38,358 research outputs found
āBe Carefully Taughtā: African Americans in Adams County in the 20th Century
Every year over a million visitors flood Adams County, Pennsylvania to tour the famous, or rather infamous, site of the Battle of Gettysburg. While most visitors primarily come to Gettysburg to learn about the battle, many leave with understandings of the unending impact of the Civil War on race relations. However, for a town that sparks such a progressive mentality in some, Adams County, and specifically Gettysburg, is often criticized for being āfrozen in time,ā unwilling to keep up with progressive race relations after the battle ended. A panel entitled āBlack Experiences in Adams County in the 19th & 20th Centuriesā sponsored by the Adams County Historical Society and the Gettysburg College History and Africana Studies departments, addressed the importance of remembering this African American story. The panel included Gettysburg College Professor Scott Hancock, author Peter Levy, and Adams County residents Darryl Jones and Jane Nutter. [excerpt
Extreme Dependence Models
Extreme values of real phenomena are events that occur with low frequency,
but can have a large impact on real life. These are, in many practical
problems, high-dimensional by nature (e.g. Tawn, 1990; Coles and Tawn, 1991).
To study these events is of fundamental importance. For this purpose,
probabilistic models and statistical methods are in high demand. There are
several approaches to modelling multivariate extremes as described in Falk et
al. (2011), linked to some extent. We describe an approach for deriving
multivariate extreme value models and we illustrate the main features of some
flexible extremal dependence models. We compare them by showing their utility
with a real data application, in particular analyzing the extremal dependence
among several pollutants recorded in the city of Leeds, UK.Comment: To appear in Extreme Value Modelling and Risk Analysis: Methods and
Applications. Eds. D. Dey and J. Yan. Chapman & Hall/CRC Pres
An interface element based on the partition of unity
An alternative interface ļ¬nite element is developed. By using the partition of unity property of ļ¬nite element shape functions, discontinuous shape functions are added to the standard ļ¬nite element basis. The interface behaviour is described by extra degrees of freedom at existing nodes, avoiding the need for ādoubled nodesā. The element is kinematically equivalent to a conventional interface element but is more ļ¬exible because it allows the inclusion of interface surfaces within solid elements. In describing interface phenomena, the methodology proposed here makes possible the use of coarser meshes and it is completely insensitive to mesh topology. The new formulation is analysed throughly and comparisons are drawn with the conventional formulation
Models for extremal dependence derived from skew-symmetric families
Skew-symmetric families of distributions such as the skew-normal and skew-
represent supersets of the normal and distributions, and they exhibit
richer classes of extremal behaviour. By defining a non-stationary skew-normal
process, which allows the easy handling of positive definite, non-stationary
covariance functions, we derive a new family of max-stable processes - the
extremal-skew- process. This process is a superset of non-stationary
processes that include the stationary extremal- processes. We provide the
spectral representation and the resulting angular densities of the
extremal-skew- process, and illustrate its practical implementation
(Includes Supporting Information).Comment: To appear in Scandinavian Journal of Statistic
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Discontinuous modelling of crack propagation in a gradient-enhanced continuum
A numerical model for the description of the combined continuous/discontinuous failure in a regularised strain-softening continuum is proposed. The continuum is regularised through the introduction of gradient terms into the constitutive equations. At the transition to discrete failure, the problem fields are enhanced through a discontinuous interpolation based on the partition of unity concept. The discretisation procedure is described in detail and numerical examples illustrate the performance of the combined continuous/discontinuous approach
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A novel technique for modelling interfaces in reinforced brittle materials
A novel numerical technique for the modelling of interfaces is introduced for the analysis of reinforced brittle materials. The method exploits the partition of unity property of finite element shape functions. By considering finite element shape functions as partitions of unity, extra degrees of freedom are added to the nodes at the interface between the matrix and reinforcement. A gradient-enhanced damage model is used to simulate the continuum response. Numerical results for a three-point bending test and a pull-out test are presented. The numerical procedure proposed here is suitable for a great variety of applications ranging from discrete cracking and steel-concrete interaction in concrete to delamination processes in composite materials
The data aggregation problem in quantum hypothesis testing
We discuss the implications of quantum-classical Yule-Simpson effect for
quantum hypothesis testing in the presence of noise, and provide an
experimental demonstration of its occurrence in the problem of discriminating
which polarization quantum measurement has been actually performed by a
detector box designed to measure linear polarization of single-photon states
along a fixed but unknown direction.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figs, published versio
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