8,733 research outputs found

    Heart Rate Patterns Observed in Medical Monitoring

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    Medical monitoring of heart rate patterns during conditions of sleep, quiet rest, breath-holding, hypoxia, and increased g forces of aircraft fligh

    Theory of quantum paraelectrics and the metaelectric transition

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    We present a microscopic model of the quantum paraelectric-ferroelectric phase transition with a focus on the influence of coupled fluctuating phonon modes. These may drive the continuous phase transition first order through a metaelectric transition and furthermore stimulate the emergence of a textured phase that preempts the transition. We discuss two further consequences of fluctuations, firstly for the heat capacity, and secondly we show that the inverse paraelectric susceptibility displays T^2 quantum critical behavior, and can also adopt a characteristic minimum with temperature. Finally, we discuss the observable consequences of our results.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    A repulsive atomic gas in a harmonic trap on the border of itinerant ferromagnetism

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    Alongside superfluidity, itinerant (Stoner) ferromagnetism remains one of the most well-characterized phases of correlated Fermi systems. A recent experiment has reported the first evidence for novel phase behavior on the repulsive side of the Feshbach resonance in a two-component ultracold Fermi gas. By adapting recent theoretical studies to the atomic trap geometry, we show that an adiabatic ferromagnetic transition would take place at a weaker interaction strength than is observed in experiment. This discrepancy motivates a simple non-equilibrium theory that takes account of the dynamics of magnetic defects and three-body losses. The formalism developed displays good quantitative agreement with experiment.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Emergence of stability in a stochastically driven pendulum: beyond the Kapitsa effect

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    We consider a prototypical nonlinear system which can be stabilized by multiplicative noise: an underdamped non-linear pendulum with a stochastically vibrating pivot. A numerical solution of the pertinent Fokker-Planck equation shows that the upper equilibrium point of the pendulum can become stable even when the noise is white, and the "Kapitsa pendulum" effect is not at work. The stabilization occurs in a strong-noise regime where WKB approximation does not hold.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figure

    Itinerant ferromagnetism in an atomic Fermi gas: Influence of population imbalance

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    We investigate ferromagnetic ordering in an itinerant ultracold atomic Fermi gas with repulsive interactions and population imbalance. In a spatially uniform system, we show that at zero temperature the transition to the itinerant magnetic phase transforms from first to second order with increasing population imbalance. Drawing on these results, we elucidate the phases present in a trapped geometry, finding three characteristic types of behavior with changing population imbalance. Finally, we outline the potential experimental implications of the findings.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, typos added, references adde

    Events, processes, and the time of a killing

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    The paper proposes a novel solution to the problem of the time of a killing (ToK), which persistently besets theories of act-individuation. The solution proposed claims to expose a crucial wrong-headed assumption in the debate, according to which ToK is essentially a problem of locating some event that corresponds to the killing. The alternative proposal put forward here turns on recognizing a separate category of dynamic occurents, viz. processes. The paper does not aim to mount a comprehensive defense of process ontology, relying instead on extant defenses. The primary aim is rather to put process ontology to work in diagnosing the current state of play over ToK, and indeed in solving it

    Quasi-analytical formulation for calculation of infiltration and runoff

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    Prepared for USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station.CER81-82-86.December 1981.Bibliography: pages 41-42

    Sedimentation study of the Yazoo River Basin. Phase II, General report

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    CER83-84DBS-RMLGOB22.Prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg District, Vicksburg, Mississippi.November 1983.Includes bibliographical references.Volume II: Appendices is born digital.Contract no. DACW 38-76-C-0193

    Spectral statistics of disordered metals in the presence of several Aharonov-Bohm fluxes

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    The form factor for spectral correlations in a diffusive metal is calculated in the presence of several Aharonov-Bohm fluxes. When the fluxes Ď•\phi are equal, the correlations are universal functions of ng2Ď•n g^2 \phi where gg is the dimensionless conductance and nn is the number of applied fluxes. This explains recent flux dependence of the correlations found numerically at the metal-insulator transition.Comment: 3 pages, Latex, 1 figure, to appear in Phys. Rev. B Rapid Com
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