7 research outputs found
The Crisis And Central Bank Reaction
The world economy is in the face of the strongest crisis of the last seventy years. This crisis is still ongoing, but authorities in many countries have already taken a series of measures to mitigate the effects. In this fight, the central banks are the first line. It is still too early to draw any lessons from the events taking place, but a reflection "sine ira et studio" over this experience is already possible. This paper aims to analyze this experience through the policies implemented by central banks to cope with the crisis.central bank, crisis, liquidity, regulation
Liberalizarea mişcărilor de capital – consecinţe asupra conduitei politicii monetare
The liberalisation of capital flows makes in the Romanian economy vulnerable to the important and presumably unstable capitals.economic development theory, bank, financial market, foreign exchange rate, capital flows, monetary policy, interest rate
Criza şi redefinirea rolului băncilor centrale
Central banks are at the epicenter of the current crisis. Accused of�starting the crisis or, conversely, praised for having worked to overcome it, central banks need to draw conclusions stemming from the global crisis and to undertake necessary reforms. At present, when the crisis appears to be complete and a new era of growth seems to commence, central banks face a certain number of problems.central bank, economic cycle, credit, crisis, currency, monetary policy
Turbulenţele de pe pieţele financiare internaţionale: cauze, consecinţe, remedii
The turbulences on the international financial markets are rather connected to the downfall of the American mortgage market than to the generalised insolvency of the debtors.divergence, bank, financial market, loan, mortgage market, subprime, risk
Creşterea rapidă a creditului: pericole şi remedii
The paper analyses the swift growth of bank loans granted to the nongovernmental sector with a special attention on the case of Romania, concluding that it creates several perils for the macroeconomic and financial stability.financial stability, credit growth, supervisory and prudential policies
Criza şi reglementările financiare
Without detailing the argumentation of various positions, it can be said that there are five main doctrinal orientations, with as many corresponding forms of political action – classical liberalism, welfare state, Keynesianism, direct interventionism, neo-liberalism – each expressing a certain attitude towards State presence in the economy, whether or not the latter is facing a crisis.free market, State interventionism, economic crisis, financial regulations