125 research outputs found
Penelitian tentang material semikonduktor titanium dioksida (TiO2) terus berkembang dalam berbagai
aplikasi. Salah satunya adalah dalam aplikasi fotokatalis. Berbagai upaya dilakukan untuk menghasilkan
efisiensi yang tinggi antara lain memperkecil ukuran material dalam skala nanometer. Ukuran yang semakin
kecil akan memperluas permukaan sehingga lebih efisien. Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan sintesis
nanomaterial TiO2 menggunakan metode sonokimia. Prekursor Titanium Klorida (TiCl4), Acetyl Acetone dan
Aqua Bidestilation dipapar gelombang ultrasonik dengan frekuensi 20 kHz. Pemaparan ultrasonik dilakukan
pada tiga prekursor yang sama dengan waktu yang berbeda – beda ½, 1, dan 2 jam. Sampel kemudian
dimasukkan dalam oven dengan temperatur 80 oC selama 12 jam dan sintering dengan temperatur 500 oC
selama 2 jam. Material TiO2 yang dihasilakan berupa serbuk berwarna putih. Material TiO2 hasil sintesis
digunakan dalam pendegradasian larutan methylene blue 10ppm dibawah cahaya matahari. Hasilnya diuji
menggunakan spektrofotmeter UV-Vis untuk mengetahui persentase degradasi methylene blue. Persentase
degradasi terbaik sekitar 97,46% pada sampel dengan 1 jam pemaparan ultrasonik
Kebugaran jasmani menjadi salah satu contoh komponen yang sangat penting terutama untuk remaja, hal ini karena remaja memiliki aktivitas yang tinggi. Aktivitas fisik berkaitan erat dengan kebugaran jasmani. Aktivitas fisik yang dimiliki oleh setiap manusia berbeda, sehingga kebugaran jasmani nya juga berbeda. Kelelahan akan muncul ketika seseorang merasa keletihan setelah melakukan aktivitas, sehingga orang tersebut akan cepat tertidur. Ketika tingkat kelelahan yang dialami seseorang semakin tinggi, maka kualitas tidurnya akan semakin buruk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai ada tidaknya hubungan antara kebugaran jasmani dengan kualitas tidur. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian literatur review menggunakan 29 sumber literatur, 11 diantaranya digunakan sebagai data yang direview serta diambil dari 10 database (Ejournal Unair, Ejournal Unhas, Google Schoolar, Journal UNY, Journal Of Nutrition and Dietetics, Journal Nursing Studies, Jurnal SPORTIF, OJS.Unud, Science Direct, Sinta ristekbrin) yang menunjukan penelitian kualitas tidur dan kebugaran jasmani. Berdasarkan artikel yang didapatkan menunjukkan hasil bahwa kualitas tidur dan kebugaran jasmani memiliki hubungan yang erat, dengan menjaga kualitas tidur itu sama halnya menjaga kebugaran jasmani. Faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat kebugaran jasmani seseorang tidak hanya disebabkan oleh faktor kualitas tidur. Tingkat kebugaran jasmani dapat ditunjang dengan olahraga ataupun aktivitas fisik. Tingkat kebugaran jasmani yang baik membawa dampak positif terhadap prestasi belajar siswa Sekolah Menengah. Saran perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut dengan menambah variabel penelitian lebih banyak serta menerapkan instrumen tes kebugaran jasmani yang lainnya.
Kata Kunci: aktivitas; kebugaran jasmani; kualitas tidur
Physical fitness is an example of a very important component, especially for adolescents, this is because adolescents have high activity. Physical activity is closely related to physical fitness. Physical activity that is owned by every human being is different, so that their physical fitness is also different. Fatigue will appear when a person feels tired after doing an activity, so that the person will quickly fall asleep. When the level of fatigue experienced by a person gets higher, the quality of sleep will get worse. This study aims to obtain information about whether there is a relationship between physical fitness and sleep quality. This study used a literature review research method using 29 literature sources, 11 of which were used as reviewed data and retrieved from 10 databases (Ejournal Unair, Ejournal Unhas, Google Schoolar, UNY Journal, Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, Journal of Nursing Studies, Journal of SPORTIF, OJS.Unud, Science Direct, Sinta ristekbrin) which shows research on sleep quality and physical fitness. Based on the articles obtained, it shows that the quality of sleep and physical fitness have a close relationship, maintaining sleep quality is the same as maintaining physical fitness. Factors that affect a person's physical fitness level are not only caused by sleep quality factors. The level of physical fitness can be supported by sports or physical activity. A good level of physical fitness has a positive impact on the learning achievement of high school students. Suggestions need to be carried out further research by adding more research variables and applying other physical fitness test instruments.
Keywords: activities; physical fitness; sleep qualit
Pembuatan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Berbasis Web pada Cv X
Pada saat ini CV. X memiliki sistem penjualan retail lokal dan web. Sistem lokal tersebut masih belum diintegerasikan secara maksimal dengan sistem web.Sistem memiliki kekurangan dalam fungsi penyimpanan stok barang dan tidak dapat mengindikasikan stok barang yang menipis, atau barang yang terlaris. Dalam upaya meningkatkan penjualan dan kinerja sistem perusahaan, X ingin mengembangkan bisnisnya dengan mengembangkan sistem informasi penjualan dan pembelian berbasis web. Kebutuhan sistem yang ditemukan adalah sistem pada lokal yang dapat mensinkronisasikan data dengan sistem web. Sistem juga dapat menyediakan informasi yang lengkap, termasuk laporan-laporan tentang kekayaan perusahaan. Sistem juga dilengkapi pembagian peran karena sistem bersifat multiuser. Di dalam Tugas Akhir ini, aplikasi yang ada akan dikembangkan untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah tersebut yaitu Pembuatan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Berbasis Web pada CV. X. Bahasa Pemrograman yang digunakan dalam pembuatan aplikasi ini adalah PHP. PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) merupakan software yang digunakan sebagai dasar untuk membangun sebuah web. Dengan adanya sistem informasi web ini, CV. X mendapat informasi yang berkualitas dari data-data transaksi, karena sistem dapat menghasilkan laporan akuntansi dan laporan-laporan yang berguna untuk mengetahui status transaksi. Dari hasil penelitian dan setelah pengimplementasian sistem, dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa CV. X dapat terbantu dengan adanya sistem baru. CV. X
mendapatkan kemudahan dalam informasi stok barang, informasi penjualan dan informasi penting lainnya. Saran-saran yang diberikan yakni dapat dilengkapi dengan sistem yang dapat menghasilkan laporan-laporan yang lebih lengkap yang
bersifat manajerial, sehingga manajemen CV.X dapat terbantu dengan adanya
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Surimi wash water treatment by chitosan-alginate complexes : effect of molecular weight and degree of deacetylation of chitosan and nutritional evaluation of solids recovered by the treatment
Soluble surimi wash water (SWW) proteins could be recovered using chitosan (Chi) complexed with alginate (Chi-Alg) generating co-products for feed formulations. Chi with a degree of deacetylation (DD) of 84% complexed with Alg at a mixing ratio (MR) of 0.2 was used to study Chi-Alg concentration and treatment time protein recovery effects. Insoluble SWW solids were removed by centrifugation and the supernatant was then adjusted to pH 6. Flocculation at 20°C using Chi-Alg at 20, 40, 100 and 150 mg/L SWW was aided by 5 mm agitation and holding for 30 mm, 1h and 24h. Concentration had an effect between low (20 and 40 mg/L) and high (100 and 150 mg/L) levels. Time had an effect between 30 min and 1h but not between 1 and 24 h. Turbidity reduction was affected only by concentration. 100 mg Chi-Alg/L SWW for 1 h achieved 83% protein adsorption and 97% turbidity reduction while lower concentrations yielding higher adsorption required longer times. Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) analysis of untreated and Chi-Alg treated SWW solids confirmed protein adsorption. Amide band areas normalized against a common 3005-2880 cm⁻¹ region confirmed the high protein recovery by 100 mg Chi-Alg/L SWW. Six Chi samples differing in molecular weight (MW) and degree of deacetylation (DD) were tested to recover soluble SWW solids using 20, 40, and 100 mg Chi-Alg/L SWW (0.2 MR, 1h). High (94%, 93%) and low (75%) DD chitosan had lower protein adsorption (73-75%) when compared to the intermediate (84%) DD chitosan (74-83%). Intermediate DD and high MW Chi seemed to perform better; however, SY-1000 with 94% DD did not follow this trend (79-86% protein adsorption, 85-92% turbidity reduction). Insoluble SWW (P1) and soluble solids (P2) recovered using 150 mg Chi- Alg/L SWW contained 61.4 and 73.1% protein, respectively. Rat diets formulated with 10% protein substitution by P1 and 10% and 15% by P2 had acceptability and protein efficiency ratios (PER) as high as the casein control with no deleterious effects. Rat diets with 100% P2 protein substitution showed higher PER and net protein ratio than the casein control with no deleterious effects. Protein recovered from SWW using Chi-Alg has the potential to be used in commercial feed formulations
Development of Torque and Drag Calculation Software for Oil Well Planning–Part 1: 2D Aadnoy Method
With the increasing number of drilled ultra-extended reach wells and complex geometry wells, the drilling limitation caused by excessive torque and drag forces must be further investigated. The wellbore friction being a main limiting factor in extended reach well needs to be studied with the new developed models. The torque and drag software implement two methods: (1) 2D and 3D analytical model developed by Aadnøy (Aadnoy & Andersen, 1998; Aadnoy & Andersen, 2001; Aadnoy & Djurhuus, 2008; Aadnoy, et al., 2010; Aadnoy, 2010) and (2) Miska and Mitchel, for 2D wellbore (Mitchell, et al., 2011). This paper presents the theory and implementation of 2D Aadnoy method. Quite diverse wellbore trajectory and depth has been chosen for a better evaluation and comparison of the model with the measured data. In order to investigate the potential and limitation of the model, torque and drag analysis during the different operations such as tripping in, tripping out, rotating off bottom, combined up/down were investigated
Aktivitas Antibakteri Madu Pahit Terhadap Bakteri Gram Negatif dan Gram Positif Serta Potensinya Dibandingkan Terhadap Antibiotik Kloramfenikol, Oksitetrasiklin dan Gentamisin
Terdapat beberapa jenis madu pahit tersedia di perdagangan, namun informasi ilmiah mengenai khasiat madu pahit belum banyak diketahui. Secara tradisional madu pahit diduga memiliki efek antibakteri dan dapat menyembuhkan penyakit infeksi, sehingga madu sering digunakan saat pengobatan infeksi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui aktivitas antibakteri madu pahit terhadap bakteri uji Gram negatif dan Gram positif serta mengetahui kesetaraan potensinya terhadap antibiotik kloramfenikol, gentamisin dan oksitetrasiklin. Uji yang dilakukan meliputi analisis fisikokimia (pH, keasaman, kadar air dan konduktivitas elektrik) dan uji aktivitas antibakteri. Uji aktivitas antibakteri dilakukan terhadap 3 bakteri Gram negatif yaitu Salmonella typhimurium, Escherichia coli, dan Pseudomonas aeruginosa serta 5 bakteri Gram positif yaitu Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Enterococcus faecalis, Bacillus cereus, dan Listeria monocytogenes. Sampel madu yang digunakan terdiri dari 7 sampel madu pahit (A, B, C, D, E, F, dan G) dan 2 sampel madu manis (H dan I). Kadar Hambat Minimum (KHM) dan Kadar Bakterisid Minimum (KBM) diuji dengan menggunakan metode dilusi cair (Broth Dilution Method) dengan 10 konsentrasi (madu tanpa pengenceran, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, dan 10% b/v). Madu pahit yang memiliki aktivitas antibakteri paling baik kemudian dibandingkan potensinya terhadap antibiotik kloramfenikol, oksitetrasiklin, dan gentamisin menggunakan metode difusi agar. Ketujuh sampel madu pahit menunjukkan aktivitas antibakteri lebih tinggi terhadap bakteri uji Gram negatif dibandingkan terhadap Gram positif. Diameter hambat terhadap bakteri Gram negatif Salmonella typhimurium dan Escherichia coli masing-masing adalah antara 25,0 sampai 35,9 mm dan 26,2 sampai 35,0 mm. Kadar hambat minimum madu pahit terhadap bakteri uji berada dalam rentang 30-60% b/v sedangkan kadar bakterisid minimum berada dalam rentang 30-80% b/v. Dari hasil uji banding terhadap antibiotik diperoleh hasil bahwa 1 mL madu pahit C dan D masing-masing setara dengan 2,187 dan 1,838 mg kloramfenikol, 0,037 dan 0,032 mg oksitetrasiklin serta 0,013 dan 0,013 mg gentamisin.Kata Kunci: madu pahit, efek antibakteri, kadar hambat minimum (KHM), kadar bakterisid minimum (KBM), antibiotikAbstractThere are several types of "bitter honey" available in the market, however the scientific information about the efficacy of "bitter honey" is not widely known yet. Traditionally, "bitter honey" is known has antibacterial effects and can be used to support treatment of infection disease. Because of that, honey can be used during cure infection disease. The aim of this research are to determine the antibacterial activity of several bitter honey against some Gram negative and Gram positive bacteria and to evaluate the potency of the honey compared to antibiotics i.e chloramphenicol, oxytetracycline, and gentamycin. The analysis consist of physicochemical analysis (pH, acidity, water content, and electric conductivity) and antibacterial activity test. The antibacterial activity was analysed using three Gram negative bacteria (Salmonella typhimurium, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and five Gram positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Enterococcus faecalis, Bacillus cereus, Listeria monocytogenes). Samples of honey used in this research consist of seven samples of bitter honey (A, B, C, D, E, F, and G) and two samples of sweet honey (H and I). Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) have been tested using broth dilution method with 10 concentrations (honey without dilution, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, and 10% w/v). The "bitter honey" that showed the best antibacterial activity then tested for their potential activity against chloramphenicol, oxytetracycline and gentamicin. Seven samples of bitter honey showed higher level of activity against Gram negative than Gram positive bacteria tested. The diameter of inhibition against Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli were 25.0-35.9 mm and 26.2- 35.0 mm. The MIC of bitter honey against the tested bacteria were varies between 30-60% w/v and the MBC between 30- 80% b/v. Based on the result of comparative study to antibiotics, 1 mL of bitter honey C and D are equal to 2.187 and 1.838 mg of chloramphenicol, 0.037 and 0.032 mg of oxytetracycline and 0.013 and 0.013 mg of gentamycin.Keywords: "bitter honey", antibacterial effect, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC), antibiotic
Objective: The present study aims to determine the correlation between age, disease duration, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) among the Indonesian rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients.Methods: The subject was the Indonesian RA patients and healthy control subjects. We were determined the correlation between age, disease duration, and ESR uses statistical analysis. The subjects who participated in the present study are patients who visit the Rheumatology clinic at one governmental hospital in Bandung City, Indonesia. ESR was determined by the modified Westergren's method. R software was conducted to data analysis.Results: The number of subjects was 16.17% of men and 83.33% of women with the range from 20 to 77 y old. All patients received the combination of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs, analgesic, and corticosteroid. The average of disease duration was 8.08+5.73 y. The experimental ESR of the RA patients were 22.50+12.23 mm/h for men and 31.75+15.03 mm/h for women. This value is only slightly higher than the normal value. We suggested that treatment with combination therapy can maintain the ESR.Conclusion: Spearman's correlation showed that there is no correlation between age and disease duration (rho = 0.325), between age and ESR (rho =-0.285), and between disease duration and ESR (rho = 0.039).Â
Prospects and Health Promoting Effects of Brown Algal-derived Natural Pigments
Recently, a great deal of interest has been developed to isolate novel bioactive compounds from marine resources. Among marine resources, marine brown algae are considered valuable sources of structurally diverse bioactive compounds such as chlorophylls and carotenoids. Chlorophyll has been known for its antioxidant activity; meanwhile carotenoid is well known for its anticancer and anti-obesity properties. Therefore, marine brown algal-derived natural pigments have great potential for further development of valuable products in nutraceutical, and pharmaceutical areas. This contribution presents an overview of potential health benefits properties, and prospects of natural pigments derived from marine brown algae.
Keywords: Marine algae, natural pigments, nutraceutical, pharmaceutical
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