameters for IO case. Based on the Monte Carlo technique, a parameter region is obtained using the fourth Majorana-Dirac phase of sterile parameters that lead to an effective mass below 0.01 eV or .05 eV for inverted mass ordering case which is planned to be observed in the near future experiment.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1505.00978 by other author

    Analysis of Ultra-High Energy Muons at INO-ICAL Using Pair Meter Technique

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    The proposed magnetized Iron CALorimeter (ICAL) detector at India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO) is a large-sized underground detector. ICAL is designed to reconstruct muon momentum using magnetic spectrometers as detectors. Muon energy measurements using magnets fail for high energy muons (TeV range), since the angular deflection of the muon in the magnetic field is negligible and the muon tracks become nearly straight. A new technique for measuring the energy of muons in the TeV range, used by the CCFR neutrino detector is known as the pair meter technique. This technique estimates muon energy by measuring the energy deposited by the muon in several layers of an iron calorimeter through e+ and e− pair production. In this work we have performed Geant4-based preliminary analysis for iron plates and have demonstrated the feasibility to detect very high energy muons (1–1000 TeV) at the underground ICAL detector operating as a pair meter. This wide range of energy spectrum will not only be helpful for studying the cosmic rays in the Knee region which is around 5 PeV in the cosmic ray spectra but also useful for understanding the atmospheric neutrino flux for the running and upcoming ultra-high energy atmospheric neutrino experiments

    Generative AI-Based Text Generation Methods Using Pre-Trained GPT-2 Model

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    This work delved into the realm of automatic text generation, exploring a variety of techniques ranging from traditional deterministic approaches to more modern stochastic methods. Through analysis of greedy search, beam search, top-k sampling, top-p sampling, contrastive searching, and locally typical searching, this work has provided valuable insights into the strengths, weaknesses, and potential applications of each method. Each text-generating method is evaluated using several standard metrics and a comparative study has been made on the performance of the approaches. Finally, some future directions of research in the field of automatic text generation are also identified.Comment: This report pertains to the Capstone Project done by Group 5 of the Fall batch of 2023 students at Praxis Tech School, Kolkata, India. The reports consists of 57 pages and it includes 17 figures and 8 tables. This is the preprint which will be submitted to IEEE CONIT 2024 for revie
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