5 research outputs found
Media Pembelajaran merupakan alat perantara dalam memberikan materi kepada
anak didik dalam proses pembelajaran. Di zaman modern, media pembelajaran sudah
bermacam - macam, bukan hanya berupa buku yang menjadi media pembelajaran akan
tetapi handphone dan komputer bisa menjadi sebuah media pembelajaran. Namun dalam
media pembelajaran untuk anak usia dini media harus mampu menciptakan imajinasi
pada anak, dan bukan hanya bergambar saja. Belakangan ini banyak media yang
berkembang berupa gambar 3 dimensi, sebagian orang menyebutnya buku pop – up.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendesain dan mengembangkan media buku pop up sebagai
alternatif media pembelajaran kemampuan keaksaraan pada anak usia dini.
Penelitian ini menggunakan Research and Development (RnD) dengan model
pengembangan ISI-ARE yang mempunyai 6 tahapan yaitu: (1) Investigation (2) Strategy
(3) Improve (4) Assessment (5) Realization (6) Estimation. Instrumen yang digunakan
terdiri dari lembar validasi materi, lembar validasi media, dan lembar validasi bahasa
lembar kepraktisan guru, dan lembar respon peserta didik, penelitian ini dilakukan di TK
Puri Handayani Kedaton Bandar Lampung.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini menggambarkan bahwa media buku pop – up
dikembangkan dengan metode yang modern dengan menggunakan aplikasi adobe
illustrator sehingga lebih menarik dan imajinatif serta layak digunakan sebagai salah satu
media alternatif dalam mengembangkan kemampuan keaksaraan anak usia dini. Dapat
diilihat dari hasil skor rata – rata validasi ahli media mendapatkan skor sebesar 95%, ahli
materi mendapatkan skor 92,73% dan ahli bahasa mendapatkan skor sebesar 80%, uji
aspek kepraktisan pendidik mendapatkan skor 93,4%, uji coba kelompok kecil peserta
didik mendapatkan hasil 88% dan uji coba lapangan memperoleh hasil 89,4% yang
masuk dalam kriteria sangat layak Berdasarkan paparan diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa
produk media buku pop – up sebagai alternatif media pembelajaran yang dikembangkan
oleh peneliti dinyatakan layak digunakan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan keaksaraan
anak usia dini.
Kata Kunci : Media Buku Pop – Up, Model ISI ARE, Kemampuan Keaksaraan Anak
Usai Din
Peranan Guru Dalam Menanamkan Rasa Percaya Diri Siswa di SMP PGRI 2 Bekri
The purpose of this study is to put explanation forward teachers role in giving students self-confidence at PGRI junior high school 2 Bekri Lampung Tengah Regency the year 2016/2017. Descriptive research was used with qualitative approach as the research method in this research. The research population was 67 respondents. The main data collecting technique used was questionnaire, and technique persetage was also used as the data analysis technique. Based on the data and result of the research. It had found the teacher has less role in giving students self-confidence, especially the teacher have not done yet their role meticulously as the educator in giving students sense of self-confidence. The teacher have not done yet their role meticulously as the trainer in giving students sense of self-confidence. And, The teacher have not done yet their role precisely as the motivator in giving students sense of self-confidence at the PGRI junior high school 2 Bekri the year 2016/2017.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan peranan guru dalam menanamkan rasa percaya diri siswa di SMP PGRI 2 Bekri Kabupaten Lampung Tengah Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan populasi yang berjumlah 67 responden. Teknik pokok pengumpulan data menggunakan angket, analisis data menggunakan teknik presentase`Berdasarkan data dan hasil penelitian, diketahui guru kurang berperan dalam menanamkan rasa percaya diri siswa khususnya guru belum maksimal menjalankan peranannya sebagai pendidik dalam menanamkan rasa percaya diri, guru belum maksimal menjalankan peranannya sebagai pembimbing dalam menanamkan rasa percaya diri, guru belum maksimal menjalankan peranannya sebagai pelatih dalam menanamkan rasa percaya diri, dan guru belum maksimal menjalankan peranannya sebagai motivator dalam menanamkan rasa percaya diri siswa di SMP PGRI 2 Bekri tahun pelajaran 2016/2017.Kata kunci : peranan guru, rasa percaya diri, sisw
Acoustic Detection of Vaccine Reactions in Hens for Assessing Anti-Inflammatory Product Efficacy
Acoustic studies on poultry show that chicken vocalizations can be a real-time indicator of the health conditions of the birds and can improve animal welfare and farm management. In this study, hens vaccinated against infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) were acoustically recorded for 3 days before vaccine administration (pre-reaction period) and also from vaccination onwards, with the first 5 days being identified as the “reaction period” and the 5 following days as “post reaction”. The raw audio was pre-processed to isolate hen calls and the 13 Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients; then, the spectral centroid and the number of vocalizations were extracted to build the acoustic dataset. The experiment was carried out on the same farm but in two different houses. The hens from one house were assigned to the control group, without administration of the anti-inflammatory product, and the other formed the treatment group. Both acoustic data sets were recorded and processed in the same way. The control group was used to acoustically model the animal reaction to the vaccine and we automatically detected the hens’ vaccine reactions and side effects through acoustics. From Scikit-Learn algorithms, Gaussian Naive Bayes was the best performing model, with a balanced accuracy of 80% for modeling the reactions and non-reactions caused by ILT in the control group. Furthermore, the importance of algorithm permutation highlighted that the centroid and MFCC4 were the most important features in acoustically detecting the ILT vaccine reaction. The fitted Gaussian Naive Bayes model allowed us to evaluate the treatment group to determine if the vocalizations after vaccine administration were detected as non-reactions, due to the anti-inflammatory product’s effectiveness. Of the sample, 99% of vocalizations were classified as non-reactions, due to the anti-inflammatory properties of the product, which reduced vaccine reactions and side effects. The non-invasive detection of hens’ responses to vaccination to prevent respiratory problems in hens described in this paper is an innovative method of measuring and detecting avian welfare
Trend and Representativeness of Acoustic Features of Broiler Chicken Vocalisations Related to CO<sub>2</sub>
The concentration of CO2 is relatively large in poultry farms and high accumulations of this gas reduce animal welfare. Good control of its concentration is crucial for the health of the animals. The vocalizations of the chickens can show their level of well-being linked to the presence of carbon dioxide. An audio recording system was implemented and audio raw data was processed to extract acoustical features from four cycles of forty days, three of them from the same farm. This research aims to find the most relevant acoustic features extracted from the broiler’s calls that are related to the CO2 concentration and that could help to automate procedures. The results are encouraging since MFCC 6, 9, 4 and 3 are the most important features that relate the vocalizations of the chickens to the gas concentration, furthermore there is a clear and more similar representativeness trend during birds’ life period from day 15 to day 40