2,499 research outputs found
In Search of Belonging in a Grade 6-8 Public School in Western Canada
Systemic racism and oppressive practices within and outside British Columbia institutions are negatively impacting students’ sense of belonging in schools. The Metro School District (MSD, a pseudonym) and BC Ministry of Education (BCMoE) have responded with the district equity plan and the K-12 Anti-Racism Action Plan, respectively, to address this issue. However, a gap remains between their goals and the current reality of creating inclusive school environments. Valley Middle School (VMS, a pseudonym) has seen instances of racism and exclusion affecting students and teachers from minoritized backgrounds, including myself as a Sikh, South Asian principal. My Dissertation-in-Practice (DiP) focuses on bridging this gap and fostering a sense of belonging for all students through inclusive school practices. Applying transformational, transformative, and culturally responsive leadership, informed by critical and postmodern lenses, aims to address equity, diversity, inclusion, and decolonization (EDID). Using Nadler and Tushman’s Congruence Model, I assessed the organization’s readiness for change, revealing a low readiness level across work, culture, structure, and people. Consequently, my DiP emphasizes developing teacher capacity in culturally responsive teaching and promoting change grounded in the ethics of care, critique, and justice. Implementing frameworks like Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model and Deming’s PDSA Cycle provide a structure for this change process, fostering a greater sense of belonging for all students
Agricultural geography of Hissar district
The basic data contained in the present work have
an intrinsic value as the vast amount of first hand unpublished
information which remains buried in the departmental records and
exists in the minds of the officers have been brought to light
with cartographic and statistical techniques. There is a need
of such information to be made available in a consolidated form
for future planning based on the past experiences.Three main approaches to the geographical study of
subsistence agriculture can be suggested, namely an ecological
approach, the land utilization approach, and a statistical approach
(McMaster, 1962) . Statistical approaches are adopted in the
present study. These contribute to a good understanding of
agriculture and yield direct illuminative and quantitative
information of cropping and changes. The present work is confined
to the areal framework of assessment circles and a large number of
sample villages. Such works depend upon the availability,
accessibility, duration, consistency in recording and the reliability
of official records. Those who helped in the collection of the
returns are acknowledged on page i. At the beginning of each part
in introduction wherever necessary, the sources, the systems of
recording and the validity and use of the data are mentioned.
Hissar has an unusually large and significant body of detailed
statistical information on agriculture, rainfall, irrigation and
population available at the local offices. The consistency in the
boundaries of the component areal units and the homogeneity in the
systems of land records over area and time are worth mention. It
was decided to conduct the present study upon the unpublished
estimates of the assessment circles and sample villages.Intimate personal contacts with Hisser since 1950 helped
considerably to conduct the systematic land-use analysis. The
estimates are collected from the primary source personally.
Opportunities were taken wherever possible to interview the local
inhabitants and the migrants to gather the relevant information
to synthesize with the statistical analysis.Any statistical approach is limited by the quality of the
official information upon which it is erected. It must be said
that the present Hissar acreage statistics for each crop season,
rainfall figures and census records are efficiently, officially
documented with a considerable breakdown for the period of study:
1950 to 1962. The methods of handling the returns are exhibited
at appropriate places in the text.In the analysis and summary of the data all clerical work
has been checked more than twice. The collection and computation
of data have been done from the revenue records for a period of
twelve years for all the assessment circles and a large number of
sample villages based on systematic grid pattern which offset the
disadvantage of mistakes and limitations if any in the data.
While great care has been taken to avoid errors, still it is
scarcely to be expected that all have been avoided, and if any
are discovered by the reader, the writer would greatly appreciate
having his attention called to them. Calculations are quite
large and complicated ones and carried to two to three decimals.
Thereafter, in certain cases, the figures were rounded.The correlation of field observations and data have been
demonstrated. The essential matter so derived is presented in
the graphs, diagrams and distribution maps, after boiling down of
a large body of data to a thesis size. Most of the maps are
choropleth maps in which regional differences in the importance
of particular elements are shown by the differences in the density
of shading. The choice of the class interval is a compromise of
three ideals, the quartile method, the selection of values which
group areas with similar physical, economic and human characteristics and the production of a map which is effectively comprehended.
It is hoped that such maps themselves will be a challenge to produce
more adequate explanations.No detailed work has previously been published which
depicts the geographical investigation of the agriculture of Hissar
based on the all areal components. The District Gazetter (1915),
the Settlement Reports (1875 to 1915) and the Economic Inquiries
(1937 to 1962) are the only official documents covering agriculture
in a very generalised form. It indicates the scope which existed
for further geographical inquiry of Hissar.Contemporaneously agricultural economics has gained new
life from the logical analysis of systematically collected data
which strongly equipped the writer for the study of composition,
practices and changes of agriculture in Hissar. These further
endeavour to calculate the carrying capacity of the land on the
basis of land -use and production, the economic density and the
changes in economic density by computing the returns into standard
nutrition and production units and to ascertain the volume and
combination of change in the various aspects of land -use as
detailed in the Appendices: I and II respectively. The proposed
logical outline of the work is as follows:-Parts I, II and III attempt to deal with the physical,
economic and demographic bases of farming respectively.Parts IV, V and VI try to relate the agricultural problems
to the prevailing physical, economic and social conditions,
emphasizing their impulse on the land -use during the 1950's.Finally, in Part VII, the analysis of the component areal
units is integrated to derive agricultural regions on a statistical
basis and the findings have been brought together for the use of
the irrigation and agriculture personnels for future developments.It is hoped, too, that this arrangement will ease the task
of such readers as have not a very detailed knowledge of the
physical and socio- economic geography influencing the agricultural
geography of Hissar
Pregnancies complicated by maternal osteogenesis imperfecta type III: a case report and review of literature.
The restrictive lung disease can be exacerbated by growing fundus in women with osteogenesis imperfecta type III. Regional anesthesia can be performed in these women. Mode of delivery for women with osteogenesis imperfecta type III is generally cesarean delivery. Neonatal outcomes are complicated due to indicated preterm deliveries
Erosive wear occurs on the impeller and volute casing of the slurry disposal pump due to the impact of the ash particles on the impeller with a high velocity. Due to erosive wear, pump life become very short. The service life of centrifugal pump, handling slurry can be increased by reducing the erosive wear. In the present work, the experimental investigation of erosive wear has been carried out on the high speed slurry erosion tester to understand the effects of the ash concentration in slurry, rotational speed of the pump impeller and ash particle size on erosive wear. The erosive wear behaviour of high chrome cast iron was investigated by Response surface methodology (RSM). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for statistical analysis and the modeled values for the response were obtained with the help of modeled equation. The result shows that the ash concentration in slurry and kinetic energy of the moving particles highly contributes to erosive wear of pump impeller as compared to the ash particle size
Combat Role for Women in the Indian Armed Forces
Introduction The woman is participating in the every field with the men in the modern age In the armed forces also women is performing different duties The current study will evaluate the role of the Indian women in the armed forces especially in the combat role The study also investigates the perception of the officials and physiologists of the armed forces about the same Research Methodology The study is primary in the nature A sample size of 108 has been selected for the study Systematic random sampling has used for the selection of the sample For the analysis of the data descriptive statistics correlation regression factor analysis and T test has been used Findings Most of the respondents agreed that women can effectively participate in the armed forces as the combat role The findings also reveal that women is physically and mentally fit to perform in the combat role in the armed forces Originality This paper is original in nature ans the study is highly called fo
Effects of Tribological Parameters on Slurry Erosion Behaviour of Uncoated and Coated Materials: A Review
This paper describes the pioneering work of various researchers in the field of slurry erosion behaviour of uncoated and coated materials in various industrial applications. The present study is focused on the slurry erosion behaviour of ash slurry disposal system of thermal power plants. The key components such as impeller and casing of ash slurry disposal pumps in thermal power plants experience this phenomenon of wear. Tribological parameters such as solid particle concentration, impact velocity of erodent on the target surface, impact angle, erodent particle size and shape, hardness of the striking particles and target material, etc. are responsible for slurry erosion. The research results show that the influence of tribological parameters on the slurry erosion is found to be significant and need to be evaluated and analyzed properly. The slurry erosion can be minimized by proper selection of materials and/or by providing the suitable protective coating on the material which can enhance the surface properties
A comparative study of efficacy of tadalafil and alfuzosin regimens in patients of benign prostate hyperplasia
Background: Aim of the study was to compare efficacy of Tadalafil and Alfuzosin regimens in patients of Benign Prostate Hyperplasia.Methods: It was a comparative, prospective, observational, non-invasive, parallel and randomised study conducted at the Outpatient Department of Urology, Rajindra Hospital, Patiala. 60 patients diagnosed with Benign Prostate Hyperplasia along with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms, out which, 30 patients, consuming Tadalafil and 30 patients consuming Alfuzosin were considered. History regarding the concerned disease and the compliance of treatment was taken. Symptom scores were assessed with the help of International Prostate Symptom Score, Quality of Lifestyle Score and Erectile Dysfunction Score. Physical examination consisting of Focused Neurological Examination along with Digital Rectal Examination were conducted. Parameters like Renal Function Test, Urine analysis, Ultrasound of Prostate and uroflowmetry were also considered.Results: The mean age selected for study was 64 years for Tadalafil and Alfuzosin group. The mean level of IPS Score, Qol Score and ED Score at the first day of inclusion of patients were 23.96±4.49, 4±0.78, and 25.33±4.02 respectively for Tadalafil group and regarding Alfuzosin group they were 25.23±4.84, 3.56±0.81, and 26.1±4.04 respectively. Follow ups were conducted at 15 days, 1 month and 3 months for both the groups which were found to be statistically significant after 3 months and Alfuzosin showed a favourable result.Conclusions: Alfuzosin 10mg given at daily dose was found to have higher efficacy than Tadalafil (5mg)
Usage Summary of Institute of Physics Publishing e-Journals from Jan 2015 to May 2018: A Study of Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar Library, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science &Technology Hisar-125 001, Haryana - India
Purpose- Since inception e-journals have proved mile stone in the history of the research and academics. Undoubtedly, after emerging e-resources the research activities got new pace and new dimension particularly in higher educational institutions especially since last two decades. No issue of physical distance with e-journals as these may be accessible from any corner of the world without doing physical efforts even available in abundance on single platform and access with single click. Moreover, anyone can download the same, store and keep safe for existing and budding scholars without occupying the physical space. In addition, in fraction of seconds, the information may be exchanged and spread all over the world. It won’t be an exaggeration to say that the data from e-journals may be searched without beginning and without ending. The paper aims to extract the information from its usages log book (from January 2015 to May 2018) that how much use of this product which shall help to take decision for its further renewal.
Methodology- Secondary data has been used. The summary of usages has been demanded from the product vendor’s. After receiving the usages summary, the data has been analyzed and whatever was valued for my proposed study, the same has been incorporated in the paper.
Findings- After analyzing the usages summary data revealed that the users are more concerned with the current issues and retrieve of information from archive is very less. The same finding shall help to take decision whatever can be subscribed for their scholars; thereby funds burden may be released.
Originality/value- This attempt surely helpful to those institutes whom funds availability is underprivileged. In fact Guru Jambheshwar University Science & Technology can take decision for its further renewal according to its usages as findings shown that the current issues are in more use instead of archive
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